Sunday, May 19, 2013

Magic in life is created by the Gratitude you feel.

Ten things I am grateful for are
1. Being born in a spiritual family, especially my father who practised meditation everyday in the early hours of morning throughout his life without fail.
2. Having older brother and sisters who's mistakes in life helped them guide me to a better life.
3. For always having Music in my life, that helped me feel I always had good company.
4. For the early success in life that helped me stay optimistic in life.
5. Finding the perfect partner who has immense patience for me.
6. for the most beautiful and emotionally intelligent and caring children I have.
7. For the perfect dream job.
8. For the paradise of a place where I live. The ocean, mountains and the fresh air that I enjoy everyday.
9. For the status I have in society.
10. For the time we spend together as a family meditating and feeling the presence of God.

What are the 10 things you are grateful for? This was my first exercise as I am reading the book 'The Magic' by Rhonda Byrne. Have you read this book?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Body element Wood

A human body is a tree. It's element is wood. Like wood carries fire and fire damages wood. Our negative emotions are fire element that damage our body. Like Water helps a tree grow, positive emotions help us flourish.

To grow a tree must have both earth and sky energies. Similarly, we must accept energy from above our head like a rain shower as well as from below like the roots of a tree do.

Meditation helps you keep yourself away from Fire.


Feel your roots everyday. Feel the Energy coming out of your feet. Receive energy from the earth through your feet and take it up to the rest of the body through focus points.

Now feel the rain shower above your head. Feel the energy flowing down your body into the earth. Do this everyday to keep yourself healthy.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Realms encountered after death - Prepare for life after death

Bardo thodol (The Tibetan Book Of The Dead) explains the realms encountered after death before reincarnation. I recommend page 214 - 240 of the book, "You have been here before: reincarnation by Seiyu Kiriyama." The author explains that  there is huge variation in what people experience after death. The knowledge of the transition process is helpful in understanding the terror, fear and miserable despair one might have to endure after death.

This book says that upon death the consciouness becomes absent for 3 1/2 days. It returns abruptly. There is variation where some peoples consciouness may not return for months. This state of awareness / consciouness is called 'mental body'. The intense feelings one experiences when a person meets death, stay within the mental body, such as suffering, vengefulness, fear.
After a certain time clear light consciouness returns to everyone which is a sign that the person has entered the intermediate state of existence - a span of time between death and birth into a new existence called Bardo/ antarabhava.

The five characteristics of the intermediate state are as follows
1. The being has a mental body of consciouness without flesh and blood.
2. the being desperately searches for a way to get out of that state.
3. The being lives on aroma essences of food and is fond of carnal pleasure.
4. the being exists in this state between death and rebirth.
5. the being is nearing rebirth.

When one enters the realm of Bardo, he gradually gains clear perception of his surroundings. First, he realises that he has left his body. He cries out to his relatives that to see that he is over here but the loved ones can't See or Hear him.

Then the dead person experiences completely unfamiliar Sounds, Colours and Rays of Light.

Read this article

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pinderpal singh ji in Australia 2013

Guru Nanak writes in Sidh Gost
O Nanak, meeting with the Saints, Truth is obtained, and one is spontaneously blessed with distinction. ||1||

A true sikh, Pinderpal Singh ji has a very pure consciousness. I heard his two session lecture on 'prem te perteet' which explained that God can only be experienced with Pure Love and Gratitude. He gave examples of the extent of Charity, Sacrifice and Love, and compared Guru Gobind Singh ji to these standards.

All what giani Pinderpal Singh ji explained was of scholarly level but what I was most impressed with was the level of Bhagti / meditation / Naam simran Pinderpal ji must do himself. I automatically started meditating while he was lecturing. I haven't been able to meditate for long time to the standard I like. I was amazed when I woke up at 3.30am yesterday besides being so sick and was able to have an extraordinary meditation session. I still don't know the connection with Lord Shiva. I am a believer of One God waheguru, follower of Guru Nanak and his path but yet again in deep meditation I saw Shiva standing and undoing some kind of lace near my 2-3rd chakra. Without much thinking, I picked it up, broke it into two pieces and placed one lace each under my two feet. The energy started flowing from the top of my head, through my body reaching below my feet into the earth. I also saw a metal Garhva (probably cast iron) 2/3rd full of water with a candle floating in the middle. The candles light was however, turned off temporarily. Then I felt healing in several points of the body, saw green colour scenary in 2-3rd chakra. After this session I was so much better even though I had bad flu.

During the lecture, Pinderpal ji explained the meaning of two lines from Jaap Sahib. First time in life I felt a deep love for this bani and had this sudden realisation that Jaap Sahib has been said while in a meditative state, hence repetition of some words. Previously, I use to feel upset with the length of this bani and couldn't understand the objective of repeating some words explaing God. I took that as poetry and that the words were repeated for the necesity to match the next line and in the absenceof another word, a previous word being repeated. Ideally, I believed that each new line should be giving a new / different explanation about the existence of God. I never realised that it is uttered in deep love for God while being immersed in Him. Today, I am reading Jaap Sahib and cherishing it like never before. I use to enjoy Japji Sahib and Anand Sahib like this previously. Now I am repeating a few lines over and over again to contemplate on the depth of the meaning of those words.

I have always experinced heightened state of consciouness after Kirtan but never after a katha/ lecture before. Pinderpal Singh ji must be a practising sikh with lots of deep love and meditation expreince to influence, motivate and envelop my inner being in God's love, so quickly and easily. My mother and husband also confessed how they both woke up early in the morning as if his words about getting up in the morning penetrated so deep within us all.


A pot in a dream also denotes one's contentment and his acceptance of his destiny and of the divine providence. Since my garhva was made of cast iron it probably represented my ordinary state of being as cast iron is not a valuable metal like silver, gold etc.