Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fathom Ether - What does it mean?

Today after my meditation, in my sleepy state I saw these words "Fatham Ether" written in black colour. When I asked what does that mean? I was shown a long triangular shape. Inside it was a twig with some flowers on it. Does it mean for me to try to comprehend the beauty in nature and God's creation? As I tried to wonder about this meaning, I saw the written words again, except written in Green colour this time.

In the old English Fathom means - outstretched arms. This takes me into a deeper meaning. In the last couple of months I have discovered that focusing somewhere in the space within one hand distance around my body, gives fantastic meditation results. I have previously written a blog on Body Pyramid which also mentions about this empty space around the body.

When I think about the meditation session, I was asking for Guru Nanak's direction. I probably was also indirectly complaining that He has given me darshan a few times but never have I experienced the light coming out of his toe. I expressed my wish to take amrit from his toe as He use to do in his time on this planet. I repented the day when He came and I started looking at him from his feet upwards. I was upset with myself, "Why did I focus on recognising the face rather than on placing my head on his feet, which I first felt the urge to". Anyway that opportunity is gone.

After this thought, I had focused on the Reiki and other healing etc and asked him if Reiki was also one of those 18 Sidhis that one can attain by meditation. I wondered what were the 9 Ridhis and 18 Sidhis exactly that one gains. Then I whinged that I do not find the peace and joy in healing or in knowing the future or in those revealing dreams and written words that I see. These things might be useful for the day-to-day living but I want the joy that I have once experienced with the opening of the Heart-lotus and with the Darshan on the Nirankar. That is what I am truly searching for. Surely pregnancy is a hinderance in meditation as I am never comfortable sitting or lying down. I start feeling dizzy and strangely uncomfortable after regulated breathing, the very reason i was upset with this pregnancy when I so wanted to experience deep meditation until 2012 at least. Somewhere deep, I feel that I must be ready for another lesson in life which this newborn will bring for me. New lesson I can handle in life but challenges I can't anymore. So I pray to the Guru to help me get through whatever is destined for me and help me accept the Divine Will.

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