Wednesday, May 28, 2014

God / creator creates with true passion - Attributes of God

Strongest essence of God's nature and attributes are mentioned in the Moolmantra by Guru Nanak.

Ek Omkar - God is one. God here stands for the Source, the essence of all creation.

Satnam -  God is truth. Does this mean that the existence of God/ one source of all creation is an absolute truth?

Karta-Purakh - God is the being that does all actions, the creator.

Nirbhao - God is not afraid of anyone.

Nirvair - God has no animosity.

I believe that passion is the source that motivates all new creation and without passion (out of love or hate) nothing can be created.

God is the source of all creation. A creator creates when he/ she is truly passionate about something. That's when inspiration and intuition come in. What are you truly passionate about? What are you creating in this world each day at home, at work and in your mind? War or peace?

 Meeting God gives immense peace and joy.

If God is passion / the source of all creation, then the only condition to find true happiness or bliss is to have a passion that is not derived from fear or hatred.

Akal - Purakh - God is timeless.

Ajuni - God does not come in life form and therefore does not take birth or dies.

Saibhang - God is continuous.

Gurprasad - God is experienced with the guidance of a spiritual master.

Jap - recite /  chant

Aad Sach - God was true in the beginning.

Jugaad sach - God will be true in the time to come.

Hai bhi Sach - God is true now

Nanak hosi bhi Sach - Nanak says that God will be true forever.

If 'I am God' then I must have all these qualities. since there is only one God and nothing else, then I am God and I am the creator who has no fear and no animosity towards anyone. Within my body resides the real me that is timeless, that was there in the beginning, is now and will always be in the future. Therefore, the real me does not die ever.

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