Thursday, October 15, 2020

Single solution to world’s problems

Abolish Inheritence Law. It will Solve every environmental, social and economic problem. People will be more relaxed, self regulate work life balance and as a society be kind to each others needs. We will become instantly happy society instead of a stressed society. If the nations of the world can cooperate and implement Covid lockdown rules, then they are also capable of passing the law to abolish a law, all at the same time on the same day. They say, slavery was never abolished. It was simply extended to all races. Look at ourselves and our lives. We are slaves of banks, of governments, of the rich trying to become them. Look at Gina Rinehart, Australia's richest person's annual income verses your one grain of rice and realise how meaningless this race is. You are never going to win in generations. It's because, you both did not start the race on equal footing. Average people are being shown the videos of priveledge comparing peoples lives to a race. Average people are not evil. The system is. The system teaches us becoming an elitist is a good goal. Our system is what creates inequality. It's time to change the system. The one step without which all action is futile, is abolishing the law that starts inequality the day you are born. My religion taught me that all people are born equal. The moment they take their first breath, society places them in a category. All their life's struggles are based on that societal structure and norms. The society taught us that we all need to work hard. I agree. The society taught us that we all need to pay our taxes. I agree. The money we make in life must die with us. The new child must start on equal footing with all other new borns of the world. How would this solve our environmental problems, you might ask. All those who are busy poisoning the earth to make money with the rape of the land and its natural resources, will stop to think how they are wasting their own life on collecting the wealth that will not be useful to them or their family for whom they are working hard. All will be lost, the moment they die. This is a fundamental problem that creates evil of all evils. The love for our family over the rest of the society. We want to leave our childen in a better financial position than we found ourselves in. The happiness is measured in money. The ultimate gift is measured in inheritance that we leave behind. If we all were not allowed to pass on inheritance, the family will value our time with them over the money we spend on them or gather fir them. People will be less stressed as they will work half the time they do now. 21-30 hours of work is maximum one should do. The other time, they should spend on creativity. This will not only bring peace in life but give us time to indulge in self reflection and connect with intuition. We will become better at inventing new technology to better our lives and solve the problems at hand. Thise who live growing will grow the food to share. Those who love pottery, painting or jewellry making will still do that for love. Mysicians will still make music. We will all do what we love and contrubute to society in our unique ways. There will be heaven on earth, peace in the world and love and true connection in our hearts. Then we will trully live. Now we are dying each day with over work or the worry of it to collect inheritance for our children. Our children like the famous prtester girl who says, "You have ruined my future." will be very pleased not sorry when we abolish inheritance law. Abolishing inheritance law will be our ultimate commitment that we will only take what we need. This will bring balance to the world that is much needed at all levels, environmental, societal and personal life balance. There is much more to think about it but the more you think about it, the more you would like to abolish the inheritance law. I can already see the assessination team coming from the richest of the world - Queen of England, Gina, Bill Gates....but do you agree? PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION, IF YOU AGREE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m Surinder’s son jeevan and I am confused �� cuz I’m only 9 in year 3 so most of the words don’t make sense to me but I think I agree???
Idk sorry.