Sunday, July 8, 2012

Soul Talk Meditation technique

See any geometrical shape within your body. Focus on some points of the shape with each breath. See the energy moving from one point to the other or within the pattern.

Once in the trance state,
Address your soul and say -

Today, remove all blocks within my body. 
REMOVE the blocks that are stopping me from using my full potential.
remove all blocks within my head
remove all blocks within my heart

So my heart and mind can communicate clearly.

Remove any blocks that are stopping me from seeing clearly. 
Remove any blocks that are making me discolour the true image.
Remove the blocks that are stopping me from seeing the TRUTH.

I want to see Clearly
I want to know the TRUTH. 
Please SHOW me the truth.

Unleash my potential.

O Divine,
if you agree
I want to do Soul talking and Soul healing.

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