Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Neuropeptides carry the Emotions that are the food of the brain

Reality changes every second and so does our emotional state. We create reality by our emotions, our perception is our reality. Whatever emotions we have been use to experiences, new brain cells want more of those emotions as food. Trick your brain to get addicted to new emotions, to get your brain to depend on new positive emotions.

Reprogramming your brain pt 2 by LotuslinkIntl

There are two polarities of reality. If you watch the news, get negative news and FEAR life then you can't LOVE it and enjoy it.

All systems of the body exchange neuropeptide information, and it is the internal feeling state (emotions) that elicits the neuropeptide response. This is the mind-body connection in which every change in the mental-emotional state causes a change in the body physiology. Likewise, every change in the body physiology causes a change in the mental-emotional state. (Pert 1997)

Intuition is the link to the creator. You connect back to the field of collective consciousness through Emotion with the interface of empathy and compassion.
You are
Learn the language of your emotion that you use to talk to the surrounding field and in listening to the self / one's emotions and the intuition that the key to Freedom and Peace be found.

All our intentions and our emotions affect the reality and the shifting of consciousness. Be aware of your mental environment and what you are consuming in the mental environment e.g. - media, books etc. Become aware of your internal environment. What food are you giving your mind?

Emotions and Rasas in the body are mainly water element, except Joy, Wonder and Anger also have FIRE element. In Fear and calmness, Air element plays an important role. Calmness is pure Prana. So to manage the emotions drink water. Pollution of water within the body can happen, for example with the feeing of disgust.

Expand the ocean of consciousness within you for more understanding, awareness and wakefulness.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Soul Talk Meditation technique

See any geometrical shape within your body. Focus on some points of the shape with each breath. See the energy moving from one point to the other or within the pattern.

Once in the trance state,
Address your soul and say -

Today, remove all blocks within my body. 
REMOVE the blocks that are stopping me from using my full potential.
remove all blocks within my head
remove all blocks within my heart

So my heart and mind can communicate clearly.

Remove any blocks that are stopping me from seeing clearly. 
Remove any blocks that are making me discolour the true image.
Remove the blocks that are stopping me from seeing the TRUTH.

I want to see Clearly
I want to know the TRUTH. 
Please SHOW me the truth.

Unleash my potential.

O Divine,
if you agree
I want to do Soul talking and Soul healing.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Interesting questions answered about life after death

Just a block of questions have been pasted here. See the above link for all questions.

Dead people can have many appearances. It has been commented over and over that the higher their vibration, the more they appear like a radiant star. Once you tune into their frequencies they will look younger than when they died, free of any physical defects. They also have various garments on. You can touch them in the astral and this can be a very warming experience.
Both. After a cycle on earth, the spirits leave the physical and have to inhabit another locale, and what they were here, may be what they will be there. People are not "bad", but instead are judged that way because they are hurt, confused, afraid, shamed, and so forth. When they leave this physical life, they have a chance to heal before they begin another. People also get to see the wrongs they have done to others, and I hear this is a very painful process.
Yes and No. Depending on where each of you are at vibrationally. I tried to speak to my dead step mother, but she wasn't able to communicate back with me. It was all non-verbal.
No. People only wander around the earth if they are lost, confused, clinging to the material world (or to a person who has not died yet) and so forth. There are many places and people to experience in the afterlife. We chose our next incarnation at our own pace after we review what we accomplished and what didn't get learned. This can be a short while, or a century in physical life terms (time is non-existent once in the astral or higher planes). It may not necessarily be here on earth. When you finish your physical earth cycle, you will go to the next plane of existence, never to return to earth (unless you chose to in order to teach, lead, heal, etc.) Going through the earth cycles can take a thousand lifetimes or just several. That is up to us. That is why it is so important to not cling to material goods, to carry fear and hatred in our hearts. All of the spiritual figures throughout our history have taught the same thing; the true meaning of life is love for one another and ourselves. All things that we pursue to make us temporarily happy are unnecessary in the long run, and are only obstacles that keep us from our true path of enlightenment.
They do make their presence felt. There are countless stories of people visiting live relatives shortly after they have died, helped them in time of need, spoke to them in their dreams and so forth.
God. What I mean by that is, is that God created us, fills us, and never dies, just as we never die. In our final process, we unite with God and are God.
God gave us free will so our future is as we make it. You have an ultimate destiny, but how you walk on the path towards that destiny is up to you. Someone once said, "It's not what is done or said to you, it's how you react." I also read recently that our lives are like blank sheets of paper and how we react to situations colors that paper. What is done to us is neither good or bad, just neutral.
The power of the mind is infinite. When we clear ourselves of our blocks (fear, judgment, hatred, negativity) we can then overcome anything. Miracles of old will be miracles of today.
I am personally very clear on my path. If you want to know what it is, I'll tell you briefly; we are here to learn and love. We cannot move beyond this physical realm until we learn about ourselves. Every action we take to help our fellow man, helps ourselves. The highest moral you can have is love. There are also different soul purposes while here on earth; there are the teachers, caretakers, healers, leaders, guides and learners. My role is the teacher.
Looking at your past life will help show you some of the lessons you are to learn. If you see yourself repeating the same behavior, this can help you focus on your goals. We are here but a short while, so we need to use our time wisely. There is no race to spirituality, but if we can take the short road, that would be nice.
I had a dream once that my step-mother (who was unkind to me in the physical) did me a kind service in a dream. I was very happy and grateful for the service that she had done. At that moment, a message was sent to me saying that his was done to help undue a wrong she had done me during her physical life. I would say this is karmic cycle in process.