Wednesday, June 1, 2016

India and racism

India and discrmibation go hand in hand. Most western only see India as a spiritual country that gave yoga and non-violence movement to the world. They don't understand the history of discrimination in  this religious country. It starts with Manu, a scholar whose writing date back to some date in BC that women should be treated like one's animal. You must keep them in control and if they don't follow what they are told, they should be bashed. Even though most people have never read it, this philosophy is well practiced in daily life by many. (When a victim of domestic violence tries to leave her husband, the new trend is to throw bleach on her face and body, so she looks so ugly that nobody goes near her.) The detailed article and discussion on manusmriti can be read here. The discussion by people will reveal that it is believed that original manusmriti respected women, but later someone added verses to benefit the masculine world and the women whose husband died starting suffering at the hands of other men.
With Sidhartha's enlightenment came Buddhist religion. When Buddhism starting rising, Hindus starting killing them. Buddhism has much the same values as Hinduism except the idol worship. It was shunned from India and it flourished in the neighbouring countries more. Same is now happening with Sikhs. They are being targeted because of their religion, the very religion that came as a response to eradicate the corrupt practices in Hinduism.

The original Hindu religion believed in caste based on one's occupation and many members of the same family belonged to different castes but this system changed overtime and it became a persons identity and a determinant of one's status in the society. Hindus have forgotten this but their Vedas reveal this fact. Hindu society marries within their caste based on the family they are born into. This is much like the royals of England marrying other royals system to keep expanding one's wealth and rule. This led to wealthy became wealthier through family ties and that's how marriage became a financial enrichment affair instead of a matter of heart.
Nanak became frustrated with the society where common people were dying of hunger due to a famine that destroyed their crops (shortage of Food) while the Muslim ruler had his stores filled with the grains they needed. Nanak was the store keeper. He didn't like the difference of haves and have nots. He recited Tera Tera, meaning everything is yours divine and kept filling everyone's containers when another employee complained about Nanaks actions and pointed out that he is giving a lot more for their buck. When the stocktake was done, it all balanced, much to the surprise of the complainant but this didn't satisfy Nanak. He gave his resignation and walked out on the society's unjust division. He was 33 years old at the time. He went missing for three days. On the third day, the search party found Nanak coming out of the river and the first words he spoke were 'nobody is Hindu and nobody is Muslim'. Nanak had declared that humans should be treated as humans and not identified by their religion, sex or caste. He then became the founder of Sikh religion stood against inequalities and injustices. He spoke in favour of women's rights and against religious exploitation. He advocated that every capable person should contribute to the society and earn an honest living out of which to give to the needy but not seek welfare because one is immersed in  religious practices, like in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Time and time again Sikhs stood to protect Hindu's but time and time again the Hindu governments have fuelled campaigns to exterminate Sikhs, a minority religion; so India could become a predominantly Hindu country. It's only problem is that there are too many Muslims in the country as well. A handful of Christians that are in the country are also persicuted.

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