Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spirituality and Reiki - God and Satan - White magic Vs Black magic

What is Spirituality? Complete surrender to God's/ Divine Will is paramount in Sikhism.

What is God's Will if someone uses Black Magic to harm a person? Are we suppose to intervene as saint / gursikh / good humanbeing for the wellbeing of the other who is disadvantaged?

I have been troubled by the above thoughts and didn't know what was the right action. At last, when I was really scared for the well-being of this person and worried that he will loose his life as the magic was very strong. This person had been sick for two years with the condition only getting worse and initially no one knew what was causing the problem. This person couldn't eat many foods, couldn't sleep day or night, started having anxiety attacks without any reason, eventually started loosing 1KG weight each week. The Dr first mentioned Helicobacter virus and then said it is fatty liver problem. For two years, I didn't interfere thinking it was a health issue, then thinking its some emotional issue causing the health problem. Eventually, one day some voice provoked me and said, 'Why don't you help him?'. It was simply because I didn't want to interfere in anyone's life or in God's Will.

It's only a few weeks after this, that two nights in a row, I felt extremely scared as if some black energy was trying to attack me but couldn't get to me. I have never felt scared in the middle of the night. I walk around giving water to the kids or walk off to another room to meditate. It was a very strange but very strong feeling.

That night I walked back to the room where my kids were sleeping and lying in their bed intended for the white light to protect me and my children from whatever it was.

Next morning or the day after, in the early hours I was meditating while lying down when I saw my dad pouring white flowers around me in a circle and then in a vertical line from above. The next thing I saw was the biggest black suitcase I have ever seen, next to a brick wall of a house. I recognised this to be the house of this person I am writing about. I felt ilke removing this black bag / suitcase but instinct told me that it was far too dangerous and I might get the bad stuff of it. I managed to then blast it with the white light without touching it. Then I sent the white light all around this house and inside to eliminate the danger of any darkness / black stuff inside the house. After this I felt like giving the shite light to this person as I realised at this point that there might be the dark energy inside him that is making him sick. When I tried to send the white light to him, suddenly it felt that I had run out of white light and there was a brick wall stopping the energy from being received by this person. I rung him immediately, 5 am in the morning it was and asked him to start meditating as I was sending him healing but feel that he is not receiving it. He meditated but somehow I couldn't send it to him.

While I was meditating, I saw a lebanese lady, fair skin, curly dark hair smiling at me. I took it as if she was there to help me. I introduced myself and asked who she was and if she was ther to help me. She moved backwards, which indicated to me that she wasn't there to help me. I felt at this point that she was the person behind that black energy and had come to see who was opposing her energy. She was impressed with my effort but wasn't there to help. I asked her to leave and she did.

I searched the internet for how to get rid of Black Magic and what are the signs etc. I read someone's comment saying don't try to tackle it yourself, pray to Jesus. This motivated me to pray to Guru Nanak. I remembered the Sakhi of Guru Nanak changing the life of a female Black Magician, Noorshah. Guru Nanak saved Mardana from Noorshah's magic who had made him into a sheep and motivated her to leave the way of Black Magic and live in God's Will.

Next day, I woke up to meditate and as I did, a phone call came at 4 am. I went to pick it up but it stopped. I tried to find the missed call number but the service told me the last missed call was two days ago. I didn't want to disturb anyone, just in case this person was asleep but had this grave fear that it was a call to tell me that this person has died. I wished it was untrue and went to the temple and meditated. I prayed to Guru Nanak and asked him to rid us of the Black magic, if that is the cause. I also prayed to give live to this person. I might mention the actuall experience another day but that day Guru Nanak heard my prayer and gave life back to this person and there is no fear of Black Magic anymore. You can judge this any way you like. I just know how I felt during these experiences. I have since realised that fighting back is no where as powerful as complete surrender.


Anonymous said...

As Osho says..Man has nothing else to do but surrender — in deep trust, in deep love. Don’t be a doer, just surrender. Let there be a let-go. Besides the karma that they need to go through, they will....

Sherry Lumia said...

Many thanks for your comment. That's what I did the very 2nd day from the post. I prayed to Guru Nanak and instantly he lifted my burden and gave his protection.