pwTu piVE Aru bydu bIcwirE invil BuAMgm swDy ] |
paat(h) parriou ar baedh beechaariou nival bhua(n)gam saadhhae || |
They read scriptures, and contemplate the Vedas; they practice the inner cleansing techniques of Yoga, and control of the breath. |
pMc jnw isau sMgu n CutikE AiDk AhMbuiD bwDy ]1] |
pa(n)ch janaa sio sa(n)g n shhuttakiou adhhik aha(n)budhh baadhhae ||1|| |
But they cannot escape from the company of the five passions; they are increasingly bound to egotism. ||1|| |
ipAwry ien ibiD imlxu n jweI mY kIey krm Anykw ] |
piaarae ein bidhh milan n jaaee mai keeeae karam anaekaa || |
O Beloved, this is not the way to meet the Lord; I have performed these rituals so many times. |
hwir pirE suAwmI kY duAwrY dIjY buiD ibbykw ] rhwau ] |
haar pariou suaamee kai dhuaarai dheejai budhh bibaekaa || rehaao || |
I have collapsed, exhausted, at the Door of my Lord Master; I pray that He may grant me a discerning intellect. |
moin BieE krpwqI rihE ngn iPirE bn mwhI ] |
mon bhaeiou karapaathee rehiou nagan firiou ban maahee || |
One may remain silent and use his hands as begging bowls, and wander naked in the forest. |
qt qIrQ sB DrqI BRimE duibDw CutkY nwhI ]2] |
thatt theerathh sabh dhharathee bhramiou dhubidhhaa shhuttakai naahee ||2|| |
He may make pilgrimages to river banks and sacred shrines all over the world, but his sense of duality will not leave him. ||2|| |
mn kwmnw qIrQ jwie bisE isir krvq Drwey ] |
man kaamanaa theerathh jaae basiou sir karavath dhharaaeae || |
His mind's desires may lead him to go and dwell at sacred places of pilgrimage, and offer his head to be sawn off; |
mn kI mYlu n auqrY ieh ibiD jy lK jqn krwey ]3] |
man kee mail n outharai eih bidhh jae lakh jathan karaaeae ||3|| |
but this will not cause the filth of his mind to depart, even though he may make thousands of efforts. ||3|| |
kink kwimnI hYvr gYvr bhu ibiD dwnu dwqwrw ] |
kanik kaaminee haivar gaivar bahu bidhh dhaan dhaathaaraa || |
He may give gifts of all sorts - gold, women, horses and elephants. |
AMn bsqR BUim bhu Arpy nh imlIAY hir duAwrw ]4] |
a(n)n basathr bhoom bahu arapae neh mileeai har dhuaaraa ||4|| |
He may make offerings of corn, clothes and land in abundance, but this will not lead him to the Lord's Door. ||4|| |
pUjw Arcw bMdn fMfauq Ktu krmw rqu rhqw ] |
poojaa arachaa ba(n)dhan dda(n)ddouth khatt karamaa rath rehathaa || |
He may remain devoted to worship and adoration, bowing his forehead to the floor, practicing the six religious rituals. |
hau hau krq bMDn mih pirAw nh imlIAY ieh jugqw ]5] |
ho ho karath ba(n)dhhan mehi pariaa neh mileeai eih jugathaa ||5|| |
He indulges in egotism and pride, and falls into entanglements, but he does not meet the Lord by these devices. ||5|| |
jog isD Awsx caurwsIh ey BI kir kir rihAw ] |
jog sidhh aasan chouraaseeh eae bhee kar kar rehiaa || |
He practices the eighty-four postures of Yoga, and acquires the supernatural powers of the Siddhas, but he gets tired of practicing these. |
vfI Awrjw iPir iPir jnmY hir isau sMgu n gihAw ]6] |
vaddee aarajaa fir fir janamai har sio sa(n)g n gehiaa ||6|| |
He lives a long life, but is reincarnated again and again; he has not met with the Lord. ||6|| |
rwj lIlw rwjn kI rcnw kirAw hukmu APwrw ] |
raaj leelaa raajan kee rachanaa kariaa hukam afaaraa || |
He may enjoy princely pleasures, and regal pomp and ceremony, and issue unchallenged commands. |
syj sohnI cMdnu coAw nrk Gor kw duAwrw ]7] |
saej sohanee cha(n)dhan choaa narak ghor kaa dhuaaraa ||7|| |
He may lie on beautiful beds, perfumed with sandalwood oil, but this will led him only to the gates of the most horrible hell. ||7|| |
hir kIriq swDsMgiq hY isir krmn kY krmw ] |
har keerath saadhhasa(n)gath hai sir karaman kai karamaa || |
Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is the highest of all actions. |
khu nwnk iqsu BieE prwpiq ijsu purb ilKy kw lhnw ]8] |
kahu naanak this bhaeiou paraapath jis purab likhae kaa lehanaa ||8|| |
Says Nanak, he alone obtains it, who is pre-destined to receive it. ||8|| |
qyro syvku ieh rMig mwqw ] |
thaero saevak eih ra(n)g maathaa || |
Your slave is intoxicated with this Love of Yours. |
BieE ik®pwlu dIn duK BMjnu hir hir kIrqin iehu mnu rwqw ] rhwau dUjw ]1]3] |
bhaeiou kirapaal dheen dhukh bha(n)jan har har keerathan eihu man raathaa || rehaao dhoojaa ||1||3|| |
The Destroyer of the pains of the poor has become merciful to me, and this mind is imbued with the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. |