Monday, February 4, 2019

Pillers of life

The purpose of life is not to find happiness and luxury only. For if that was the case,  our standard .Of living has improved a lot, yet you find more people depressed and diseased.  TED has a beautiful succulent video on this topic that mentioned four pillars of life which included a sense of belonging, selfless service and a purpose in life. That is what any organisation provides whether it's a religious organisation. Sporting group. Volunteer group or a job. When your day is scheduled around a goal, it also gives you organisation, reason to live and less chaos.
People crave company of others and admiration because of a sense of belonging. Those who learn to love their own company and enjoy mindfulness no longer seek others company and admiration.  They see oneness with all creation and hence they are never alone.  They belong to theceeation and admire the creator, that is giving praise to someone else and feel worthy as their purpose is to admire the creation and it's creator. So you see its not difficult to have a sense of belonging and purpose in life.  When you feel satisfied with your purpose, you no longer chase the dollar,  you are content with the existing way of life. To feel part of the nature simply live outdoors more.
We have created these fortresses called houses and workplaces with bricks and concrete that separates us from the nature, a big cause of depression. 
Create a garden,  take care of plants and share the produce to access your share of selfless service. At night,  make a habit of looking to the sky and admiring the stars and the open sky. 
We are part of big magic that we do not understand., get in the habit of wondering to access the feeling of amazement. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Healing and bees

I was asking the universe to heal my memory and the ability to forgive but not forget. When I interview for the TV show on Saturday, I clearly felt that I can’t tell my story succulently as I could before. I waffle a lot. Same goes in job interviews. I know a lot better in my head than how I express it. It frustrates me and yet nobody believes I have an issue.
For many years I was believing that I had forgiven people who brought grief in my life. I later found out that I have faded their memory to dull my pain but not properly forgiven as I felt the same pain when I saw these people. The habit of deliberate memory loss however spread and overcame me. It’s not good for my functional life.
So when I was in the session requesting the memory to be restored. I saw a vision in which I stepped out of the house into the car park next door and realised there were bees everywhere on the ground. It was like a swarm of bees was moving from somewhere and were on their way to find a new home. there were lots and lots of them in one meter wide lines. I tried not to step on any of them as I walked in side th house to get my little son to show him. I knew he wouldn’t have seen such a site with so many bees on the ground. I told him to be careful and not step on them but when I looked,I found that there were no bees. They had gone. There were tracks in the cement carpark though that showed where the bees had been.
Do bees represent memory? The bees went away, does that mean my memory will too. Why weren’t the bees flying? It was as if they were tired. How do I stop mined from disappearing. I do I rejuvenate  my energy, so it’s not such a burden to carry the memories? Without memory, I will be lost.Memory is necessary to make sense of the world, the time, the relationships. Tge memory provides the context in which we work and play. Without context, one is lost.
I realised it was just a dream, so I started my healing again but instead of SHO KU RAE symbol, I drew a slightly different symbol with the circle going in the opposite direction. Now that I am trying to think, it doesn’t seem like it was wrong, I just felt that way at the time. Since I had the urge to draw the symbol that way, so I did. Then I started drawing number 7 starting from my feet towards the legs and then one from the head coming down. Then I realised the magic of 7 and 3 symbols, 3 being the shape of the kundalini energy crawl. I had the urge to draw these numbers and the triangles from the third eye on a human figure, so others know about it. The two triangles that I was shown in another meditation turn out to be the triangles relating to the golden ratio proportions, one wide triangle with 108 degree angle at the top and 36 degrees on the two sides. The second, narrow and long triangle has 36 degree angle at the top and 72 degree angles on the sides. The two triangles are part of the pentagram with each triangles having at least one 36 degree angle. All this time, I didn't know how to explain what triangles I had seen.

Bees means hard work. I worked hard all day on the concrete courtyard of my shop that day. I am not sure if it had anything to do with the memory. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

The point of religious practices

I was amazed to find out that the drug use can lead to people seeing images and hearing voices that other people say aren’t there. Medical industry named it schizophrenia. Then I heard a drug user say that he could hear peoples soul speak when their bodies were asleep. I was amazed at this. These experiences seem very similar to a deep meditation experience. I had heard that in Hinduism they initially use marijuana to give the new disciple a glimpse of what results the spiritual path brings but strictly prohibit long term use of it. This makes sense as marijuana does give a person a fake experience, a spiritual rush where you do feel what is dipicted in the photos of Shiva, a rush of energy coming from behind the nose, going towards the head and the you start to see two balls of energy switching places very fast. Then you start seeing some images that keep going faster and faster. It seems that black Africans and Chinese have used this drug.
While it gives one energy rush from behind the nose, just like the spiritual experience, the images shown are clearly not real or have any connection to your past, present or future. They are random images keeping the mind entertained. It does not give you that satisfaction and a kind of glow that you feel in your soul that lasts for weeks and is noticeable by regular people. Moreover, the images are out of one’s control. Unlike in meditation, you are not able to control the experience or see spiritual guides and seek guidance or ask for favours.
Although, the random images during drug use also have some connection to your deeper desires. For example, during my one and only time use showed images of a black African lady doing a very fantastic dance with a Chinese guy. While I am not interested in the kind of modern ballroom kind of dance she was doing, while wearing her dark blue shiny short skirt, I was impressed by her dancing skill. I like dancing and always want to be a better dancer. So the images skill had some connection to my interests. When in meditation, I have been able to connect with the gurus, perhaps because I have had more time to guide my thoughts to the gurus whereas when drug takes over, your thoughts are more worldly. May be the drug simply enhanced the experience from whatever thought was hidden deep inside at the time. Maybe a spiritual experience is exactly the same, nothing more. May be it’s our mind reaching a deeply relaxing state in which we are able to connect with our own deepest thoughts. The problem is that if a drug user is a person who is facing negative experiences in life and is trying to escape his situation, he may simply enhance his negative thoughts about the world during his experience. Even if he/ she doesn’t feel that way, he/ she learns to escape the world whereas in deep meditation, the purpose of to feel bold and seek guidance to face the world not abandon it. May be difference between the two experiences is not so real. May be all spiritual experiences are creation of the mind, nothing more. If so, was being shown God, simply my desire? If so, why did I feel the joy for months afterwards and yet no such joy after the marijuana use?
For anyone curious, deep meditation bring much better quality experiences than any drug use, except you have to focus your energy to behind the nose, rather than the drug do it for you. While you are focusing on the breath, you are also relaxing your body and aligning your thoughts
Initially you are in complete control until the auto-pilot takes over and gives you a serene experience leaving to feeling joyful.
Even in meditation, a warning is given to not overdo it initially. Slowly build the experience. If you overdo it while your 3rd eye muscles is building with each meditation and gaining strength to have
more powerful experiences over the course of time.
If you rush this process by doing too much meditation and forcing the experience to happen quicker, you are creating a path to the mental hospital.
Maybe the whole point of religious practices is to slowly lead a person to the spiritual path and spiritual path simply means better mental well-being, a coping mechanism. Maybe being religious means taking time to reflect on your mental health and allow time to heal and recover from the everyday trauma of life. The everyday trauma comes from people saying mean things to each other. Sometimes, people don’t realise how smallest actions or words can lead to the feeling of hurt, feeling tha you are not loved or valued, that you are not as good as you expected to be. That is why a God was created by the creative mind who needed love and acceptance. The ALL LOVING GOD IS MERCIFUL AND FORGIVES ALL YOUR SINS. This way even the people who have committed crimes against humanity can seek redemption. God was created to save us from the cruel world and give us strength to carry on with this life and help those who are struggling. When you help someone, you feel valued. We think we are chasing money in life to feel happy and satisfied in life. We are actually chasing being valued and appreciated. That’s why thousands of people are happy to volunteer for a cause, religious or not.
So the point of creating religion was to give a routine to people, to help them balance chasing money and chasing happiness by taking care of their wellbeing. The basic human need is to feel in control. While some created religion for mental well-being, others saw it as a powerful tool to control the masses. Therefore, every young religion is an attempt to help humans and as it gets older, people who like to control others take over the religious institution. Jesus created Christianity from Judaism. Muhammad created Islam from Christianity. Buddhism was created to tackle Hinduism.
Nanak created Sikhism to remove the power from the hands of Brahmins and Muslim rulers and stop the exploitation and massacres of masses in the name of religion. This fight to dismantle the religious institutions to empower the people has to continue because the ultimate goal of creating God was to empower people and give them hope of life. This has to stay, the hope that we can cope with this life to the end. Hope that we can create positive outcomes from negative situations. When there is no hope, we can’t cope and then com the drugs or the quick fix religious figures to exploit the situation for self benefit. Vulnerable people need to be saved and shown the path of deep meditation to help themselves.