Tuesday, September 29, 2020
When my husband was born
"A very blessed child has taken birth in a very unblessed home." said one uncle. Those words haunted the mother for a lifetime.
The cute child was forever obedient and oblidging. He would do anything to keep peace and end discord. He himself was full of life, new ideas crossed his mind on a daily basis. He would always look for what is possible, rather than worry about the problem. Kind and funny. Words flowed out of his mouth like they learn how to form in there. He was always a delightful person to have around. He sure is a blessed child.
The fifth child of a family of six children was only four when a big light shown in font of thier car. The kids were coming home after having a good time in town with their dad. The two little boys were sitting in the front seat while two of the older sisters and the old brother were in the back seat. Something must have hit their car and kept going without much damage. One can only think it would have to be a big truck on the pacific highway to make this car go wonky and roll to the side or it simply scared the car driver to suddenly manuverit away from its path and lose contol. The event had devastating effect. The two kids at the front got serious life threatening injuries. The youngst boy had a serious bleeding near the eye and the blessed child had his scull open.
Accoding to th oldest boy, father didn't die immediately from the accident. He looked at his two little sons in severly injured condition that sank his heart. On September 8, 1970 at the accident sceen, the father died, leaving behind a wife that didn't know how to read and write in her own language, let alone in english.
She would have to learn to survive or accept defeat and go back to her country. She would not accept defeat even though, this was a severe blow. There had been wedding preparations and celebrations in the the town on that day. She had seen a big fire and thick black smoke vision while she was there. She didn't understand what that was until the news came of the accident.
"The world doesn't stop for you to gather yourself." she would say. The wedding did go ahead with full bollywood celebration style, no half mast for her husband. This is how she would describe her historic week, feeling a sharp stab of life like a fresh wound.
Fifty years have gone past. The kids have grown up and wanted to acknowldge his death anniversary in a big way. They can't do a big event. Corona virus is about. The young man who got married that weekend also had his funeral during covid lockdown. Fifty years later, life is still sad for the old lady who has serious dementia in her 80s. Yet, she is loved and her courage to fight back is appreciated by her kids and grand kids.
Five of the six kids would visit their father's place in the Lismore cemetery but the older brother can't come due to South Australia's lockdown which means he has to self quarantine for forteen days both sides of the trip. They would contact him via zoom to involve him.
First they will visit the Channon Market where Johnny boy is having his monthly curry stall. The three older sisters have never visited this market even though, he has been doing this market for 20 years. They had lots of fun watching their brother's free entertainment for all passerby's. This is not unusual for him. This is him. He is known not just for his butter chicken but for his great, gentle and humorous personality.
After uplifting their moods, they head off to face the dark side, the trauma of the tragedy of a father's death that did't get addressed properly; all their life. It's a day of heeling the wounds, acknowledging that they are all older than the age their father died at. Thirty six he was, the day he left behind his wife and six children aged between three to twelve. It was sad, it was cheotic but its time to let go.
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