Thursday, March 22, 2018

Vagus nerve stimulation to control vital organs

Some years ago I wrote about how I figured out through meditation about the importance of a single nerve - the vagus nerve. Now research is showing that vagus nerve can regulate the Health of our vital organs.  The thing for us to know is that,
"The strength of your vagus response is known as your vagal tone and it can be determined by using an electrocardiogram to measure heart rate. Every time you breathe in, your heart beats faster in order to speed the flow of oxygenated blood around your body. Breathe out and your heart rate slows. This variability is one of many things regulated by the vagus nerve, which is active when you breathe out but suppressed when you breathe in, so the bigger your difference in heart rate when breathing in and out, the higher your vagal tone. 
Research shows that a high vagal tone makes your body better at regulating blood glucose levels, reducing the likelihood of diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease. Low vagal tone, however, has been associated with chronic inflammation."  Source:, viewed 22 March, 2018 article written by   Jun. 1, 2015 in which he has mentioned about the experiment on rats by Kevin Tracey, a neurosurgeon. in the experiment, they stimulated the vagus nerve to block the inflammation in the spleen.
It's clear that pranayama meditation helps increase our vagal tone and affects our overall health in a positive manner. The vagus nerve starts in the brain stem and travels down touching all vital organs. The nerve has thousands of fibres and most of them are sensory fibres. It’s possible that all yoga manuvers are vagus nerve stimutors.
Read more about the nerve and how its stimulation is helping fix many diseases

Gut Brain / gut health etc is all linked to this single nerve. Good food and positive emotions with knowledge of regulating your breath to improve your Vagal tone will give you a long healthy life.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Types of samadhis

To attend a course or not is the delima. I have always received the knowledge from within. These days I am not meditating. So should I go to the 3 day course in Sydney by Oshodhara group? They have 28 meditations done over several years. The guy who told me about the program mentioned Patanjali, so I found th3 following blog on 10 types of samadhis
I am interested in listening to anhat naad in each meditation. This guy claims that each day he sits in meditation, he is able to listen to it. I have only ever listened to this unplaced music two times and very briefly. It’s my goal in life to reach a stage to hear it in every meditation.
Would the course expedite anything? Is it an illusion? I believe you have to practice with the right emotions and if I am not in the righ5 emotional state, it won’t help and if I am in the right state, I don’t need any instruction, Am I being stubborn? What’s there to lose, if I go and do the course anyway?