Monday, October 12, 2015

What's the purpose of my life?

When I started the Spiritual and Paranormal book club, one young lady asked a lot of questions. She was curious to find out all that she didn't know. By the end of the session she said "I have read all these books that say that everyone is here for a purpose. I just want to know what's my purpose in this life? Why am I here?". Nobody had an answer.
After that I thought a lot. Does everyone have a different purpose in life? Is my purpose different from hers? If that was the case, we all would have different needs.

I see that the needs of all animals including humans are all the same and our behaviours are all the same. We all need to eat and we all love our offsprings. We all fight with our neighbours to get ahead of the pack. We all suffer from the same problems. If I earned little bit more, I would get to the next level. The race of the next level never finishes and we keep asking for more.
Until, we look back at someone lower than us and suddenly realised how high I have jumped. Suddenly, we feel releaved. Then, we think of a different goal. Instead of pushing ourselves up, we start thinking of pulling someone up a level. Although, this action doesn't help us go higher; it gives us a level of satisfaction each time we help someone.

The game has changed at this point. It's no longer about fulfilling your goals but helping others fulfil theirs. In chasing your own goals and competing; there is jealousy, suffering and despair but in helping others fulfil their dreams is empathy, satisfaction and joy.

The purpose of collection of information, keeping secrets and making money is to find peace and happiness. We realise through experience that when we reach our death bed, the only regret we have is that we didn't spend enough time with our loved one's exhibiting our love for them regardless of all disagreements and wrong doings.

We realise that world is not going to miss us because we didn't do anything to change the wider world, only took little risks and actions, enough to feed our families and ourselves while somewhere else they kept dying of hunger, war and famine.

The only regret remains with us, "I wish I was bold enough to stand up for all that I wanted to stand up for". Somewhere in those moments we take another pledge to take birth again and do it right next time. Soon after birth, we again forget our own promise to ourselves and we keep coming back to set things right for once and end up making mistakes again and again.

We spent our whole lives being at war with ourselves. We want one thing but do another because of someone else expectations. Where did it all start? At school. We wanted to play and have fun but we were told to compete with our fellow students. We were separated from each other by grading the students and telling some that they were smarter and superior than others. Therefore, the smarter ones deserve better pay and more luxuries. We divided the human race and segregated the society.

Do we ever behave like this at a party? We go to Friday night party just to have fun with friends, not to judge them for better or worse; just to have fun. We came to life to have a great time with others, not to compete with them or to judge them. We were brainwashed at an early age and we forgot our purpose and lost our way.
The purpose of every life is to enjoy life, reach unconditional love, help others enjoy their stay on this earth. We can't have fun just by ourself. We need to play with others nicely. When we all are happy, we all are at peace. Stop judging others, you are ruining others fun when you judge them.

Life is a party, enjoy it with friends. Nobody came here to pick a fight. It's just unfortunate that we end up fighting. Once started, this momentum doesn't stop. We have been taking sides and fighting  for long. We have created institutions that ensure that lifetime after lifetime they keep brainwashing us since childhood and we end up ruining our party time, every time.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Taming the God

I am a human. Rebellious is my nature and I hate God. I have heard of him from parents and society and this overrated being has done nothing for me. I can't see him therefore he doesn't exist.
A Dog is real. I love my pet, I nurture him and he loves me back and even protects me in time of need. The only problem with a Dog/ a pet is that they die before we do and then we get another one to  love us and protect us.

God on the other hand, they say, lives forever. He is unborn and undying. He is within and pervades within the whole existence. Even though I hate God and all the people who call themselves religious; I am fascinated by the descriptions. I have the urge to know the truth. Does he exist or not? Is God a reality or a fantasy?
The only way to know is to look within they say but I look at the state of the world and declare that God can't be perfect because if he was perfect then this world of his creation wouldn't be so flawed. So there I said my piece and I give up on him.

I know they said going within is the way to find him but that's too hard. I am too busy anaysing what my eyes see, how can I close my eyes and shut my internal chatter for a minute? Besides, why should I waste my time on something that can't be seen by the world and can't make me money that the world worships. I am fascinated though, only if I could talk to someone who can tell me more about God, if he exists that is. One day in my spare time, I may follow that up.
Christians say 'God is Love', so I love my dog and I do charity by giving money to a church or non-profit organisation. That is enough; should a God exist who wants answers after I die? Die I must, sooner or later....

Death will take away my body. Would I still exist without my body? What shall I do without my body? Would I be able to see without eyes then? Would I be able to smell and taste food? Would I be a ghost and fly around the earth, seeing my loved ones? What's the point if they can't see me? What else would I do with myself when I am dead? I mean when my body is dead.
Well, I travel places in my dreams, incidents happen and I react to them. What world do they exist in? Is that reality or fantasy? I should keep a diary of my dreams then I would have a better idea of where I go and what do I engage myself with in my dreams. It should give me some clue to what is possible to do without walking on my feet, without talking with my mouth and with my eyes closed.
If I can go elsewhere in my dreams then I should be able to do it while I am awake. Why don't I pretend sleep? Ok, I will close my eyes and fool my brain into thinking that I am sleeping and note where I go, what I do. If nothing else, my eyes need that rest, away from the rat race. Oh, who doesn't like a minute of peace. Finally I got to relax. It feels nice. May be I should do this everyday. Just five minutes for me.

Close my eyes and just be an observer. No plans, just watch. What am I watching, there is nothing to see? Can I hear any noises, without looking? How does that feel? Turn my ears off and note if I can smell anything. What kind of sensations my body is experiencing now? It's amazingly relaxing. I like resting for a while. I am glad I took a few minutes from my busy life to do this.
I am getting addicted to this relaxation. I want more time. I will spare some time every morning and evening for closing my eyes and being the observer. Going for a quiet walk at lunchtime is fun too. I can't close my eyes but I watch my breath while I walk. I didn't know that I don't breath equal amount of air from both nostrils. Forcing to breath more from the other doesn't work. I close the one that is not working fine. I breath in from one and let it out of the other and then reverse the cycle to open up the other side. Each day its different but today my right nostril works better than the left.

I am starting to enjoy the breathing game. I like balancing the body with breath. The body has two verticle halves, I breath in and feel one half move up and the other half goes down simultaneously.
This see saw of breath is fun. People call it meditation. I don't mind playing these games. I have started to see a purple light in between my eyes. It's fascinating to watch. There is some shinny stuff in there sometimes. Mostly, I see the purple and black swirls that go anti-clockwise, I think. I can't believe I can see things in my meditation. It is getting more and more interesting. I don't care if I will find God or not but I have definitely found peace.
I wonder, if I continue on this path, may be one day I will find out more. God, if you exist, please help me understand you. I just want to know the truth. Would you help me? I want to talk to you and ask you so many questions. At least, I will not dismiss the possibility that you may exist. I am open to  knowing. I will wait for my turn. May be one day will be my lucky day. I have already started this journey and will keep walking.