Thursday, November 20, 2014

Abolish religion, God is within

Good people become bad when it's about religion.

It's our beliefs that are killing us. The belief, "I must do the right thing by my religion and I must sacrifice myself  in the interest of my religion."
We all agree  that Jihad is wrong because we are not Muslims. It's easy to agree when someone else is being proven wrong.

Jerusalem synagogue attack in which five people died has been condemned worldwide but we will forget about it soon because we have learnt to live with Arab- Israel conflict. 

In our minds it's a political issue not of our region, therefore ignore it. I would agree that it's is a political issue not religious. Whenever, one religion is undesired by the other and action is taken to diminish or demolish the other religion; it is and should be classed a political issue not religious. History has countless examples of prime religious personalities of all religions becoming the political target.

If all countries were secular nations, there would be piece in the countries. If people were spiritual but not strictly religious, there would be peace within. Our political nature, the nature to bring the other and his religion down will be pacified.

The only place God is found is if you look within. Meditate every day to connect with your higher self. Nitnem - daily practice of meditation is the only common theme in all religions and yet this is the lesson not often talked about in religious buildings.

Talking about the history and life of religious figures and religious politics takes all of our religious time in these buildings. We all know that politics of a workplace can turn us off from liking the workplace and the people that play these games. In case of religion, the more involved a person becomes in the politics of a religion, the more dedicated to the religion, she/he is considered. That's awkward. 

Don't fool yourself. If you truly want to know God and be in his good books, know that God is within who can't be fooled. God doesn't like the politics of religion. God is found in love, peace, compassion and gratitude. God is found when you have a relationship with yourself and a daily commitment to spend time with yourself. If you are ever confused if your actions are Godly, only consider if your actions are going to harm anyone. If the answer is Yes, reconsider your actions because God does to discriminate between people of different religions. If God did discriminate and gave points for raising the profile of your religion by harming others, it wouldn't be God. Please know that God is not a gender based personality. God is not a personality. God is it. It's a phenomena that occurs in the creation of the universe and therefore within us too. 

God can not be proven with a scientific experiment. It's power is vast. But God is an intelligent source of all things that can be accessed easily, if deeply desired. Since IT is intelligent and logical, it can't be fooled by religious politics. So beware and choose your path wisely. Regions alliances can lead to non-religious path. So look after yourself. Find time daily, possibly in the early hours of morning, to meditate and seek God within.

When Guru Nanak, the founder of yet another religion, set out with his message that nobody is Muslim, nobody is Hindu, he meant for us all to focus on the fact that we are humans and to place humanity ahead of religious interests. Every awakened / enlightened personality knows this. So wake up.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bypassing law of Karma

The law of Karma states, " As you sow, so shall you reap". It is a vicious circle or a spiral. You do a wrong deed, so you get a bad result. The bad outcome leads you to another bad deed. For example, A simple misunderstanding or different perception can lead you to make a comment that can upset someone. So they do or say something to upset you. So starts a new circle that leads to hatred. The only way out is to forgive or simply change your focus to another person or situation. Therefore, the need to raise your vibration. This is where good company / sangat or Guru comes into play. Both of these help you rise above the situation and see from a broader perspective.

Sangat or Guru are found with Gods Grace. God does not discriminate. This statement also supports the karmic law but also gives hope to bypass the law. Karmic law operates as a default program to run the physical plane. The beliefs that you create based on your experiences of life as a result, register in the mental plane and play a major part in how you experience the akashic plane / the unseen non-physical plane.

You live in the non- physical plane each night when you sleep that is equal to temporary death. In fact, sleep time is your best time to gauge how you are going in the akashic plane. Each time to turn sides while asleep, make an effort to remember what you were dreaming about only minutes ago. When you deliberately ask this question, you will remember your dream and will be surprised how petty tasks you were engaged in and how ridiculous the dream was. You will wonder why you didn't take control of the situation in the dream. Why were you running away from ...... Why were you so scared?

The point is that as soon as you become aware, you take charge. You no longer have to experience the default dream or default program. Awareness comes from observing, witnessing and realising. Observe life, witness your own reaction to situations and realise the vicious circle you are in. Are you in a race to win? Life wasn't meant to be a race. Some people are running doesn't mean you have to join their race. You run your own race. Have a different goal.

Above the karmic law, is the rule that God provides help and support to those who ask for it. For all others, is the karmic law to take care of everyday affairs. You have to first observe yourself to become aware if the situation you are in, before you decide that you need help and intervention from a higher source to help you rise above and get out of the downward spiral. Once you realise and seek help, there is no doubt that it will come. Every time, you ask, you will get it provided you initiate by asking. If you are too busy to ask, then universe is too busy to provide. Again, it's tit for tat.

As said earlier, God does not discriminate. It's not going to give you more than you ask for. Most people fail themselves when it comes to asking. They ask for too little thinking that is the polite way, but that is not the right way. Try to make a difference on a bigger scale. Don't just ask for your welfare, ask for the welfare of the universe. When asking for information, ask God to show you how the universe was created? Ask big questions and be surprised.

Close your eyes and observe yourself. You are the centre of the universe. Get to your centre before you spread outwards. Become one dot near your belly button and then breath out. Feel your non physical self. With each breath in become the dot and each breath out Spread yourself  as much as the room you are in. Then slowly become the universe. Now you are the universe and you can access any information you seek. What would you like to know? You can become whatever you want to be. Who would you like to be? You can have whatever you want. What do you want? Things or a state of being? Do you want to be peaceful, happy and in harmony with the universe? Ask what you want and  receive.

When your thoughts are at rest, so is the karmic law. When you are in Gods union, you are above Karma.