Friday, December 2, 2011

Fascination of Death, time in Astral world and reincarnation

One thing is certain that whoever is born must die and whatever is created must get destroyed
 - Jo upjyo so binas hai
My father died, that's nothing extraordinary. I was able to receive messages from him that affected my life and warned me of dangers that I wasn't aware of; while he was in the spirit world. What happened to him after that is a mystery yet to be solved.
Now my big ? is how long can one last in the spirit world before one is reborn again and why? Knowing how much meditation he did everyday and how advanced his progress was, I find it difficult to believe that he has already reincarnated. May be he hasn't. Its not about one soul, its a bigger question.
I know that desire is the cause of birth and each birth has a time of death destined. So we have limited time to fulfill the desire that caused the birth. On earth, we get fascinated by material objects and possession of them becomes the goal. Fulfillment of one desire causes another desire, an endless process.

The desire of the soul is to learn lessons from experiences on earth and improve itself by letting go of the FEAR and walk towards LOVE / GOD. As I understand, we keep on reincarnating until we are so full of LOVE that not only we start to see the Creator and his Creation as one and none other but ONE GOD - Ek Onkar; but become one with GOD. Then there is no you, but only I, Ek Onkar - tuhi tuhi. The drop becomes the ocean as it is merged with the rest, and not trying to stand-alone like a bubble. Experiencing this even for a split second is very soothing, actually joyful and powerful. That is the moment of truth; the moment when truth is revealed and the veil is lifted but that is not enough to get out of the circle of reincarnations. Then what is???????????????
How long are we to keep playing the game of Father reincarnating as Son etc? If we keep changing families we are born into, then why do we try to hoard our wealth? Isn't it better to do things that benefit the whole humanity, to secure our future home for the next life? If only we could all see our past lives and our connections with our parents, siblings and children; we would never see our relatives as competitors in wealth collection. We are here to help each other let go of our FEAR and just give / provide / nurture like a mother feeds a newborn without any expectation of favours being returned. 

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