Sunday, December 4, 2016

Lazy Self likes to blame others

A person's first responsibility to themself is to stay in human form for as long as possible. To stay alive for the longest possible time, you need to stay healthy. Healthy bodies need a healthy mind. It seems that they actually go together. The more physical activity you do, the more your mind stays active and healthy. The same also goes for your involvement in the community. The more time you spend being involved in positive interactions with other people, the longer you will have the desire to live and your mind will stay away from the problem with balancing the body and dementia; the two troublemakers in the way of a long healthy life.
The second responsibility to self is to stay happy. Don't try to blame others for your unhappiness. Staying happy is a habit that needs to be formed. Get in the habit to notice yourself more often. Can I feel lines of stress on my forehead? Bring on a fake smile and see those stress lines vanish instantly. It's like the game of see-saw. Play the game of frowning and smiling and see for yourself. Once you realise this, you don't need any reason to smile, you simply need to smile. Find excuses to smile and be happy. Don't try to give me reasons why you are stressed and what problems in your life are stoping you from smiling; just smile. If you can't seem to smile without reason; try helping someone. Make someone's day and feel happy. I know you are too busy and even though you would like to do all that good in the world, you can't. Stop making excuses. Start from doing something for your partner, child, sibling or parent. Then get involved with a community group, social group or a religious group for just one hour a week. Make sure that hour is not spent on self gratification. You are not to get dressed up to show off or to sit in a cafe to indulge. This hour is dedicated to doing something for someone else's gratification. Oh, you never thought about that... ? Doesn't matter, now you know that you are not the only most important habitant on this planet. Every other being is equally important and today you will do something to make someone happy. No, it's not going to be your boss and you are not going to make the boss happy so one day he / she can help you get a raise. You are going to do something for someone who can't give anything back to you and even better doesn't even find out that you did something of value to them. Anonymous act or an act of kindness in a community group, so the credit doesn't just go to you but to the group. That's not fair, I know, because you are so use to making sure that it does even when you don't deserve it. Yep, that's because your parents raised you that way. They gave you undue praise and attention when you didn't deserve it but you started believing that sun only rises when you open your eyes. So you think, it's important that you get out of your lousy bed, so the world could have sunlight? No, that's not your act of kindness. The sun rises anyway! Does that mean that the world doesn't need you? Does that mean you should just die. No you monger. The is so much work to be done on this planet. The earth needed physical bodies to carry out those tasks. So it prayed for you to be born. Now get to work and do something to leave this a better place to live for the next generation. Can you? Yes, you can. What's in it for you? I told you already. The mechanism is built so that you only feel happy when you do something for someone else. It's also built in a way that the more hardwork you do, the longer the body can perform. That translates into longer life. So get off your butt and instead of planning your next holiday, plan something for this planet. Your plans are not for other to act on. When you plan, you need to get motivated to get the ball rolling. Once it starts rolling, ensure that you have a system in place to make it keep going indefinitely. That's why we say God is infinite, God is creative, and God is fearless. You are that God who is going to do because God is Kartapurakh, the doer as well. 

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