Monday, May 3, 2010

My sister's opening of the 10th Gate and Saint Kabir's account

My sister rung me to ask about her latest experience. Last week, during her meditation she became very scared when she felt the sensation that her head was wide open and anything could come in through this door. Then she heard a very loud noise as if the roof of her house fell apart. She was so scared that her eyes opened straightaway.

I reminded her of Saint Kabir's account of this experience -

During the conversation she told me that before the above experience she was experiencing the feeling "I am God, I am truth, whatever I speak is truth." and she was astonished how come she didn't know this all through her life.

I can't believe she said all this. She doesn't read all the stuff about other religions that I read. She wouldn't have a clue that Jesus as well as Hindu practitioners do "I am" meditation. Guru Nanak and Kabir only do "Tuhin Tuhin - you God are the absolute" not "I am". Although fundamentally there is no difference as we believe that everything is one God. So by that definition there is no separate You and I. But from language perspective - we Sikhs are never preached "I AM" and yet my sister so innocently told me what she experienced. I am so proud of her.

I encouraged her to either change the focus from 10th gate (Dasam Dawar) to 3rd eye or Solar Plexus. But she wanted to continue with gently pushing the 10th gate with her outgoing breath. She was just worried that anything could come in (may be evil?). So I encouraged her to pray to the Guru to be with her and help her throught this journey. I also told her not to worry about anything else, that from where the light of God will enter and she will become one with it. I reminded her what Guru Nanak has written about the experience when God invited him to his house and Nanaks explanation in Japji Sabib about the millions of musical instruments playing and singers singing Lords praises there. According to Guru Nanak, the experience was so mesmerising that he forgot to wish / ask for anything - Dhadi ko mangan chit na awai.
I also reminded her about the gurbani lines - Charan Na Chado Sareer Tal Jaai - I will not leave Lords feet even if my pysical body is taken away from me. Our Granthi told me that sometimes people get stuck at this stage as they feeling that they will die. I encouraged my sister to not worry about her physical body as nothing wrong will happen to it. She should just focus on her goal of meeting the One God. May God give her the strength to enjoy her experience with God without fear of loosing her life. I would so love to meet her after such experience.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear someone talking about Dasam Dwar experience.Iam really looking for someone to share these experiences with.
Iam a also a divine aspirant and meditaite on Naam. But my experiences are different.
It would be great of you If you can provide the e mail address of yours sister, so that I can ask her about the conflicts continuing in my mind.

Sherry Lumia said...

Thanks for leaving a message Amandeep. If you wish to contact my sister email me at I will forward your message to her. Personally she prefers phone calls.
On the other hand, I welcome anyone sharing their meditation experiences to record them on my blog. I can give you access to write a blog under you name or alias and also add it as a label so in time we will be able to differentiate between your experiences and those of others. If you would like me to write on your behalf thats Ok too. The purpose of this blog is to encourage people to meditate, to let people know that there are real results of meditation and that its not all just a fairytale. On the other hand, this blog will eventually help people who have a certain experience and are puzzled about it, to know what happened to others and compare notes. At last, this blog might one day help someone conducting scientific research. So I encourage you to add your experiences here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry friend..but it was not dasam dwars experience..though it was the astral stage

Unknown said...


Jeetendra Singh said...

Pranaam Ji,

My name is Jeetendra Singh. For last couple of weeks, I am experiencing a cool breeze emanating from top of my head. This has started after my experience of Anhad sounds (Tea kettle whistle and crickets).
Please guide me on this.