Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Who are you devoted to? A religious sect or One Creator?

When people first get drawn towards a religion, they become very devoted and strictly attach themselves to the panth and engross themselves with what is right by the religion and what is wrong. They try to judge everyone's lifestyle based on their notion of right and wrong. This goes for Sikhs, Christians and Muslims alike. That's why Guru Nanak found it easy to preach his message to people of all religions during his travels, as he was well aware of the follies of religious people. He never asked anyone to convert into sikhism, he only pointed out that tasks performed as part of a ritual are meaningless, if you failed in attempting to connect with the divine.

Why should we connect to the divine? What is the purpose of it?
In Japji sahib, Guru Nanak wrote the answer

  • Mane surt hove man budh, mane Sagal bahvan ki sudh.
  • Mane mug na chale panth, mane dharma seti sanbandh.

When one starts listening to the Naam / the vibration of sound, his mind and intellect becomes one with the higher consciousness and thus become aware of all spheres of existence. This awareness that Gods essence is present in every being, makes a person see everyone as equal. Then such a person shows equal love and respect for all because such a person concerns himself with the true dharma / ultimate justice. Then he is not worried about promoting the rules of his religious creed / sect/ path as better than other religions.

He realises that without Gods grace, one can not know the true path. He realises that it's not about competing with the other religion or the other human being. It's about sharing the resources God provided for everyone and these natural resources are not to be hoarded by a few. That's why Guru Nanak stipulated three basic rules of  Kirat karo, Vand chako, Naam japo.

Until one mediates on Naam / vibration of sound, one has a beggar mentality. Beggars only take, they don't give anything back to any person, or society at large. Guru  says to give up this mentality of always begging for more material goods. Start sharing - 'Vand'.

On the other hand, for those who are physically and metally capable Guru Nanak expects his followers to work and earn a living and not rely on welfare or charity. This is called Kirat.

If a new world could be established in which these three principals are adhered to by everyone and everyone works for a living, shares their earnings and knowledge, and meditated to become one with higher consciousness on a daily basis; how peaceful would such a world be! There would be no need for so many religions, governments, political boundaries and bank accounts.

Now contemplate on your own actions and judge yourself to see if you are affiliated to God and True Justice or just to a small sect of a religion to gain a sense of belonging and acceptance and possibly for the need to be recognised as a good person.

Get rid of the fake goodness and start thinking about humanity as one. There are no rights, only privileges. We are lucky to be living in a rich land with lots of natural resources that help us have a good living. others may not be so lucky, so share a little.

Don't just recite your daily prayers like a parrot, become one with the divine / higher conciousness everyday; mediate a little - Naam Japo

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