Sunday, December 2, 2012

Three hours with Bhai Amolak Singh ji Sydney on Meditation

Its time to re-ignite my passion and commitment for meditation. So I visited Bhai Amolak Singh ji in Sydney. I had heard that he visited India and stayed for six months with a Sikh who teaches Meditation at ..........

There wasn't an awful lot of new stuff that I have learnt from him to write about. Most of what he said is already mentioned in this blog, yet it was nice to hear it from a puran Gursikhs mouth as most of what I write has either been self-experienced stuff or read in books written by people of other religions.

One thing he explained very well was 'How this world began'. I have asked this question in meditation and did receive the answer but didn't understand it in depth. This answer by Amolak Singh ji was in terms of elements and I liked it. Here it is...

1st there was God. From Naam (word / Sound ) he created everything.
From Naam 1st came the AIR, then WATER and then FIRE.
This in Hinduism is explained in terms of three corresponding Gods.

These three have their individual forces /helpers along with them.The 3 elements create 3 gunas - Rajas, Sattav, Tamas.

These 3 elements together were used to create EARTH element and the 5th element is ETHER (Akash).

The 5 five elements were used to create the rest of the creation.

More on 3 gunas of Raja, Sattva and Tama see the following website

The 3 gunas create the 5 thiefs - Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego. These 5 thiefs control the playing field and keep the Man as their slave. Meditation is the only weapon the Man has at its disposal to concur these five. When we focus on God and meditate, these 5 get upset and try their best to create havoc in our THOUGHTS. Our Thoughts are the creation of one of the 3 gunas, depending upon what kind of thought it is. Nonethess, each THOUGHT is MAYA as it is a creation of these gunas. So to get away from MAYA, we must stay away from thought in meditation.

For meditation purpose, its important to SPEAK the WORD with your MOUTH and then LISTEN to the same with your EARS. Then focus on the BREATH. Pay attention that the AIR is balanced in both nostrils. Mostly, we are either using more of left or right brain, therefore, the breath that comes from the nostrils is also unbalanced. Left side is called MOON and right side is SUN.

Focus on the base of nose where the breath from the two nostrils meet. Opening of the 3rd eye is the important to be able to see the invisible. Once its open, then one can go out that door each night to meet with GOD.

Then he mentioned 'Mukat dwara Sarkara' the door to Salvation is small as the size of a mustard seed. Therefore, we can't enter this door alongwith our huge EGO. It simply can't fit through the door.
The opening of the dasam dwar or 7th chakra is not the destination, its mere beginning of the path.
The key to open the door to God's house is with the GURU / Spiritual master. 1st time only Guru can show us the door and then we are able to get there on our own.

I was very pleased to hear this as Guru Nanak already did this for me. When this happened to me, I was so shocked that God was just there and yet I simply couldn't see in that direction until Guru Nanak pointed in this direction at a very weird angle within the 3rd eye.

Practical advice - at night, don't go to sleep; just sit in the reclining comfortable position. Repeat the Naam slowly - say Wah and hear it then Guru and hear it. Continue doing so and don't worry if you fall asleep. Whenever you wake up - start again. He mentioned six to 12 hours of meditation with 2 hours in one sitting.

WHAT IS HUKAM? Amolak Singh ji said that Hukam is to stay in the PRESENT. Worrying about what might happen tomorrow is a THOUGHT, thought is MAYA. Staying away from unnecessary thought is  staying away from Maya and accepting Hukam. This doesn't mean not to prepare and plan but simply means not to indulge in worry. Do your best and then Whatever will be, will be.

The practitioner of meditation will automatically will receive spiritual powers but refrain from using those powers and not worry about acquiring them either. The are very small achievements and are not the goal. Do not let their use distract you from your goal of meeting God.

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