Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Recognising the advice of Ego and of the Soul

When we need to take a major step in life, we often indulge in talking to ourself within our mind. We often fail to recognise if the advice being given back to us is coming from our Ego or from our Soul.

It is important to know that Ego never lets us admit that we are wrong or we have done something that will hurt another person. On the contrary, Ego always shows us that we are so nice, so much more sensitive, caring and understanding personality than the other person. So simply recognise that your Ego is talking when its telling you that you are right and you are so good. Ego never hesitates to lie and hide the truth. Ego plays the game of - I Win and You Lose, take revenge, change the other person and their wellbeing is their problem.

Soul, that we all have within us; can't lie. It must tell the truth even when its us who is at fault. Soul speaks the language of gentleness towards others, sees the other as facing harsh conditions and therefore forgives the other easily and feels sorry for the other soul. Soul plays the game of - I need to improve myself,  forgive others for their blindness and pray for their wellbeing.

In 2009, I had decided that I will continuously meditate until the end of 2012 and craved to have my kundalini go through sushmina nadi, open my seventh chakra and I become one with God. What a target! These things can't be achieved by planning this way. I know this but my deepest desire was to see what Guru Nanak saw at the age of 36, by the time I am 39. Anyway, in Dec 2011, some days after my birthday, one night in my sleep I heard this, "Today, your Kundalini will open." In my waking life, hearing this I would have rejoiced and had gone crazy thanking the universe for listening to my request and respecting my deadline. At that time my Soul had an upper hand over my ego and I couldn't believe how I responded. I said, "But I still have a craving for money!". In other words, I said that I am not ready and not worthy of it yet? My ego was so upset and is so upset until today for missing the opportunity. Ego is still saying, wasn't there another option to achieve my goal that day?

I know now that Ego tries to bend the truth to achieve what it wants but Soul only speaks the undeniable truth.

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