Sunday, June 21, 2015

Healing mantra - forever changing and figure 8

'Sahib Mera Neet Navan' means My master is 'Forever Changing'. The force that rules your body and this universe is forever changing. Disease comes when we stop changing and get stuck on one thought and its emotion. Whatever bad thing, behaviour or action happened with you once is a thing of past. The cells of the body are changing and moving on from that point of time but if you keep taking yourself back to that point the process of moving to next point gets disruptive, nonetheless the force has to move forward, so in the tussle to move forward and your effort to take it backwards caused whatever disease you have been diagnosed with. If there is no time to go to past life therapy etc there is no need to either. Simply let the movement happen naturally and without resistance, the new cells will be normal.
Clockwise direction is for moving forward and anticlockwise is for undoing something. There is no need to undo anything, simply let the purple light tick in the clockwise direction. To heal continuously draw number 8 over the patients body and let the guidance come and change its shape a bit. When I asked where should the crossing over of the eight figure happen- on the belly button or below, I was shown the upper half bigger than lower half but the lower half line was over the middle of the legs, not below the feet. I don't know if this was simple because of the limitation of healers body to reach that far but the upper line definitely went above the head. Watch the energy which flows like a torch light flooding the whole half circle and in fact moving so fast that both circles are filled with light at all times. Then I noticed that it wasn't figure 8 strictly, it's more like letter B but the energy moves in the shape of 8. Later the heads of the 8 moved towards the right and resembled a lotus shape. When I asked what is this, I received its beauty. So I presume that once you start the process, let the guidance come forward and change the shape.
I later tried to think more on figure 8 and found that clockwise and anticlockwise works for so many things like clockwise is feeding, and anticlockwise is digesting. So for diabetic patients it's the digesting which needs fixing. Have to get more answers and they were coming but I was eager to write and couldn't focus.
Before the info about healing chronically ill patients I was asking how the creation happens so I could use that knowledge to heal. First there was a male figure standing facing me. Then there was a female standing facing me, it wasn't me as I was watching her third eye synchronise with mine. Then she stayed at 12 o clock position but every second or less, a copy of her was created and moved to the 1 o'clock clock and then 2 o' clock onwards. This way she was being copied clockwise continuously but every second she was a new form of herself.
Following this I saw four lines, two moved in East west direction and back, and the other north south and back. It came to me that East west was negative ions and North south was positive ions, or at least that how mathematics signs of - and + were created. I understood that contraction back to the original point is very important for the process to work properly. Then I realised how inflammation happens. The expansion happens but the contraction doesn't work properly.

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