Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Vadiyai Veechaar - Contemplate on God's greatness (Godlike qualities)

The purpose of singing and contemplating on Godlike qualities is to slowly associate with them, eventually acquire those qualities and to become what He is.

Satnam          - Be Truthful
Kartapurakh - Be Creative
Nirbhau        - Be Fearless
Nirvair          - Have No Enimosity
Akalmoorut   - Recognise the timeless self 

When you acquire the above qualities, then you become one with Him and therefore
Ajooni - you will not reincarnate into physical form and
Saibhang - will become Self-illuminating. The knowledge and Wisdom will come from within ........

Ik Nanak ki Ardas, Je Tudh Bhavsi;
Mai Dejai Naam Nivas Har Gun Gavsi
jn nwnku hir hir hoieAw hir hir min vuTw 
jan naanak har har hoeiaa har har man vut(h)aa ||4||12||19||
Servant Nanak has become the Lord, Har, Har;
the Lord, Har, Har, abides within his mind

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