Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Purpose of Meditation

As a child I use to think meditation is boring, you sit with your eyes closed, repeat a set of words and get bored. Then I realised that I actually need to listen to the sound my voice is making. Then I started noticing the effect of the vibration of the sound on my body and on the universe around me. Then I learnt to become one with the universe by listening to the universe.
At the very least, it heightens your listening ability. We have five senses and the first step is to expand the abilities of theses senses.
Creative Visualisation helps expand the ability to see. Feeling the wind touching your skin, expands your touch and feel sensations.
Focus on the air around your nose and try to smell. Smells connect us to our past emotions and awaken our past memories.
Taste is probably the last of the senses to work with and I haven't done that yet.
But is that it, is the purpose of meditation to heighten our senses and do magic using visualisation ? Some get stuck here and believe this to be the end purpose, to be able to mould the world around them to suit their dreams and ego. This is a big mistake. You have failed your first test, if you believe this to be the destination.
The destination is to know and meet the primal being, experience being invited by this being to enter his fort/ temple. This I have not experienced, so I can't say but Guru Nanak mentions the moment when he was invited by the primal being and Nanak says that in the state of estcasy, he felt no desire to ask for anything else but his presence. This seems to be a very different destination than visiting your own temple within your body that Christopher Peczard mentions in his book Temple of .....I have visited the temple within me and its a beautiful and unforgettable experience but it doesn't match the description given by Nanak.
Heightened awareness of senses will bring the ability of clairvoyance etc. These abilities are called riddi siddhi. They are the tools to help you move towards your goal to know the universe, not to manipulate it. Someone makes you a friend and shows their house to you, that doesn't mean that now you have the licence to alter anything or take away whatever you like from their house. Build the trust and a time will come when the friend will treat you like a member of the family, then you will have more rights but for now don't start using your abilities to manipulate the world for your benefit.
However, healing someone is not for your personal benefit, therefore if you are asked to help with healing someone and you have been given the light from your temples into your hands during meditation, then the universe is showing you the path of healing.

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