Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Soul's Integrity and God

"Integrity means much more than just honesty. The real test of integrity is to be honest even when no one is looking.' writes Vikas Swarup in his book The accidental apprentice. Integrity reflects a deep sense of right and wrong. It seems that we might be able to pin point todays world problems to this trait. History chapters reveal that people have attempted earlier to bring equality in this world by introducing communism or welfare system. It seems that neither have helped. Communism gives no incentive to those who wish to work harder and welfare system encourages people to cheat by showing lower income and appearing needy. Despite the faults in the mentioned systems, it can't be proven that economic systems promoting profit are healthy either. Earning super profits  might be justified in a democratic society on the basis of existing laws, like Bill Gates once said on Australian TV - don't blame me for paying lower taxes, blame the law. He laughed when he indicated to change the law to get more tax out of his company but who passes legislation, the politicians who relay on big businesses donations to win the elections/ How can they pass any taxes that will cut the pockets of those who supply the politicians/ You have seen the fate of an Australian PM who tried to tax mining industry's super profits. Defaming a pawn is not a difficult task for financially powerful. Neither is it too difficult to replace the seat with another pawn.

The issue I struggle with regarding super profits is that when one earns super profits, someone definitely loses, may it be the present employees or the next generation. It may be an issue of moral compass but that is something invisible like integrity. Like the the write further explains the dilemma of his character in the above mentioned book, 'There is no software, no device that can reveal a person's true feelings with hundred percent accuracy'. So we can't judge anyone without knowing all of their actions. They may be earning super profits and then giving back to the society in the form of charity, or free vaccination. We are not God, so we can't judge others.

Guru Nanak also tried to create a fairer society when he gave away free food for the first time in life and later when he bought land and allowed anyone to join him to farm it and shared the produce with all. The ideology behind Guru Nanak's actions, I believe, was that sunshine, air, water and land to produce food should be available to all and those who don't have the physical or mental capability should be supported by those who can. So he did believe in welfare state in one way but also believed in working to earn honestly. He didn't accept super profits as honest living as he believed in sharing equally with all workers and those that are incapable.

The software that reveals a person's true feelings is called the soul. Soul never lies, only our brain does. I had one such experience when I was forcing meditation upon myself to fulfil my goal of achieving enlightenment before I turned 40. The urgency was that if Guru Nanak was enlightened in his mid thirty, 33 years and six months precisely according to one source, Buddha was also younger than 40; then I must do it before my chakras naturally become too slow due to age factor and diminish my chances of succeeding in this life time, even though I started the journey late.

It had been at least a couple of years since I had been on this mission and I was getting impatient
with my progress when one day I heard in meditation, a voice said tomorrow is your day. I knew clearly it wasn't a voice of my own desire, I have heard a distinct voice before. I know when its my own and when its not. I got so excited as I understood my day means the day I will be revealed the secrets of the universe in a big way, much grander than the little bits of information I have received and the visions I have seen. Just then my soul spoke, 'but I am still greedy' and I heard my mind got agitated and growled at my soul, 'couldn't you keep quiet, you have lost my only chance that I so longed for.' Then my analytical self woke up and started making sense of it all and only got more confused. Which one of those voices was the real me, amazed at the fact that there is something within me that stopped me from achieving my goal by revealing a truth that I had hidden so well even from myself. I had truly believed that I was turning so spiritual then and was shocked at the revelation that I was greedy inside. It took me months to ponder over my life and work out why my soul believes I am still greedy.

One thing was clear from this experience that we can cheat the whole world in believing that we are nice but the soul has the integrity and alliance with God source within us that it never cheats, not even when your brain tells it to. That might be why they say, 'Sir dhar tali gali merit aao'. If you want to precede on the path of God / Truth / righteousness, then give up your brain and follow the heart and the Guru / inner guidance's teachings. It's not an easy path because the brain gets in the way, who by nature is competitive not fair.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Moments of wonder and awe can change your life

The nursery rhyme 'Twinkle 'Twinkle little star how I wonder what you are' expresses the feeling of wonder and awe and so does Guru Nanak's Japji Sahib. The wonder and awe expressed by Guru Nanak demonstrates that just like the little star spotted by the person who wrote it, Nanak saw light beings when he described
'Tithe Lowe lowe aakar,
 jiv jiv hukum tive tiv kaar
vekhe vigee kar veechar,
Nanak katana Karra Saar.

Just like nature fills us with the feeling of awe, so does a great meditation session but only when we first have the desire to know the truth behind this universe, this existence and we are absorbed deeply in this contemplation. Imagine the twinkle twinkle rhyme being sung by someone in a social setting and the same by someone actually watching the star, absorbed in the awe and you will realise the difference between attending a religious session in the Temple, Gurdwara, church, mosque and a quiet meditation session at home. The point is to be absorbed in the moment with the feeling. Without the feeling, the words can't do much magic and those who haven't had any first hand experience will not understand the power of those words. So recite your scriptures only to gain inspiration and to go inside yourself and dig out that feeling of wonder and awe to experience something special.  Find time to have a conversation with the universe and believe that it will provide wisdom in the moment of silence.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Slowing down ageing

Focus on your temples and then on pineal gland. Make a V shape by focusing continuously between these points. Then I was making the energy go down the spine and come back up. I was trialling this without any intent and suddenly saw my date of birth being written and noticed that the year was 8 years later than my real birth year, I was surprised and wondered why it was wrong.

 Later that day I stumbled upon a website that explained the symbol gamma which resembled the Y that I was making.   It said that time slows down in rockets and explained it why.

So I understood that this might be a powerful meditation to slow down the ageing process.

Purpose of Meditation

As a child I use to think meditation is boring, you sit with your eyes closed, repeat a set of words and get bored. Then I realised that I actually need to listen to the sound my voice is making. Then I started noticing the effect of the vibration of the sound on my body and on the universe around me. Then I learnt to become one with the universe by listening to the universe.
At the very least, it heightens your listening ability. We have five senses and the first step is to expand the abilities of theses senses.
Creative Visualisation helps expand the ability to see. Feeling the wind touching your skin, expands your touch and feel sensations.
Focus on the air around your nose and try to smell. Smells connect us to our past emotions and awaken our past memories.
Taste is probably the last of the senses to work with and I haven't done that yet.
But is that it, is the purpose of meditation to heighten our senses and do magic using visualisation ? Some get stuck here and believe this to be the end purpose, to be able to mould the world around them to suit their dreams and ego. This is a big mistake. You have failed your first test, if you believe this to be the destination.
The destination is to know and meet the primal being, experience being invited by this being to enter his fort/ temple. This I have not experienced, so I can't say but Guru Nanak mentions the moment when he was invited by the primal being and Nanak says that in the state of estcasy, he felt no desire to ask for anything else but his presence. This seems to be a very different destination than visiting your own temple within your body that Christopher Peczard mentions in his book Temple of .....I have visited the temple within me and its a beautiful and unforgettable experience but it doesn't match the description given by Nanak.
Heightened awareness of senses will bring the ability of clairvoyance etc. These abilities are called riddi siddhi. They are the tools to help you move towards your goal to know the universe, not to manipulate it. Someone makes you a friend and shows their house to you, that doesn't mean that now you have the licence to alter anything or take away whatever you like from their house. Build the trust and a time will come when the friend will treat you like a member of the family, then you will have more rights but for now don't start using your abilities to manipulate the world for your benefit.
However, healing someone is not for your personal benefit, therefore if you are asked to help with healing someone and you have been given the light from your temples into your hands during meditation, then the universe is showing you the path of healing.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Salt and blood in third chakra

I did a meditation based on Barbara Ann Brennens suggestions that every chakra is a cone and one could go inside any body part through the vortex and see inside. I didn't want to see inside any body part but I wanted to see what feeling / desire / belief / karma inside me was responsible for my problems. I requested to have wisdom on why I am facing one conflict after another when all I want is peace?

As I started meditation, I felt like focusing on third chakra and it made sense as it's the chakra of will power to survive the physical world. A huge vortex was formed facing outwards, not upwards. Then I saw salt at the bottom of the vortex. I didn't see that as a good thing, so I wanted to wash away the salt. So I saw thick blood coming from the left hand side. I did not think that was a good mix either. So I tried to wash them both out with water and attempted to make a hole on one side of the bottom of the vortex, but I was told that it's not possible and is a bad idea. So I suppose don't puncture holes in chakras to cleanse anything.

Then I placed a clear quarts crystal there and it felt good as if the crystal soaked everything.

I checked the dream dictionary and one of the meanings of the salt says
Salt As a distillation of everything we know, salt represents wisdom."

Can anyone offer any advice?
Should I have not tried to wash the salt away? Is that the indication of wisdom that guides my life and I should listen to the gut feeling?