Saturday, January 30, 2016

Scams, fraud, lies and spirituality

I had a customer sitting in front of a computer crying. She was so upset and distort that she couldn't think of her email password. She kept saying that I just want to print out those bills attached to my email and take them to Telstra, a big Internet provider, and make sure that I don't owe them any money. She never had an ADSL broadband account with Telstra but the bills indicated that she owed them money from two years ago and these debt collectors were chasing over $200 because of the three bills from April 2014. Without doubt, the bills looked like they were from Telstra and anyone would have paid thinking they must have slipped up the payment except that she never had a landline (home phone connection) during that time to be able to get broadband internet and she had moved out out of the given address by that date. So she was suspicious. After my investigation on NSW fair trading department website I found out that it was a scam registered in their list Of scams with many new scams since it was first reported.
It begged the question why do people engage in big scams. Do their employees know that they are employed by the scammer or not?
When this customer went out the door asking this question why have they done this to me, my unplanned response was, "because society values money more than anything else" and thought I my head that this is the price we pay for having money as the highest goal. We believe in appearances. When we see a guy in a suit and a tie we naturally give them more respect. More expensive the clothing is, more respect and professionalism is showered. So those who don't succeed in making money the right way, then try to make it the wrong way because ultimately the goal is to make money, no matter how. Why have we come to this low standard of behaviour?

We take selfies, put on best clothes, buy better cars and show ourselfs to the world on social media. We call it style, then we build a reputation of being a celebrity and when we have enough followers we get paid by companies to market their products. All well and good because money is circulating and the economy is working in this model but we forgot to ask the deeper questions. First of those questions is that we forgot that there is half the population somewhere on this planet that doesn't have a mobile phone to take a selfie and share it on the Internet. We forgot that these half brothers and sisters can't even afford today's meal. They are hungry. They have children with expectations and hopes that parents will bring in food and clothing today or the next day. When we forget them altogether and leave them no chance of success what are they going to try as a next step?

If we focus back on the Internet community since we are familiar with it, we again fail to ask the deeper questions like what is the young chick trying to sell when she creates the Facebook page 'sex sells, money talks and drugs work'? Yes, it's the truth but what is she going to get out of wearing clothes that seem to promote all of the facts she's stated?

Is it not true that everyone wants money and then everyone wants to be famous? Once they become a millionaire, then one in a hundred promises to do some charity and give away a couple of dollar. Isn't it saying in other words that I will first take more than a fair share of the wealth and then I will give a little bit back to show that I am a good person? Why not take a fair share in the first place, so you don't have to do charity? Contentment makes you a King not more money, says Guru Nanak. When you are contented, then you rule the world. When you are not contented, you are a beggar. Begged wants and King gives. They are the only two actions. Who do you beg from and who do you give to? What do you beg for and what do you give? If we could only beg for healthy and happy life for all, society wouldn't be so money hungry. Food wouldn't be thrown into bins instead of putting in people's mouth. Our success would 't be judged based I how many investment properties we own. When we stop that judgement, people would feel safe investing in uplifting someone else instead of buying that next investment property. We won't abandon our parents and later take them to nursing homes, never to visit them again. We would value their love and light around our house. Instead of how much I earn, the focus will be on how I treat others.

Rather than how much I make, the focus will be on what do I sell? Is what I sell, good for people's health and wellbeing or just for my pocket? If we ever focused on that our supermarkets would' the full of sugar and no nutrition. We have taken thought out of the process of making a living and re only focused on making a living somehow. That's what's wrong with us. If by lying to the government would give us a pension or bigger welfare cheque, we take it. On the other hand governments make rules to suit big corporations and save their dollars, increase their profits at the expense of lower pay for millions of people and bad health due to their dodgy products. So who is a scammer? The little guy that got caught or the government and big corporations looting people in the broad daylight? Where is fairness, justice and equality?

We work with our heads not with our hearts. This needs to change. Head keeps us in the survival mode and always says get out of trouble even if it is at the expense of putting the other in trouble. The heart wants win-win situation for everyone and welfare of everyone. Guru Nanak teaches the way of the heart. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Difference in physical life and the afterlife

Do you get upset with life because there is too much to do and not enough time? Do you feel that you don't get enough time for meditation and contemplation? Your feelings are valid because there are reasons for us to feel frustrated.

Before this life, we were a thought form. We had ideas we wanted to express through action but we had no body to help us achieve the goals. We also had emotions then. We were connected to the feelings of others. It's not the words but the emotions expressed through words that are visible to the souls in the other world. That's why its important to add emotion to your prayer, otherwise its meaningless.

A prayer may bring help from the other side but it also instills firmly in our minds what is it that we really want. Half the battle in life is about not being sure of what we want and how we would like to achieve it. It may be because we may have taken birth after being inspired to achieve something specific but after seeing others, we may have diverted from that goal to fit in with the rest of the society. This brings discord within. The soul remembers what it wanted to achieve but the mind wants to fit the image provided by the society as it was programmed early in life to follow the authority or there will be negative consequences.

To achieve harmony between the goals chosen before birth and after birth, we need time with ourselves to negotiate. A quiet time helps us slip into ourselves and recall that void we came from. Once you are connected to your unconscious mind that was your companion before birth, you will recall. Once connected, you will also connect to other thought forms of the same vibration. It's like having a meeting within yourself for collaboration. These meetings give you new ideas and inspirations. Just like they say planning is the key to success, these meditative moments provide you that time to recall, feel inspired and to take action.

The only thing missing in the spirit world is the body, a vehicle to move and take physical action. Now you have that vehicle that you so desired to fulfil your dream to take action and you forgot what that goal for the action was. Isn't that a tragedy. So its clear that we need to be reminded of that goal and nobody can do it for us. We must look inside us in solace and recall.

Once we remember what we wanted to achieve, we must take action as this life is not forever. Each day we are falling short of time to take action.

The big mistake we make is when we forget the balance between planning and action. Similarly, we forget the balance between contemplation and action. Most of us chose the life of action but forget to contemplate on what action we were suppose to take. We end up following the money and wherever we find money, we are attracted to that path. Some choose the religious path and slowly turn that into a way to make money or fame. A few who become spiritual then forget the path of action. They get indulged in meditation and all talk about God, the invisible wise being that we are[ forgetting that when the physical body is gone, all they can do is stay in the higher vibration they have achieved. They won't be able to take any action to improve the physical life then.

One thing is clear to me though, that you can't raise your vibration any further after you leave the physical body. If you die doing mundane jobs and didn't contemplate on higher self, then in your afterlife also your thoughts will stay on the same vibration and you will only be able to connect with others of the same vibration. Like drug addicts seek drug suppliers, a seeker seeks a teacher for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The law of the universe is 'You shall find what you seek'. Note the omissions here, you shall never find what you don't seek. If you are seeking trouble you will find it somewhere close by. If you are seeking peace, you will also find it within the very situation you are in. It's not the situation but what you are looking for within it.

You change your goal and your path will change automatically. This will change your vibration and then you will start meeting a different calibre of people. These are the benefits of physical life only. In afterlife, you are trapped in the same vibration for a long time until you take rebirth and then change your vibration. So Guru Nanak says, "Manas janam dulambh hai, oh na varo var". This human lifetime is precious, you don't get such opportunity everytime. There is no guarantee that your rebirth will be as a human. You might take an animal, bird or plant life form (or any other life form that we humans may not even be aware of).

Making money is only a means to an end while you are a human. This goal is not helping with achieving our pre-birth goals or after-death life. The getting rich goal doesn't help raise your vibration either. Higher vibration comes quickest from soulful music, meditation and contemplation. It also comes from unconditional love and actions that help others with humbleness. Giving raises vibration only when it doesn't expand your ego. Ego keeps us closer to physical life and higher vibration lightens the soul and raises the vibration from earthly bondages. This improves the quality of the afterlife.

Watch your dreams, write them down and work out if you died today what vibration level you will fit in the afterlife. Would you be comfortable and merry? Afterlife and before rebirth can be a very long and painful time, if you do not contemplate on it now. The time for action is now.