Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A wave of racism in the world

Discriminating and favouritism are the two enemies of humanitarianism. Discriminating  against someone because of their race is racism, because of sex is sexism. Discriminating in favour of someone due to their nationality is nationalism, on the basis of belonging to  a region, is regionalism, giving someone a job for belonging to their own family is nepotism, voting mindlessly based on a party without appreciating the particular promises or results they bring in to the area is party politics.  What is the name given to discriminating based on wealth? Never mind, the point is we discriminate on many levels, all the time but the worst kind of discrimination still remains the one called racism. It affects people on a personal level, lowers their morale, trust in other humans and ultimately the desire to live. The death of a 13 year old Sikh boy who recently took his life after writing a poem about him being bullied because of his different appearance in United States of America shows the damage being done by the speeches of Donald Trump and that kind of ideology. This is an example of racism by white people but USA is not the only racist country. South America has always been the playing field of worst kind of racism since the times of imperialism. Now they are trying to correct the balance of wealth by having some systemic changes like 50:50 black and white partnership in a company for it to operate in that country that is not being seen in positive light by those whites who own those companies from generations and still see blacks as mentally and racially inferior.

After 9/11 event in September 2001, the world did change a lot. It became tough to announce once self openly as a Muslim but Muslims in western countries do not wear a turban or a towel like Seikhs of Middle East. Instead, it's the people of Sikh religion, a minority religion from India, who wear a turban as their religious costume. For that visual reason and the ignorance people about what Sikhs stand for, they are the main target of racism in USA since 9/11. 
The hatred towards the turban and the Taliban of Afganistan extended to Australia, thanks to the Murdock media and the politicians. Sikhs from Woolgoolga, a little town in mid north coast, like John Singh Arkan were forced to look in the mirror and remind themselves of their skin colour reminded and their past heritage for the first time. These people had been fooling themselves as Australian for their grand parents came to Australia in late 1800s and a lot of these baby boomers were given Aussie names and were well accepted in the society until the 9/11 event. It was psychologically depressing for people like him to be staired at because of his turban. "But I am a true blue Aussie, this town has known me from yonks, then why were they starring at me?" Asked John, the John that use to stand as an Aussie and criticise Indian habits of these freshies that came from India and tried to outsmart the Aussies like him. As his wife from India, I coped a lot of  'You Indians ....' and I hated it.
Twenty years later, I go on Facebook for some entertainment and instead see the posts of Sikhs being humiliated in public. A turban being taken off forcibly and a young man of 19 years of age being dragged by his hair in the street while 5-7 people are walking with the man dragging the victim through the traffic, all in support of the perpetrator. Nobody rescues the Sikh man. My blood boils but what can I do while living in Australia? 
I already boycotted India since the gang rape and later death of a girl in the public transport bus when she was coming back from the movies with her boyfriend after watching the movie 'Life of Pi'. She was thrown out of the moving bus after the rape. It wasn't the last incident of gang rape. Rape of women seems to be becoming a common practice and their is no police or justice system protecting these women or punishing the guilty. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

21 Things to do in life

What do you like doing before and after work? Try the following to become one with yourself by getting lost in the chosen activity. Enjoy the pleasure of doing only one thing at a time and becoming one with it.
  • Grow a garden
  • Go for a swim
  • Measure the vast sky
  • Read some poetry
  • Write in your diary
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Sing out loud
  • Dance a little
  • Do some yoga
  • Meditate
  • Play with children
  • Cook a healthy meal
  • Appreciate different colours
  • Support your partner
  • Do what you do best
  • Enjoy likeminded company
  • Travel short and long distances
  • Have a vision for a peaceful future
  • Help someone today without matching DNA
  • Do something to build a sense of community
  • Promote peace and love to receive joy and bliss
Connect with yourself first before you can connect with others. 
Do some physical work, before you can truly enjoy a relaxing activity. 
Read some great works before you learn to write and articulate something.
Make some music before you learn to appreciate silence.
Experience peace of mind before you envisage peace in the society.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Community relations is the answer

The world is in a very grim situation. We have become so lowly human beings.
How many centuries have we been torturing each other in the name of colour and creed? Has it solved any of our problems? If not, then how is the current mania that Donald Trump is advocating about 'the snake and the lady' only looking after 'our kind' and 'my DNA sequence', the black and white, the refugees and us going to help anything? On the other side is this BEE rules of South Africa. Balance is the key to all problems, not leaning on one side so far that it brings the humanity down.
It seems that we just like to hate someone or something. First we divide in the name of black and white, then religions, then political parties and classes of people. Look at India where minority religious people like Sikhs and Christians are being tortured daily and government seems to be protecting the perpetrators. If it wasn't so, people wouldn't be doing it so openly. Videos posted on social media are the proof. Is anyone interested in chasing these people taking law in their hands? That's not all.
The average people are raping women and girls like it was their right. Where is the law, the international media and pressure to stop that? The killing of female foetus in the womb doesn't seem to bother the international community either. This very community tells the world that they are non-violent nation with Gandhi being the father of their nation.
In Muslim nations, they are killing each other in the name of Shia and Sunni. Then they go on raping their own boys while keeping the women covered. There is an ABC documentary showing just how widespread the problem of raping young poor boys in Pakistan is. This is not all. There are wealthier old men terrorising the poor families when they refuse to marry their young daughters to these much much older men. ISIS is raping girls as little as eight years old.

Is the west any better? Are there not any issues of domestic violence and child abuse in this community? Then who are we trying to blame when our own fathers, siblings and  even grandchildren are now abusing us? Internet has all the proof of how far we have fallen as human beings.
We just want our way even if that way is wrong. We hold the beliefs that divide from each other and make us not care for the other because someone had been cunning enough to make us believe that the other person's needs and feelings don't matter. 
When we get to know someone personally, as a friend or have marital relations with a person from another race or religion, we suddenly develop tolerance for that race. Similarly, only when we have a member of the family with a disability, mental illness or chronic disease; we understand the situation of those in it.
It doesn't suit when a rich person living a happy comfortable life comments on what other people should or shouldn't do unless they have had some personal experience in that situation. If you are only helping someone based on same skin colour or religion then that's not humane action. That's biased action.
How can we rise from this? When Guru Nanak had to make the decision, he chose a worthy person to       takeover the Guruship instead of his own sons; giving the example that kinship shouldn't come in the way when you are on the road to build a strong community. Share your profits with the needy, not with black or white, Christian or non-Christian, eastern or western. When you do a good act, the receiver also forwards the goodness to another needy person in time and goodness continues. Similarly biased acts also travel. Each individual has to decide what they are here to promote regardless of what the society is doing. The monstrous actions of others don't mean you have to participate in that wave of hate. Start something good today. The world needs a lot more kindness to overcome the negativity being promoted today to gain political power around the world.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happiness is a sense of accomplishment

Look back at your own life and see when in life did you feel happy. If this is difficult, simply look at the moments that make you unhappy? Is it When you feel off balance, when you feel that life is not in control? It many also be that you feel others don't love you but really love is when you receive caring attention. You can give this caring attention to yourself. Most people know how to give themselves physical care but forget about the emotional and mental care. Mental care is also not so difficult. It involves having a positive attitude, a belief that you can accomplish your dreams and then making a plan to achieve them. A lot of successful people will tell you that that's how they achieved success.

This begs the question, what is success? Success is simply achieving your goal. Whatever that goal may be. Most people's goal is to make a lot of money, so much that they can share it with the world to make it a better place but who says that more money in a lot of people's hands will make this world a better place, a happier place? If money hasn't made the richest of the rich happy, how can it work for you? It never has and never will because the sense of accomplishment is a short lived feeling. The moment you achieve one thing, you desire to achieve another bigger and better version of the same. If you have one job, you want a better paying job next time. It even goes for people who already have a beautiful partner but after 20 years of living with the same partner diminishes the sense of achievement and they suddenly fall in love with another beautiful person. This kind of situation does not reflect on either of the partners but on the person's need for accomplishment.

The root cause is the need for a sense of accomplishment. This can be addressed simply by creating a daily routine where you keep yourself engaged in tasks that not only take care of your physical accomplishments but your mental and emotional accomplishments. The Daily Prayer is a method created by most spiritual people to take care of our emotional needs. When we believe that God loves us and is looking out for us, that need for a physical being loving us lessens. When we do a daily prayer early in the morning, we feel centered, in control and in balance emotionally. Doing the prayer  also ticks a box in the list of accomplishments. This creates self-respect and self-love and ticks a box in the list of mental accomplishments. When you feel emotionally and mentally happy, you have extra energy to achieve physically and therefore you are more likely to succeed on the physical plane.

So congratulations to those who accomplish through Daily Prayer and help make themselves and the world a happier place daily. Your sense of accomplishment when you finish doing your prayers, creates a belief in you that you can achieve other goals throughout the day. It also reduces the need to seek approval of others. You are confident and centered.

God is not in the peripheral , but in the centre of everything. God is with you every moment you live and breathe. Your relationship to your God and your daily prayer decides the quality of your life. What kind of relationship do you have with your personal God? Is it loving, caring and encouraging?