Wednesday, October 17, 2018

God is light and technology is full of it

What is a plant attracted to?  Light.  A seed find its way to the light source.  Humans are not much different from plants.  Could it be that we are addicted to technology simply because these devices are made of glass that emits light?

In meditation as well,  the goal is to close your eyes and see the internal light.  First we reach the midbrain, the part of the brain that stimulates sound and light.
Many saints have described their spiritual experiences where they say God has a thousand eyes or that they heard a sound if thunder followed by other experiences. 
Our goal is to calm the mind and become an observer of the mind,  instead of the technology.  A bored mind is the most useful mind. Stop entertaining it.  Let it be bored.  This will lead to stillness,  followed by contemplation.  It's a higher function of the mind.  Watching is what we do all the time weather its YouTube or instagram. We have to take the mind to a higher function and superficial thinking is not the higher function.  It's your ego's way of fooling you in believing that you are busy and hence productive.
Don't let it fool you.  Being busy in mind is the worse thing.  Give yourself time to not do 10 things at a time.  Stop socialising.  They are not dependent on you.  Their happiness is not in liking your posts.  They don't exist for that purpose.  Nobody is following your story.  They are simply fooling themselves by keeping busy,  and believing that they are connected to others. 
To really connect with someone,  you need to disconnect and contemplate.  The same goes for the universe.  Relax by taking one deep breath.  That felt good.  Now take one more deep breath and notice your body relax more deeply.  Go drink one or two glasses of water,  visit the washroom,  if you need to before you sit down in a comfortable posture in a quiet place.  Turn off technology around you and the lights.  You need to enjoy the darkness first.  Then your mind will find a light source. That's it's innate ability to survive.  Let it find the light source and create images of all sorts.  Just watch the stories it tells you and the images it shows you.  Simply smile and let it go.  Do not get caught in any one thought or story your mind is generating to entertain you.  Your mind is your movie theatre.  You know that none of the scenes it's showing you are everlasting.  The movie will end and the show of your life will be over soon. Your eyes will be shut that day.  You will no longer be able to use your body to express how you feel, to the grieving family. How will you communicate then?  What would you be able to influence.  You will still exist and you will have access to the five raw elements that created life in the first place - air,  water, light,  earth and space.
Observe these elements now.  Understand and try to manipulate these in gentle ways using your breath. 
Air is the carrier of subtle things.
Water gives life and Earth holds it.
You need space to grow your thoughts and actions.
Light shows you direction.
These are your real friends.  Embrace them.  Listen to what they are saying.  

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Science, marijuana and shiva’s fountain

Lod shiva, the hindu God is associated with marijuana. He is depicted in inages as wrapped in snakes at many points on his body. It is said that the biggest river of India, the river ganges comes from shivas head. This is the symbolic story describing the effects of having marijuana.
In short, marijuana relaxes the body muscles in stages. It has a delayed reaction time. About four hours after the.intake, the intensity of the drug is felt.
The marijuana users come our with some out of the box ideas because of the brain connectivity that increases with the intake. These users also show signs of lack of empathy. Utlimately, a study proves,  regular and heavy use shrinks the grey matter of the brain.
This study provides sone leads to follow on how it works, the subject of my enquiry. The reason for my enquiry is that it is said that in shiva tradition, marijuana is used to initially give a taste of a spiritual experience but ultimately you learn to have such experiences without the use of drug. My personal experience suggests that the spiritual experiences are far superior in quality and long term effect on wellveing than the drug induced effects. However, the drug used effect is similar in physical sensations it causes and the fact that you see visions. The negative conscequence is that the visions are not in your control at all. Every action depicted in the visions is very fast followed by multiplication of the image by several times. Before the images, one feels the pressure behind the base of the nose. Then you feel the energy going upwards, just like a fountain of energy towards the top of the headand then coming forward in between the two eyes. This is shivas real fountain. I wonder if it the result of extra activity caused in the trochlear nerve.
When the muscles in the brain relax, brain starts to function faster. The THC stimulates the Tectum in the midbrain, responsible for visual and auditory function. Midbrain also has the four crainial nerves. When the midbrain relaxes, the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid must increase casing the sensation of energy rush from the base of the nose upwards.
“the neural tube is the embryonic precursor to the central nervous system.”
 “the cells of the neural plate form a cord-like structure that migrates inside the embryo and hollows to form the tube.”

In deep meditation, you divide the body for focus on frontal axis and saggital axis.