The purpose of life is not to find happiness and luxury only. For if that was the case, our standard .Of living has improved a lot, yet you find more people depressed and diseased. TED has a beautiful succulent video on this topic that mentioned four pillars of life which included a sense of belonging, selfless service and a purpose in life. That is what any organisation provides whether it's a religious organisation. Sporting group. Volunteer group or a job. When your day is scheduled around a goal, it also gives you organisation, reason to live and less chaos.
People crave company of others and admiration because of a sense of belonging. Those who learn to love their own company and enjoy mindfulness no longer seek others company and admiration. They see oneness with all creation and hence they are never alone. They belong to theceeation and admire the creator, that is giving praise to someone else and feel worthy as their purpose is to admire the creation and it's creator. So you see its not difficult to have a sense of belonging and purpose in life. When you feel satisfied with your purpose, you no longer chase the dollar, you are content with the existing way of life. To feel part of the nature simply live outdoors more.
We have created these fortresses called houses and workplaces with bricks and concrete that separates us from the nature, a big cause of depression.
Create a garden, take care of plants and share the produce to access your share of selfless service. At night, make a habit of looking to the sky and admiring the stars and the open sky.
We are part of big magic that we do not understand., get in the habit of wondering to access the feeling of amazement.