Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happiness is a sense of accomplishment

Look back at your own life and see when in life did you feel happy. If this is difficult, simply look at the moments that make you unhappy? Is it When you feel off balance, when you feel that life is not in control? It many also be that you feel others don't love you but really love is when you receive caring attention. You can give this caring attention to yourself. Most people know how to give themselves physical care but forget about the emotional and mental care. Mental care is also not so difficult. It involves having a positive attitude, a belief that you can accomplish your dreams and then making a plan to achieve them. A lot of successful people will tell you that that's how they achieved success.

This begs the question, what is success? Success is simply achieving your goal. Whatever that goal may be. Most people's goal is to make a lot of money, so much that they can share it with the world to make it a better place but who says that more money in a lot of people's hands will make this world a better place, a happier place? If money hasn't made the richest of the rich happy, how can it work for you? It never has and never will because the sense of accomplishment is a short lived feeling. The moment you achieve one thing, you desire to achieve another bigger and better version of the same. If you have one job, you want a better paying job next time. It even goes for people who already have a beautiful partner but after 20 years of living with the same partner diminishes the sense of achievement and they suddenly fall in love with another beautiful person. This kind of situation does not reflect on either of the partners but on the person's need for accomplishment.

The root cause is the need for a sense of accomplishment. This can be addressed simply by creating a daily routine where you keep yourself engaged in tasks that not only take care of your physical accomplishments but your mental and emotional accomplishments. The Daily Prayer is a method created by most spiritual people to take care of our emotional needs. When we believe that God loves us and is looking out for us, that need for a physical being loving us lessens. When we do a daily prayer early in the morning, we feel centered, in control and in balance emotionally. Doing the prayer  also ticks a box in the list of accomplishments. This creates self-respect and self-love and ticks a box in the list of mental accomplishments. When you feel emotionally and mentally happy, you have extra energy to achieve physically and therefore you are more likely to succeed on the physical plane.

So congratulations to those who accomplish through Daily Prayer and help make themselves and the world a happier place daily. Your sense of accomplishment when you finish doing your prayers, creates a belief in you that you can achieve other goals throughout the day. It also reduces the need to seek approval of others. You are confident and centered.

God is not in the peripheral , but in the centre of everything. God is with you every moment you live and breathe. Your relationship to your God and your daily prayer decides the quality of your life. What kind of relationship do you have with your personal God? Is it loving, caring and encouraging?

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