Sunday, October 2, 2011

Duty towards a child brought into this world using surrogate mother

What is right? Blaming people for going against nature to give birth to a boy or considering what can be done to  give this soul the best chance of survival now that he is already here?

I am breastfeeding my new baby as it is the best thing for him. Since we arrived home, the question that is bothering me is - What about the baby born a few weeks ago through a surrogate mother and is being fed the commercial formula milk? They say that the milk supply increases to match the need of the baby. So what if I start using the machine to store milk from the other breast for another baby, while my baby feeds from one side? Wouldn't it just be like feeding the twins? For me that would be sewa / free service /charity and for that baby it would be better than what he is on now.

With all these thoughts in mind since yesterday, today I rung the maternity unit of the hospital enquiring about hiring their machine which I used for my second child as he couldn't suck properly. After knowing my intention, the nurse advised against it saying though a nice gesture, I would be running a big risk as my own baby's milk supply is not established yet, I would get very exhausted and may end up getting Mastitis.

What is my duty, my karma in this situation? Just look after yourself and not worry about other people's problems? Isn't that selfish? I am in a unique position to help and I shouldn't worry? Nice gesture is good enough? Don't we fight to the end for our own baby? Or just say that they created the problem and wash your hands off the problem? May be its not even a problem, lots of mothers in the western world choose formula milk from day one anyway. ummmmmmmmmmmm!

And yes, my baby is as beautiful as I saw him in my vision a few days before birth :)

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