Monday, May 5, 2014

Paranormal beliefs

It's nearly six months since we started meeting fortnightly under the banner of 'Paranormal Book Club'. Off course, the name attracts attention but it needs clarification as 'normal' people might believe its a lunatics club but I wasn't going to name it esoteric or spiritual club for the fear of attracting people who are too engrained in their own religion and might use it as a platform to promote their religion and it's beliefs.

The purpose of such a group was to have a support system that would help me stay motivated and on the spiritual path, learn something from others, give out info and feel comfortable for believing in phenominas not widely practiced by 'normal' people.

The  benefits of meeting include the fact that when I verbalise any belief in discussion, I also get to question myself why I believe in it. At the same time, I look forward to any issues raised in relation to my belief, not that group members question each other's beliefs for the sake of doing so; but may do so for  understanding and personal growth.

Richard Grant pushes everyone to the limits when he states his belief  that there is nothing out there. It's all inside us. Whatever we believe gets manifested. He beliefs it to the extent that he says that he killed his son with his belief. His son would not have died, if he didn't believe in it. In fact, there was nothing out there in the first place.

I am starting to understand the logic behind his belief and have seriously reconsidered my own beliefs about my husbands lifespan. My husband use to say since I married him that he would die at around 50+. Although, I had always asked him to not verbalise it as verbalising something gives it more power; I somehow feared it and tried to visualise how I would live my life without a husband.

I didn't understand the full power of my beliefs and visualisations until after I fell pregnant the last time. I wasn't asking for a child but I had prayed to never have less than three children alive while I live; for I fear that my child with Down syndrome might have a shorter life span. In answer to my prayer, I fell pregnant. Obviously, I didn't seriously think through all the scenarios and consequences of my prayer. I need to be more careful about what I say in prayer and how to mean exactly what I say. My prayer has been answered but the real purpose that was to extend the lifespan of this child past my normal age has not been fulfilled.

Now I have learnt this lesson and instead of praying that my husband organises my funeral, I pray that I grow older alongside my husband into my 80s. I know I will live till the age 84 and might die in May. These days I get this intuition that my husband will die at age 90. This is so spooky as he is 6 years older than me. Off course there is no guarantee and as life goes on, circumstances change and so do feelings and beliefs, but I am presently happy with the lesson I have learnt and with my ability to pray carefully and precisely.

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