Monday, March 29, 2010

Does the universe have a destiny?

The article in the Discover magazine of April 2010, p43 mentions three major cosmological enigmas. First mystery - Why the expansion of the universe is currently speeding up; Second - Why some cosmic rays appear to have energies higher than the bounds of normal physics allo; third - How galaxies acquired their magnetic fields. Davies and Botero want to find out "wheather Mother Nature has been doing her own postselections, causing these unexpected effects to appear."

I recommend read the article "Back to the future -mounting evidence that the arrow of time is a lie", p 38-44, april 2010 issue

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Purifying oneself before kundalini activation is important

It is important to purify onself and activaye chakras before kundalini activation says Choa Koh Sui in her book "The ancient science and art of Pranic Healing." She says on p. 237, "ptherwise, serious pranic congestion will occur if too much kundalini energy goes to the relatively underactivated chakras which are still small in size, resulting in serious physical ailments or discomforts." I know from personal experience that the above statement is true.

If you read my blog in Bhai Amolak Singh, you will read that he disclosed that his Nabhkamal - Sacrel Chakra opened in 1980's. He also mentioned that he felt then that if he wanted enlightenment, he could have it. But he refused be free from the cycle of life and death. He claimed that he asked the universe to give him chance to serve Sikhs for another five lives before he becomes free of the birth cycle. This guy now suffers from Diabeties - failure of pancreas - the same area of the body where his kundalini energy went and opened a lotus flower and he smelt the kasturi smell. I must add here that this Sikh still has some sort of Charisma. I sat with him and talked for upto 2 am in the morning. He has something so pious about him that made me respect him and yet he also had obsessions about washing his utensils. and other ideas that I do not endorse.

I also tried to stop my kundalini from progressing, although for the opposite reason. I want enlightenment and Moksha but I thought my kundalini had gone to right hand side rather than through Sushmina, as I want. The energy had gone from the Solar Plexus to the head, as a lightning strike does. For a couple of day, I felt heaviness in my head. There is no other explanation for that uneasiness in my head, other than the fact that I had received too much energy when my chakra wasn't big enough to receive that much charge. To stop the kundalini, so it recedes back, to give myself more time to cleanse my body and open the chakras more, hoping it happens everytime I meditate; I slept curled up on one side rather that keeping my back straight. Then I came across a website that said that trying to stop the kundalini can result in serious disease or sometimes even death. Well, that stopped me from sleeping curled up but I still didn't meditate for a few days just in case kundalini would have proceded further on its already chosen path.

I have had deep meditation sessions since then but Kundalini has not been active again. Only way I know and believe in to cleanse myself is to meditate with love and devotion. I didn't know anything about opening chakras when my heart chakra opened up, so I guess, I don't need to try to open anything. Guru Nanak is with me and knows what step is required when. I know I did want my kundalini to awaken after I read that the nice stages after meditation are all temporary until kundalini reaches the seventh chakra, 10th gate, and then connects 7th and 1st chakra.

I undetstand that the above mentioned path of kundalini is like a Moebus Band of Mathematics where the object can be in both circles without leaving either of them. I believe moebus Band perfectly portrays how kundalini helps a person live in the physical and the spiritual world at the same time. I do want this permanent stage of eterenal bliss. I know the feeling, no worldly possession can give me the perfect pleasure I had when my Heart chakra opened. I think after an unfortunate incident because of a stupid man, my heart chakra has since closed again. Only God knows why I had to have that incident in my life at that time when I was at the height of my spirituality. This incident brought me back to dirt again. Its hard to open my heart again and believe that God prevades in all, when I felt the Satan so closely.

I think I have lost the plot now. I keep doing meditation or keep thinking about it. I should be spending that time fixing my tax papers. I wish God could help me do that.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saint Kabir's meditation experience

The following Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 92, is similar to what Guru Nanak experienced and what Eddie expalins in her near-death experience, that I have mention in my older blogs.

Siree Raag, Devotee Kabeer Jee:

acharaj eaek sunahu rae pa(n)ddeeaa ab kishh kehan n jaaee ||
Listen, O religious scholar: the One Lord alone is Wondrous; no one can describe Him.

sur nar gan ga(n)dhhrab jin mohae thribhavan maekhulee laaee ||1||
He fascinates the angels, the celestial singers and the heavenly musicians; he has strung the three worlds upon His Thread. ||1||

raajaa raam anehadh ki(n)guree baajai ||
The Unstruck Melody of the Sovereign Lord's Harp vibrates;

jaa kee dhisatt naadh liv laagai ||1|| rehaao ||
by His Glance of Grace, I was lovingly attuned to the Sound-current of the Naad. ||1||Pause||

bhaat(h)ee gagan si(n)n(g)iaa ar chu(n)n(g)iaa kanak kalas eik paaeiaa ||
The Tenth Gate of my crown chakra is the distilling fire, and the channels of the Ida and Pingala are the funnels, to pour in and empty out the golden vat.
Vat = A large vessel, especially one used for holding in an immature state, chemical preparations for dyeing, tanning or the like.

this mehi dhhaar chuai ath niramal ras mehi rasan chuaaeiaa ||2||

Into that vat, there trickles a gentle stream of the most sublime and pure essence of all distilled essences. ||2||

eaek j baath anoop banee hai pavan piaalaa saajiaa ||
Something wonderful has happened-the breath has become the cup.

theen bhavan mehi eaeko jogee kehahu kavan hai raajaa ||3||

In all the three worlds, such a Yogi is unique. What king can compare to him? ||3||

aisae giaan pragattiaa purakhotham kahu kabeer ra(n)g raathaa ||

This spiritual wisdom of God, the Supreme Soul, has illuminated my being. Says Kabeer, I am attuned to His Love.

aour dhunee sabh bharam bhulaanee man raam rasaaein maathaa ||4||3||

All the rest of the world is deluded by doubt, while my mind is intoxicated with the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||4||3||

Light an electromagnetic wave

I believe there is a link between meditation and Sound, vibration, light, heat, magnetism, vaccume and superconductivity theories.

Rehat from Rehatnama not Granth Sahib, why?

I saw this question at the SIKHI TO THE MAX site in comments under the REHAT coulmn in the KNOWLEDGE Tab. The Rahat is from Rehatnamas because it is an order by Guru Gobind Singh to his Khalsa to follow. Khalsa that took responsibility to uphold justice and human rights for people of all religions. If you consider yourself a Khalsa, then you must follow the Rehat.

On the other hand, Guru Granth Sahib ji, the accepted living Guru of Sikhs, is a message to the people of all religions, not exclusively for Sikhs. Sikh Gurus have always preached people of all religions and Guru Granth Sahib is the only scripture in the world that has the potential to unite all religions.

What actions help in the world after death?

on p.216 Guru Arjan Dev ji says in Gauree Raag

har bin avar kiraaa birathhae ||
Without the Lord, other actions are useless.

jap thap sa(n)jam karam kamaanae eihi ourai moosae ||1|| rehaao ||
Reciting (without devotion and understanding), intense deep meditation (WITH THE INTENTION TO ACHIEVE SPIRITUAL POWERS NOT TO BE ONE WITH THE GOD), austere self-discipline and rituals - these are plundered in this world (World after death of the physical body). ||1||Pause||

barath naem sa(n)jam mehi rehathaa thin kaa aadt n paaeiaa ||
Fasting, daily rituals, and austere self-discipline - those who keep the practice of these, are rewarded with less than a shell.

aagai chalan aour hai bhaaee oo(n)ehaa kaam n aaeiaa ||1||
Hereafter, the way is different, O Siblings of Destiny. There, these things are of no use at all. ||1||

theerathh naae ar dhharanee bhramathaa aagai t(h)our n paavai ||
Those who bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and wander over the earth, find no place of rest hereafter.

oohaa kaam n aavai eih bidhh ouhu logan hee patheeaavai ||2||
There, these are of no use at all. By these things, they only please other people. ||2||

chathur baedh mukh bachanee oucharai aagai mehal n paaeeai ||
Reciting the four Vedas from memory, they do not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence hereafter.

boojhai naahee eaek sudhhaakhar ouhu sagalee jhaakh jhakhaaeeai ||3||
Those who do not understand the One Pure Word, utter total nonsense. ||3||

naanak kehatho eihu beechaaraa j kamaavai s paar garaamee ||
Nanak voices this opinion: those who practice it, swim across.

gur saevahu ar naam dhhiaavahu thiaagahu manahu gumaanee ||4||6||164||
Serve the Guru, and meditate on the Naam; renounce the egotistical pride from your mind. ||4||6||164||

Which five bani's are part of Nitnem?

I heard this question first time in a Sikh Youth Camp in Sydney, run by Malaysian Sikhs. They say that the Sikhs only need to do Japji, Jap Sahib and Tvaprasad Savaiye in the morning and Rehras Sahib and Kirtan Sohila at night. This is what they preached the young Sikhs attending the camp. Their argument is that if we sing /read 'Kabiyo Baach Benti Chopai' and Anand Sahib that would count as seven bani's a day. They also argue that these two bani's are included in the Rehras Sahib anyway (only the 6 pauris of Anand Sahib). I didn't think much of it then, as I was going to continue what I do anyway.

A few days ago my sister rang and she was very concerned about it as some Malaysian Sikh lady was fostering the same philosophy in the Parklee Gurdwara. I also asked her to simply ignore such people and keep doing what we do. We enjoy and feel comfortable doing five Bani's in the morning, one in Rehras in the evening and Kirtan Sohila at Bedtime as we believe its the right thing to do.

Then I really thought harder about it. What did Guru Gobind Singh ji asked us to do when he said Five Bani's to recite as Nitnem? The answer lies in the following simple question. "Which five Banis do Panj Pyaras recite before the Khanda Bata Amrit Sanchar ceremony since Guru Gobind Shing Ji's time?" As far as I know these are - Japji, Jap Sahib, Traprasad Savaiye, 'Kabiyo Baach Benti Chopai' and complete Anand Sahib. They are the five Bani's of Nitnem that are compulsory for an initiated Sikh to recite in the morning.

Another point that these change lovers might have missed is that all the Nitnem Bani's were completely written by one Guru where as Rehras Sahib and Kirtan Sohila are both compilation of Shabads by more than one Guru. For those who don't understand , the number after the word Mehla indicates which Guru from 1-10 wrote the Bani or Shabad.

If the modern Malaysian Panj Pyaras have changed the five bani's for Amrit Sanchar as well then it won't be long before they will start Fast Food style Amrit Sanchar soon, just because they believe people don't have time and Sikh rules should be changed to accommodate that. Fast food didn't help anyone get healthier and short cuts never helped anyone finish their research for Doctorate quicker.

Conversation with God demands time, feeling and complete attention /devotion. Reciting path is not about ticking another box. If the path is recited only so you can say you did your Nitnem, you are wasting time in a game that you may never win. Do you count time when you sit with your loved one's and have nice time together? Doing path is having a conversation with God and time for contemplation. Guru Nanak says - Parh parh Gaddi Ladiyai - you are only adding more burden to you daily chores and more burden on your headspace, if you are memorising path without understanding the message and without taking action to follow the message. Therefore, if you do not feel like spending time with God, having a conversation with your Guru for understanding, then what is the purpose of doing the daily prayer anyway?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Seeing Deities / Gods, Gurus and Saints

My sister asked why does she see so many figures in her meditation? When you are in a deep state of meditation, all others who have been on that vibration / frequency come and connect with you. So you have tuned into a TV channel and you are watching it. What's the big surprise! While you are there, enjoy it as its not every day that you tune into a channel. You especially can't tune into it by trying hard. The more you want it, you won't get it. If you don't try at all, you won't get it then either. Expect something to happen but do not expect a specific result.

Isn't meditation like gambling? Sometimes you win! But remember that you never loose, you keep progressing slowly and one day you get a big reward. Every session is cleansing you and getting this vessel ready for some precious energy to be poured into it. When its ready, energy will come attracted to it in small doses.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Energy tranfer theory and Kundalini / Pranic energy

New Scientist magazine of 6th Feb, 2010 has an article "Hot green quantum computers revealed". It says that "Normal energy tranfer theory tells us that energy hops from molecule to molecule in a random walk, like the path taken home from the bar by a drunken sailor", says Gregory Scholes. But Scholes and his colleagues have found that the energy routeing mechanism may actually be highly efficient. This team excited two of the pigment molecules of Chroomonas antenna, with a brief laser pulse, causing electrons in the molecules to jump into a quantum superposition of excited states. When this superposition collapsed, it emited photons of slightly different wavelengths which combined to form an interference pattern in the emitted light. Has this got anything to do with the purple light etc that we see during meditation? Can this experiment help us reveal why sometimes we see the purple light so easily and other times don't see it at all but can still have other peaceful mesmerizing experiences?

The scientists were surprised to realise that not only the two pigment molecules at the centre of the antenna were involved in the superposition; but also the other six pigment molecules. This "quantum coherence" binds them together for a fleeting 400 fotoseconds. This is long enough for the energy to simultaneously "try out" all possible paths across the antenna. When the shared coherence ends, the energy settles on one path, allowing it to make the journey without loss.

The above para is pointing out to me that all chakras have to be in a relatively balanced state to have a special meditation experience as all of them are involved in the superposition when you are about to enter deep meditation and experience something. Could that be why some people do meditation but never have a special experience?

Is that why Guru Nanak mentioned other criteria as essential requirements to be accepted by the energy to be worthy of receiving it /Mehar. Guru says, "Kirat Karo, Naam Japo, Vand Chako." Earn my honest means, meditate and Share your proceeds with others. The Guru says in several shabads
'Je Tudh Bhave' meaning only if it pleases you, (then my meditation is successful). I wish to take that uncertainty away. It will please him if all chakras are in balance. They will be in balance if we stay away from the five thiefs - Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment and Ego (Pride in one's own greatness).

The scientists were surprised that the experiment worked at the hot tempreture of 21 degrees and didn't destroy the quantum coherence. I am not interested in the temperature side of the experiment, although I have experienced body temperature change during meditation. I am interested in the fact that quantum superposition allows the energy to explore all possible routes and settle on the most efficient one. The antenna performs a quantum computation to determine the best way to tranfer energy. I am interested in Meditation and how Kundalini Energy decides its path.

The scientists are surprised how these molecules remain coherent for so long with relatively large gaps between them. One scientist believes that antenna's protein structure plays a cruical role. She says, "Coherence would not survive without it."

Another energy theory below is pointing out the 'non-vertical behaviour of energy'. Isn't Kundalini energy's path non-vertical? Triplet energy transfer (TET) from aromatic donors to 1,3,5,7-cyclooctatetraene (COT) is an extreme case of "nonvertical" behavior, where the transfer rate for low-energy donors is considerably faster than that predicted for a thermally activated (Arrhenius) process.$=activity

The important things I have learnt from the above information is as follows
Meditation experiences each session are dependent upon the path energy will find most suitable during that session. Which path will be most suitable will depend upon our actions and thoughts stuck in our head from that days stresses and how many of these we have been able to successfully clear by changing our focus to observing the breath and the body.

Energy is not random. When I meditate without any distractions, my body heats up every time. Initially when I started meditation last year, it started with extreme heating of my feet, then slowly over the months it started heating less and my hands also started heating up. These days I don't feel any discomfort in my feet due to heat but my hands still heat up a little. That means that the heat that is being produced is now more equally distributed throughout the body, as I do feel it. Therefore, as we progress in meditation, more of these energy points open up / clear and become more receptive to the energy. The question here is that does the energy still has to settle on one path to provide a special memorable experience?

The issue of protein structures having a big role is pointing to my diet. I know I have a poor vegetarian diet.

"Protein is found in many vegetable sources. Some of these vegetable proteins are complete in that they contain all the essential amino acids just like animal protein. Others are incomplete and must be combined together to produce a complete protein that the body can use.

Nuts and seeds are an under appreciated source of protein. Soya beans are source of complete protein. Beans, peas and lentils, known collectively as pulse, make up one of the major sources of protein for a vegetarian. They are incomplete proteins and must be combined with other incomplete proteins, such as grains, or complete proteins, such as eggs or milk, to make a complete protein food. Usually this is done in one dish such as beans and rice or beans on toast, but this is not always necessary as the body can store protein and combine it later." More info on