Thursday, November 20, 2014

Abolish religion, God is within

Good people become bad when it's about religion.

It's our beliefs that are killing us. The belief, "I must do the right thing by my religion and I must sacrifice myself  in the interest of my religion."
We all agree  that Jihad is wrong because we are not Muslims. It's easy to agree when someone else is being proven wrong.

Jerusalem synagogue attack in which five people died has been condemned worldwide but we will forget about it soon because we have learnt to live with Arab- Israel conflict. 

In our minds it's a political issue not of our region, therefore ignore it. I would agree that it's is a political issue not religious. Whenever, one religion is undesired by the other and action is taken to diminish or demolish the other religion; it is and should be classed a political issue not religious. History has countless examples of prime religious personalities of all religions becoming the political target.

If all countries were secular nations, there would be piece in the countries. If people were spiritual but not strictly religious, there would be peace within. Our political nature, the nature to bring the other and his religion down will be pacified.

The only place God is found is if you look within. Meditate every day to connect with your higher self. Nitnem - daily practice of meditation is the only common theme in all religions and yet this is the lesson not often talked about in religious buildings.

Talking about the history and life of religious figures and religious politics takes all of our religious time in these buildings. We all know that politics of a workplace can turn us off from liking the workplace and the people that play these games. In case of religion, the more involved a person becomes in the politics of a religion, the more dedicated to the religion, she/he is considered. That's awkward. 

Don't fool yourself. If you truly want to know God and be in his good books, know that God is within who can't be fooled. God doesn't like the politics of religion. God is found in love, peace, compassion and gratitude. God is found when you have a relationship with yourself and a daily commitment to spend time with yourself. If you are ever confused if your actions are Godly, only consider if your actions are going to harm anyone. If the answer is Yes, reconsider your actions because God does to discriminate between people of different religions. If God did discriminate and gave points for raising the profile of your religion by harming others, it wouldn't be God. Please know that God is not a gender based personality. God is not a personality. God is it. It's a phenomena that occurs in the creation of the universe and therefore within us too. 

God can not be proven with a scientific experiment. It's power is vast. But God is an intelligent source of all things that can be accessed easily, if deeply desired. Since IT is intelligent and logical, it can't be fooled by religious politics. So beware and choose your path wisely. Regions alliances can lead to non-religious path. So look after yourself. Find time daily, possibly in the early hours of morning, to meditate and seek God within.

When Guru Nanak, the founder of yet another religion, set out with his message that nobody is Muslim, nobody is Hindu, he meant for us all to focus on the fact that we are humans and to place humanity ahead of religious interests. Every awakened / enlightened personality knows this. So wake up.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bypassing law of Karma

The law of Karma states, " As you sow, so shall you reap". It is a vicious circle or a spiral. You do a wrong deed, so you get a bad result. The bad outcome leads you to another bad deed. For example, A simple misunderstanding or different perception can lead you to make a comment that can upset someone. So they do or say something to upset you. So starts a new circle that leads to hatred. The only way out is to forgive or simply change your focus to another person or situation. Therefore, the need to raise your vibration. This is where good company / sangat or Guru comes into play. Both of these help you rise above the situation and see from a broader perspective.

Sangat or Guru are found with Gods Grace. God does not discriminate. This statement also supports the karmic law but also gives hope to bypass the law. Karmic law operates as a default program to run the physical plane. The beliefs that you create based on your experiences of life as a result, register in the mental plane and play a major part in how you experience the akashic plane / the unseen non-physical plane.

You live in the non- physical plane each night when you sleep that is equal to temporary death. In fact, sleep time is your best time to gauge how you are going in the akashic plane. Each time to turn sides while asleep, make an effort to remember what you were dreaming about only minutes ago. When you deliberately ask this question, you will remember your dream and will be surprised how petty tasks you were engaged in and how ridiculous the dream was. You will wonder why you didn't take control of the situation in the dream. Why were you running away from ...... Why were you so scared?

The point is that as soon as you become aware, you take charge. You no longer have to experience the default dream or default program. Awareness comes from observing, witnessing and realising. Observe life, witness your own reaction to situations and realise the vicious circle you are in. Are you in a race to win? Life wasn't meant to be a race. Some people are running doesn't mean you have to join their race. You run your own race. Have a different goal.

Above the karmic law, is the rule that God provides help and support to those who ask for it. For all others, is the karmic law to take care of everyday affairs. You have to first observe yourself to become aware if the situation you are in, before you decide that you need help and intervention from a higher source to help you rise above and get out of the downward spiral. Once you realise and seek help, there is no doubt that it will come. Every time, you ask, you will get it provided you initiate by asking. If you are too busy to ask, then universe is too busy to provide. Again, it's tit for tat.

As said earlier, God does not discriminate. It's not going to give you more than you ask for. Most people fail themselves when it comes to asking. They ask for too little thinking that is the polite way, but that is not the right way. Try to make a difference on a bigger scale. Don't just ask for your welfare, ask for the welfare of the universe. When asking for information, ask God to show you how the universe was created? Ask big questions and be surprised.

Close your eyes and observe yourself. You are the centre of the universe. Get to your centre before you spread outwards. Become one dot near your belly button and then breath out. Feel your non physical self. With each breath in become the dot and each breath out Spread yourself  as much as the room you are in. Then slowly become the universe. Now you are the universe and you can access any information you seek. What would you like to know? You can become whatever you want to be. Who would you like to be? You can have whatever you want. What do you want? Things or a state of being? Do you want to be peaceful, happy and in harmony with the universe? Ask what you want and  receive.

When your thoughts are at rest, so is the karmic law. When you are in Gods union, you are above Karma.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Inter-faith marriages in Gurdwaras - Sikh Council UK on the wrong foot

Sikh Council UK has developed guidelines to stop inter-faith marriages in Gurdwaras. Read the whole article on

I disagree with their guidelines. I left a comment on the above site, weather they publish it or not.

Point 2.4 suggests to me that this document is being created to discourage marriages between a sikh and non-sikh in Gurdwaras. Would you rather have these people go to the other religious place? Think carefully and go through Guru Nanak’s life expereinces and messages before you decide. I thought Guru Nanak was the most broad- minded and accepting Guru that ever walked this earth.I see people who have created this documents to be no different than those Pandits that stopped Namdev from entering the Hindu Temple. Are you intending to lobby getting rid of 937 hymns of 36 Hindu saints, Muslim sufis and bards from Guru Granth Sahib as well because they were not Sikhs? If Guru Granth Sahib is the first religious book which contains the writings of persons belonging to different communities, castes, and diverse regions of the country; and it incorporates and sanctifies the writings of holy men of different faith then should the Gurdwaras where this holy book resides discriminate weather a person is Sikh or of another faith? Is that not insulting the very Guru whose Sikh we proudly are? Do not react to incidents, think of the long term. Sikhism is the only religion that is inclusive not exclusive. Guru’s message as I understand was always to include whoever chose to come here, regardless of their religion. We should also allow couples to marry in a Gurdwara in cases where both of them do not belong to Sikh religion but chose to have Guru Granth Sahib as a witness of their marriage. If you have forgotten about the inclusiveness displayed in Guru Granth Sahib then read this article and rethink

Friday, September 26, 2014

Three stages of religious practice

Examining the life and history of the times of 1st, 5th and 10th Gurus of Sikhs shows when and how a new religion evolves, how it becomes a great path to spirituality and what circumstances turn someone off to adopt a radical view point.

When an existing religion becomes so corrupted that instead of leading people to the path of spirituality, it promotes the practices that financially enrich and socially empower the protectors of a religion; it creates doubt in the minds of the thinkers who can't justify the existing religion serving the masses for greater good. This is how Guru Nanak started searching for the answers to the existing unjust conditions created by the political as well as religious powers.

When one truly seeks the answers without accepting any barriers of  society or their own limiting beliefs, the answers are provided by the Universe / Creator / God. When the enlightenment is experienced, it makes the person very charismatic and power to perform so called miracles through the newly found psychic powers that are as powerful as the enlightenment experience itself. One benefit of such powers for Guru Nanak was that he impressed the rulers and masses alike and this allowed him to impart his message without the threat of being executed for going against the existing practice.

Upto the 5th Guru, Arjan Dev, path of Spirituality regardless of the religion was the goal. The following three examples are clear indication of this.

Famous  Mughal King, Akbar, came to 3rd Gurus congregation and accepted to have langar / food with the commons while sitting on the floor; portraying the doctrine that a King and a commoner are same in the court of God.

4th Guru, Guru Ramdas designed Harmandir Sahib
And chose a Muslim Saint to place the foundation stone of the sacred building that was to have four door depicting that people of all religions are welcome here.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

God - an identity or phenomena ?

It would benefit the human race immensely, if we treat God as a phenomena than as an identity. With God being an identity, comes the issue that I know him better than you and my religion is better than yours. We even start speaking on behalf of our friend God. God doesn't like ... And you will not be excepted in god court because you haven't ......

If God truly has all the attributes that Guru Nanak has mentioned in Mool mantra then at least in its first stage of meeting, God is a phenomena. You must meet certain conditions to meet him but these conditions are about your emotional state not religious taboos. How you must feel is very close to the attributes of God described in the mool mantra. We aren't always fearless and without animosity, for example; but while we are in meditation and desire to experience God, we must feel that way.

A lot of people don't feel they are worthy of experiencing God because they don't perceive themselves to be perfect as they have all the undesirable negative emotions for someone at some time. The only thing to remember is not trying to be perfect forever, but just for that one moment, forgive everyone and not think of the negative or positive moments of life. Simply experience Silence    and enjoy every breath going in and out. Focus on the present moment. Expect but don't demand, silence will speak to you. True Guru speaks to you in the moment of silence and provides wisdom, not necessarily the logic and explanation of the situation / condition that is being resolved. When you experience true silence, the logical brain is asleep. The moment logical side of the brain wakes up, you will lose touch of the dialogue with silence. So, if you are experiencing a phenomena, don't try to analyse it or it will vanish.

The only problem with experiences like that is that once you get a taste, you want it more and more everyday. Thee comes a time, you start demanding it and that becomes counter- productive as demanding is done by the logical brain that is a hindrance to silence and hence to the phenomena itself.
God places no conditions of dress code or religious bindings as he is not affiliated to any religion. Being too religious and confident of your path can also be a hindrance as it brings the feels of pride in the person. This also removes you from experiencing the moment.
All you need is focus on breath, experience that your dimensions are wider than your physical body and be open to anything happening in that moment while not expecting it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

World war and peace within - how to tread in troubled times

If you had ever dreamt of world peace, all humanity as one, eradicating poverty and equality of wealth in this world; I am convinced that you would be experiencing a turmoil inside these days. World politics has taken a turn for the worst. I believe it's another attempt of politicians to gain a status of immortality by adding their name in history books that are the hall of fame. Weather one is a hero or villain depends on what side of the fence the observer is sitting, but if you sit above the fence no excuse for war is justified either against so called terrorism, protecting western democracies and their freedom or in the name of religion. The bollywood movie 'My name is khan' has tackled some issues of society in such times of uncertainty, to highlight how we are hurting each other when in reality we all want someone to love and care for us.

When I first came to Australia, I thanked God for bringing me to a 'heaven on earth'. The beautiful beaches and the smiling faces that greeted me on these beaches surprised me first. They were too nice for my expectations. Then I became use to a very accepting society and truly made Australia my home in my heart. Today I wonder what happened to that beautiful dream that Australia was a peaceful heaven. Why are we changing our image as a peaceful nation and becoming so aggressive in our tactics, even changing laws to allow discrimination - against Muslims? I believed people came to Australia because they were sick of the world of hatred, war and discrimination that they faced in their homelands as ethnic or religious minorities.

I am thankful to the spiritual community of Australians and the authors of books on healing and meditation; for they helped me understand God without adding any religious baggage. Thanks to all those who care about human beings more than God, religion or the boundaries of nations. 

God is one / singularity and  non- God is duality, ego, superiority of one's ideas over the other.

What is the appropriate action at this time?
Some say we don't watch the news to keep our inner peace. Others justify their non-action by saying that perhaps its their karma to be involved in the disgusting stuff like war but we get to choose where we focus our attention in life. So they have focused it away from war. I am still feeling uneasy because if the above response was sufficient then why did Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru sacrificed the live of his father, four sons and then himself to protect the 'Right to choose one's Religion', not gave in to the Muslim extremist tactics of Auranjeb and the Sikhs following the Guru Gobind Singh who endangered their lives to protect women who were being raped and kept by the Mughals

The only path that attracts me as the most powerful way to influence masses single-handedly is the path of Guru Nanak who had become one with God to the extent that people changed just by being in his presence and realised wrong from right and gave up the wrong way. I believe that anyone can achieve that kind of power over wrong by constantly being in touch with the God / the universal energy / the silence within us all. We just need to practice daily and BE who we really are and pray to God to show us the path, help us realise that we are only hurting ourselves. Nobody has ever won the war. King Ashoka the great realised this after a bloody battle. When are we going to realise this?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

God / creator creates with true passion - Attributes of God

Strongest essence of God's nature and attributes are mentioned in the Moolmantra by Guru Nanak.

Ek Omkar - God is one. God here stands for the Source, the essence of all creation.

Satnam -  God is truth. Does this mean that the existence of God/ one source of all creation is an absolute truth?

Karta-Purakh - God is the being that does all actions, the creator.

Nirbhao - God is not afraid of anyone.

Nirvair - God has no animosity.

I believe that passion is the source that motivates all new creation and without passion (out of love or hate) nothing can be created.

God is the source of all creation. A creator creates when he/ she is truly passionate about something. That's when inspiration and intuition come in. What are you truly passionate about? What are you creating in this world each day at home, at work and in your mind? War or peace?

 Meeting God gives immense peace and joy.

If God is passion / the source of all creation, then the only condition to find true happiness or bliss is to have a passion that is not derived from fear or hatred.

Akal - Purakh - God is timeless.

Ajuni - God does not come in life form and therefore does not take birth or dies.

Saibhang - God is continuous.

Gurprasad - God is experienced with the guidance of a spiritual master.

Jap - recite /  chant

Aad Sach - God was true in the beginning.

Jugaad sach - God will be true in the time to come.

Hai bhi Sach - God is true now

Nanak hosi bhi Sach - Nanak says that God will be true forever.

If 'I am God' then I must have all these qualities. since there is only one God and nothing else, then I am God and I am the creator who has no fear and no animosity towards anyone. Within my body resides the real me that is timeless, that was there in the beginning, is now and will always be in the future. Therefore, the real me does not die ever.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Paranormal beliefs

It's nearly six months since we started meeting fortnightly under the banner of 'Paranormal Book Club'. Off course, the name attracts attention but it needs clarification as 'normal' people might believe its a lunatics club but I wasn't going to name it esoteric or spiritual club for the fear of attracting people who are too engrained in their own religion and might use it as a platform to promote their religion and it's beliefs.

The purpose of such a group was to have a support system that would help me stay motivated and on the spiritual path, learn something from others, give out info and feel comfortable for believing in phenominas not widely practiced by 'normal' people.

The  benefits of meeting include the fact that when I verbalise any belief in discussion, I also get to question myself why I believe in it. At the same time, I look forward to any issues raised in relation to my belief, not that group members question each other's beliefs for the sake of doing so; but may do so for  understanding and personal growth.

Richard Grant pushes everyone to the limits when he states his belief  that there is nothing out there. It's all inside us. Whatever we believe gets manifested. He beliefs it to the extent that he says that he killed his son with his belief. His son would not have died, if he didn't believe in it. In fact, there was nothing out there in the first place.

I am starting to understand the logic behind his belief and have seriously reconsidered my own beliefs about my husbands lifespan. My husband use to say since I married him that he would die at around 50+. Although, I had always asked him to not verbalise it as verbalising something gives it more power; I somehow feared it and tried to visualise how I would live my life without a husband.

I didn't understand the full power of my beliefs and visualisations until after I fell pregnant the last time. I wasn't asking for a child but I had prayed to never have less than three children alive while I live; for I fear that my child with Down syndrome might have a shorter life span. In answer to my prayer, I fell pregnant. Obviously, I didn't seriously think through all the scenarios and consequences of my prayer. I need to be more careful about what I say in prayer and how to mean exactly what I say. My prayer has been answered but the real purpose that was to extend the lifespan of this child past my normal age has not been fulfilled.

Now I have learnt this lesson and instead of praying that my husband organises my funeral, I pray that I grow older alongside my husband into my 80s. I know I will live till the age 84 and might die in May. These days I get this intuition that my husband will die at age 90. This is so spooky as he is 6 years older than me. Off course there is no guarantee and as life goes on, circumstances change and so do feelings and beliefs, but I am presently happy with the lesson I have learnt and with my ability to pray carefully and precisely.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Powers go wherever the focus is

Pen is a representation of material world in this article.

When you are holding the pen tight, you are able to write. One chooses to focus on the thoughts about the topic he is writing about. When one writes with this pen, one is considered accomplished and successful.

It's only when one gets tired and weary that the grip on the pen loosens. It's our weariness that allows other senses to take over.

The eyes become blurry as we are not focusing on a specific object. This allows us to see a lot more of what else is in the room, in our peripheral vision. 

The speech stops and we start to hear the sounds we couldn't focus on before as we were too involved in something else. Now sounds feel much louder. 

At this time one senses the boundaries of his own body, from feet to head. One feels the loosening of the muscles in various parts of the body, the feeling of the skin, every strand of hair along the arms. One feels the temperature and considers if the skin feels warm or cold. All that was not focused on when writing with a pen.

The time seems to stop and only space that matters is the space around you. One detaches from what the world is doing and focuses on self. The person is no longer interested in writing but in perceiving through senses other than eyes.

One notices his breath coming in and going out, the continuous process of breathing. How far down does it go. How does it feel before it come out of the nostrils, warm or cold. Slowly one is taken into another world away from the physical and materialistic world. 

The more time you spend in the other world, the more you feel connected to it. The more you care about the other world, the more messages you receive from it. What kind of messages are you interested in? The messages