Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Meeting With Author Richard Grant

I met Richard Grant today. A staff member pointed out to me that he was checking our catalogue, so I walked up to him and had a chat with him. I told him how much I loved reading his book, "Nothing matters". It was an easy read and a small book. He gave me a signed copy of the above book as well as his new book "Give it no thought: know the cause.

He mentioned that his books are based on the philosohy of Walter Russell, the guy who made the first atomic bomb. About this guy Richard said, "He had a conversation with God for 39 days staright and he wrote whatever was revealed to him." Walter Russell wrote the book 'The message of the divine iliad: the dawn of a new day in human relations. vol 1 and 2'.

Walter Russell also wrote the book 'A new concept of the universe'. Richard mentioned that Walter's wife Lao Russell is the one who simplified his work to help average people understand what Walter wanted to convey. Lao Russell wrote "God will work with you but not for you: a living philosophy".

Richard mentioned to me that he use to wear glasses. Then he realised that its his belief that he has a week eyesight that is making him wear glasses. So he stopped wearing them and started reading believing that there is nothing wrong with his eyesight and now he reads perfectly well without the glasses. Upon hearing this, I told him that I have a problem with my memory, "I forget". Richard advised me to not verbalise the negative stuff. He said that each time I say this, I give power to this thought. He said, "Richard "the I AM" and Surinder "The I AM" is perfect. Its only the belief of the Richard or Surinder "Not the I AM / THE GOD" that makes me imperfect.

Richard mentioned in the conversation that nothing is an accident. On this I told him that I had requested "THE GOD" yesterday to return me to the state I was at - when I wanted to meditate whenever possible and I could so easily communicate with the universe. Today Richard Grant walked into my workplace made me believe again that the universe answers to me all the time.

Its great on one hand but the worry is that I have started thinking negative thoughts and the universe listens and answers regardless. I have to be extra careful of what I think and believe in.

I asked Richard if he does sit down meditations with eyes closed etc. He doesn't do that. He does walking meditation. It was interesting to hear that he does most of his work at night. He said that he visualise his next days chores being done and does them at night. Visualise positive stuff and it will happen. He has always thought about GOD / UNIVERSE.
Richards webiste - http://www.giveitnothought.com/