Monday, May 31, 2010

Soul and the five elements

"The appearance changes and the form may disappear, but the spirit remains because the life is in the spirit and flows from within its own inexhaustible source."

"Spirit substance can't be seen because it is vibrating faster than the speed of light. It appears not to be there. We might liken it to a spoked wheel." says Kenneth Meadows in Shamanic Spirit, p. 163.

According to Betty Eding in her book 'Embraced by the light', spirit is made of a shimmering material that looks like glass or white sugar. Isn't that what some call orbs! The two shimmering bodies of light that I met once, felt a bit bigger than what I have read about Orbs on the wikipedia.

Meadows further says that spirit is what connects and holds things together with its great bonding power. Spirit is made of love because it emanates from the source of Love! Love has a reality of its own so it can't be given. It is a spiritual reality because it is the true nature of pure spirit.

If the above is true then Guru Nanak's, the prophet of the heart, the founder of sikh religion; reference to 'The Truth' means 'Love'! Does then 'Satnam - True Name' means 'Love'? Is that why the majority of hymns in the Guru Granth Sahib are about Love for God? Is that why Nanak preferred singing hymns of Gods Love in musical notes because music generates the feelings, to simply learning yogic postures in a mechanical fashion. Yogic practices can help immencely if we have the true feeling of love and the yearning to meet the husband God.

For more info on Guru Nanak see

Guru nanak's biggest teaching was Prema Bhagati. Above all rituals, doctrines and yoga practices, Guru Nanak encouraged the people to simply love God and He shall reveal himself to you. Guru Nanak says all yogic practices are a waste of time, if you don't have the yearning to be one with your lover God. This comes to pure feeling. Feeling is generated in the heart. Guru Nanak said that no religion is better than the other, anyone who follows the essence of their religion, which is to develop love for God, can find God with God's grace.

Meadows says that Soul awareness is related to element of fire because Soul is our Body of Light. We receive warmth, pure feeling, radiance, illumination and enlightenment from the Soul.

"Mind awareness is the element of air. Mind is where the movement of though takes place. In this dimension we receive impressions, generate ideas and concepts and form opinions.

Physical awareness is the element of Water.

Spirit awareness is Earth element as earth is inertia, stillness that grounds and harmonizes. Earth experience is essential for the cultivation of the spirit."

If the above is true, then the baptism ceremony that involves water - like in Sikhism and Christianity, is to get the physical body ready, by cleansing it, to understand and be able to nurture the energy of the spirit and soul. We already have the air overworking. We need to calm down the air to give a chance for the earth to illuminate the fire.

If everything is made of five elements, then the fifth element ether must be the nothingness within us and it must be cold.

The meditation experience will prove to you that when you start deep meditation first the body produces excess heat. This heat purifies the body and fixes the blockages of stress and disease created by negative thoughts in the nadis and muscles. When you feel tingling/ itching in any specific part of the body, don't be distracted from meditation, simply pay attention to your breath and focus on another part of the body. You will feel the energy moving in your body. as soon as this energy makes way to move forward from the troubled spot, the itching will go away by itself. This way the body gets cleansed more and more with regular meditation.

Once the body is cleansed with the heat, it will start to cool down.You will feel very cold during the meditation. You might feel cool air just above your head. My sister is at a stage where the heads gets too cold upto her ears.

Soul is the body of light that responds to the pure feeling. If you sincerely wish to experience / know / see this energy; this intelligent energy will reveal itself to you. Deeper the desire, more intense will be the experience. As the intensity of the feeling changes each day, so does the experience. For this miracle beyond words to happen, the body must be perfectly still like a rock and yet as light as air. Tao philosophy mentions the importance of both beingness and nothingness. A cup is being for a reason, so that it can hold nothingness inside it. If the cup can't hold nothingness, it has no purpose. Same way our body must be ready to hold the nothingness before the soul can reveal itself and can peacefully sit in its own home in the heart where the pure feeling is generated.

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