Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Future prediction on written words

Do you see words written in the vaccum? Do they mean something and come true? This is what has been happening to me lately. First time I saw the word TRECHERY written on a plant in my garden while I was chatting with a guest. It was a warning sign for me. There was something happening affecting my life that I wasn't aware of.

Then I saw the word GREED written in my dream in the early morning. It also came true, the very day I saw it.

This morning at 5.35am I saw DEATH in the ACCIDENT written exactly how I have written here. Can you imagine how I would have panicked? I rang my sister to pray for my husband. As per her suggestion, had a shower, made Prashaad and went to the Gurdwara with my husband and prayed for a change of destiny.
I saw that written word erased and replaced with 'Spare Live'. I tried to write 'Spare life' but it kept coming as 'Spare live' then the word Alive.
This happened while I was taking the Hukamnana. Then I asked if the person will get an indication of being spared when that event happens today. I got the intuition to forget that thought immediately as it was too risky and the person will not even go that way, he would instead be doing something totally different to nake him avoid that situation completely. I accepted it. All is well.

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