Sunday, February 21, 2016

It is not sufficient to set a goal and work towards it. The energy of people connected to you through that aspect of you life also influences your success and failure. So never underestimate the power of other people's thought energy. That's probably why having someone else to do the prayer for you works better as this gives you added energy that you require to succeed and for the universe to conspire your success. Yes, I meant conspire because sometimes you get recognition for little things and sometimes no recognition of even bigger contributions. It's not always what you do that matters but also how others perceive you.
It is unbelievable that I had two opportunities to grab a job I wanted but the events that unfolded the night before the interview jarred my opportunity twice. When the job in question came as an internal recruitment opportunity, I emailed the Humanr Resources / Organisational Development unit and withdrew from the interview because a certain person that thought that the job belongs to them was very apprehensive about me applying for the job and I couldn't accept that this person will die believing that I took her job when I already had a permanent job. Her job had been redesigned along with another supervisory position to create one new position to do both jobs. This led her to believe that she should get the new job only if I didn't apply for it as she would be the only applicant. When I applied, she got very worried that I was a stronger leader than her. She talked to everyone else in the workplace and projected me as a villain because I had applied for her job. This became unbearable for me as I knew that she didn't have the personal traits to manage the new job and that she hadn't demonstrated herself as an efficient leader in the past 10 years. So I pulled out at 3pm, two hours before that painful workday finished when she constantly told people "but...has applied for my job". I just wanted her to know that I am not the cause of her going to be unsuccessful and when I pulled out and yet she being the only applicant didn't get it; it made my point clear.

I also knew that whatever energy you give out, you receive it ten folds. Since I was deprived of my opportunity to sit for the interview because of her constant rant, I unconsciously projected the energy that stopped her from getting the job but now the question was that I have projected the wrong energy, besides her own inabilities. So what will universe give me back!

The night before the inteview for the same job as an external vacancy, I had a call from a homeless girl who requested refuge for a couple of nights from us. I have known this girl from days when she use to have a partner and a house to the days when she had been couch sleeping or sleeping in her car from the past five years. She hadn't asked for help all these years "why tonight?" I thought. There must be a reason and I must help her. So I offered her to stay with me. She said she felt that she was being watched by a group of men and she didn't feel safe. Being a feminist and a humanitarian, I had to help her regardless of the fact that out of all nights, tonight I wanted no distractions. It was 7 pm, I had planned to wash my clothes for the interview and then after dinner, be in bed by 8pm; so I am fresh for the interview at 9 am.
Since, I now accepted her to be my visitor, I had to change my plan and instead get in the kitchen and prepare dinner first and then clear space for her to sleep. While I was doing that she started talking and I felt connected to her thoughts and gave her all the attention she needed to feel at home. Now it was 11.30pm and I hadn't washed by interview clothes. So I quickly put the washing machine on and went to sleep. I got up at 6.30am and was about to go to start the drier for the clothes I washed the night before but she woke up exactly then and came to sit next to me. I was being polite and started a conversation which led to her giving me a very gentle rubbing of hands to giving me a kinesiology type massage on my right side of the body for an hour. Now it was 7.30am and I pulled myself up and said that I really need to get ready for the interview. Now I rushed to put the drier on, have a shower  and have breakfast.

As I was leaving home at 8.35am to be there for the interview at 9am, I would barely arrive there in time if had left straightaway; she says to make sure I drink plenty of water as I will feel very thirsty all day. I had no time to grab a glass of water. I arrived at the I view and they offered water, so I excused myself and took the offer and drank a huge amount of  it before the interview. Little did they know that it wasn't my nervousness but need due to the massage that I will drink another lot in the middle of answering a question latter on. For almost every question they asked, I had to request them to repeat the question. I couldn't comprehend the questions. It was like my nerves were not sharp, like they usually are. I struggled to quickly provide a digested answer. I was a sombe unlike my very impressive interview for another internal position I had given which impressed the judges very much. And it reflected my passion and confidence. This interview portrait me as someone having difficulty with everything. I completely misjudged the last question and by the time I comprehended it, they had already said the last but, " Is there anything you would like to ask us". I bit my toung and knew I had no time to give the right answer even though I now know what the correct answer should have been for the last question. I somehow couldn't say thatI just want to answer the last question again. I knew they had gone overtime and didn't want me t take anymore of their time. I walked out of the interview flabbergasted at my own slow  responses.
I came home and the homeless girl says your nerves will be a bit slow for the first 24 hours after the message. "What the ..." I said to myself. So she knew what the effect of the massage would be and she knew how important my interview is to me and yet she went ahead and massaged me knowing the effect on nerve response! Why did the universe play such a game with me? Why did she have to come the night before the interview and do everything that would ruin the one thing I have been planning for over a month? It's not as if I didn't know the answers to impress the judges, I just couldn't get them out at the right time. I am one person who has absolutely no difficulty with speaking the right answers generally. I knew them at the interview as well but why couldn't I get them out?

Now I remember that even when this position was advertised internally, I applied at the last minute after I had been preoccupied with a tragic death of a community member that affected me and I took lave from work. It feels like the universe conspired for me to not apply everytime.

It is not sufficient to set a goal and work towards it. The energy of people connected to you through that aspect of you life also influences your success and failure. So never underestimate the power of other people's thought energy. That's probably why having someone else to do the prayer for you works better as this gives you added energy that you require to succeed and for the universe to conspire your success. Yes, I meant conspire because sometimes you get recognition for little things and sometimes no recognition of even bigger contributions. It's not always what you do that matters but also how others perceive you.

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