Friday, December 9, 2016

Regulate your emotions

Emotions are energy. Happy emotions increase energy and sad emotions drain it. If you express emotions freely, you might see yourself as a passionate person. It may seem like a great thing but know this - if you express happy emotions more openly, it's likely that you also show anger and frustration more easily. The reason being that you don't regulate your emotions. Conserve a bit of your energy, stop expressing them so freely. Think about your emotions. Be like a regulator for a gas cylinder whose job is to regulate gas and not let it all out in one burst. Imagine ne the consequences, if the gas cylinder didn't have a regulator.
Look back at your life. Has there been unregulated moments in your life? Have you had occasions when you nearly blew your relationships because of emotions?
It's not just about regulating negative emotions. Have you noticed people look at you strangely when you express happy emotions like excitement? It's not that thee is anything wrong with excitement, it may be seen as childish. Again, nothing wrong with childlike innocence. Sometimes it's better than being adult but when Yu are around other adults, especially work colleagues know that regulation of emotions is a skill highly praised for management positions. Cool head is also appreciated in professions that involve negotiating and presenting your case like union reps and lawyers.

You may not have thought of religion, but cool headedness is also encouraged in religion. When Sikhism talks of "Harakh sog te rahe niyara." , it's suggesting to refrain from extreme emotions.
Sikh scriptures also say, "
Jo nar Dukh me Dukh nahi mane.
Sukh saneh ar Bhei nahi Ja ke
Kanchan maati mane"
It means that those who don't become too sad in sad times and keep their head cool, can also perform their duties without worrying about their luxury, favouritism or fear because their decisions are not influenced by monetary rewards for oneself.
If people can work with what is best for an organisation, how can they not work with what's best for the humanity?
Financial sustainability and control of their market are best for any organisation but welfare of all human beings is best for humanity. The two are in conflict as a matter of principle. People are controlled by monetary rewards. The more an organisation is aware of the desperation of humans, the more chance it has of hiring labour by offering less money, hence increasing profits and financial sustainability. Humanity demands equity but it's hard to achieve because even the universe hasn't us all equity. Those born with diagnosed and undiagnosed disabilities have limitations of understanding and physical capabilities. Others who have become disfunctiona because of stresses in life als have different levels of motivations. When we all don't have the same level of motivation to succeed in life, how can we have equitable resources to thrive in this life?
May be we need to get back to scrutinising our emotions. How do we feel when someone drives a posh car and your car goes to mechanic for repairs every other day? Resentment?
How do you feel when you see news of people suffering due to natural disasters, accidents and war?
Detaching yourself from a situation doesn't mean not caring about someone. It simply means not upsetting yourself to the extent that you can't function anymore or can't think clearly. Getting back to the analogy of the gas regulator., we still need some emotion to keep the fire going, not cut the supply altogether. So keep the fire of your life going for longer by regulating your emotions.
Keep the fire of others life going by not hogging all the resources but releasing some to allow others to thrive. When others don't have the same luxuries as yourself, you have a responsibility to care but not be overwhelmed by the sorrows of this world. Do not worry that your actions can't change the world overnight but simply cherish the fact that it will make some difference. When your actions do make a difference, don't boast about the success but think how can the actions be implemented to increase the effect further. Remember, not everyone has the same resources as yourself.  Be the bridge between the two sides. Find a way to slide some resources from those who have more than you to those who have less. When you see physical strength and mental capabilities as resources, you suddenly see a whole lot of responsibility that we have been shrugging from. Just like a mother looks after her baby with love and care, without the monetary reward; look after those who are not so fortunate as yourself with regulated love and care.

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