Thursday, March 11, 2010

Purifying oneself before kundalini activation is important

It is important to purify onself and activaye chakras before kundalini activation says Choa Koh Sui in her book "The ancient science and art of Pranic Healing." She says on p. 237, "ptherwise, serious pranic congestion will occur if too much kundalini energy goes to the relatively underactivated chakras which are still small in size, resulting in serious physical ailments or discomforts." I know from personal experience that the above statement is true.

If you read my blog in Bhai Amolak Singh, you will read that he disclosed that his Nabhkamal - Sacrel Chakra opened in 1980's. He also mentioned that he felt then that if he wanted enlightenment, he could have it. But he refused be free from the cycle of life and death. He claimed that he asked the universe to give him chance to serve Sikhs for another five lives before he becomes free of the birth cycle. This guy now suffers from Diabeties - failure of pancreas - the same area of the body where his kundalini energy went and opened a lotus flower and he smelt the kasturi smell. I must add here that this Sikh still has some sort of Charisma. I sat with him and talked for upto 2 am in the morning. He has something so pious about him that made me respect him and yet he also had obsessions about washing his utensils. and other ideas that I do not endorse.

I also tried to stop my kundalini from progressing, although for the opposite reason. I want enlightenment and Moksha but I thought my kundalini had gone to right hand side rather than through Sushmina, as I want. The energy had gone from the Solar Plexus to the head, as a lightning strike does. For a couple of day, I felt heaviness in my head. There is no other explanation for that uneasiness in my head, other than the fact that I had received too much energy when my chakra wasn't big enough to receive that much charge. To stop the kundalini, so it recedes back, to give myself more time to cleanse my body and open the chakras more, hoping it happens everytime I meditate; I slept curled up on one side rather that keeping my back straight. Then I came across a website that said that trying to stop the kundalini can result in serious disease or sometimes even death. Well, that stopped me from sleeping curled up but I still didn't meditate for a few days just in case kundalini would have proceded further on its already chosen path.

I have had deep meditation sessions since then but Kundalini has not been active again. Only way I know and believe in to cleanse myself is to meditate with love and devotion. I didn't know anything about opening chakras when my heart chakra opened up, so I guess, I don't need to try to open anything. Guru Nanak is with me and knows what step is required when. I know I did want my kundalini to awaken after I read that the nice stages after meditation are all temporary until kundalini reaches the seventh chakra, 10th gate, and then connects 7th and 1st chakra.

I undetstand that the above mentioned path of kundalini is like a Moebus Band of Mathematics where the object can be in both circles without leaving either of them. I believe moebus Band perfectly portrays how kundalini helps a person live in the physical and the spiritual world at the same time. I do want this permanent stage of eterenal bliss. I know the feeling, no worldly possession can give me the perfect pleasure I had when my Heart chakra opened. I think after an unfortunate incident because of a stupid man, my heart chakra has since closed again. Only God knows why I had to have that incident in my life at that time when I was at the height of my spirituality. This incident brought me back to dirt again. Its hard to open my heart again and believe that God prevades in all, when I felt the Satan so closely.

I think I have lost the plot now. I keep doing meditation or keep thinking about it. I should be spending that time fixing my tax papers. I wish God could help me do that.

1 comment:

Gaiamuse said...

Some people will say that the point of Kundalini is to release all energy through the 7th chakra -- that is a male model. There is also the model of using the heart chakra as an apex -- this is a female model of Kundalini and very few males will agree with it. Imagine an inverted V with the heart chakra at the top -- chakras 5, 6 and 7 running down one side and 3, 2 and 1 running down the other. Working to release kundalini through the heart chakra means bringing down energy from the 7th and up from the 1st and uniting them through the fourth -- the chakra of compassion. If you do tonglen or loving kindness meditations -- you will open your heart chakra and do what you need to do. Kundalini is not necessary. It took 15 years after my Kundalini awakening to figure that out. Good luck.