Sunday, August 30, 2009

Guru Nanak and the quotes from "The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden"

The force before the beginning

ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

Ik oaʼnkār saṯ nām karṯā purakẖ nirbẖao nirvair akāl mūraṯ ajūnī saibẖaʼn gur parsāḏ.

One Universal Creator God. The Name Is Truth. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying, Beyond Birth, Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace (Translation source- Wikipedia)

On p. 40-41, chapter 2, Greg has written -
Rig Veda calls this force underlying creation from which all things are formed Braham- the force that was there before the "beginning" and identified it as the "unborn, in whom all existing things abide." "the one manifests as the many, the formless putting on forms. Gregg has taken this information from the website
I have been on this website prior to seeing this reference and was pleased to realise that besides believing in many gods, Hinduism believes in the formless. In 24 years of my life in India, nobody, including hindus, had ever mentioned that they believed in the formless. The book that I have recommended on this blog "The kundalini yoga" says that there are two types of hindus - one that believe in deities / several gods and those who believe in the formless.

In Guru Nanak's time apparently, there were majority of Hindus who worshipped the Deities only and didn't bother about the formless. Hence he travelled far and wide to remind them of the formless, as he had realised during his enlightenment. No wonder then that he was called the Guru by the Hindus and Pir by the Muslims. Christanity also believes in one God as well as all other majors religions that I know of.

According to Gregg "the divine matrix" can be thought of in the same way - as the force before other forces. "Its the container that holds the universe as well as the blueprint for everything that happens in the physical world. This primal force of energy provides the essence of all that we experience and create. It holds the key to unraveling the deepest mysteries of who we are, as well as to answering the oldest questions about how things work in our world." p. 41

Greg has mentioned three scientific experiments -
1st experiment - the phantom effect and our relationship to our universe -
testing the behaviour of our DNA on light particles (photons) - which proved that there is a type of energy that exists in the space besides air, previously unrecognised by the scientists and secondly, cells/ DNA influence matter through this form of energy.
Does this concludes that we, the living beings, matter made of DNA can influence the primal energy? This experiment showed that human DNA has a direct effect on the vibration of light.

2nd experiment - Do feelings and emotions have +ve or -ve impact on our cells function?The experiment showed a powerful electrical response at the instant emotional "peaks" and "dips" experienced.

My personal experience is that when I feel the real urge to see God during meditation, or become emotional, thats when the magic happens and I see colour purple and whatever else afterwords. However, if I become overemotional and the concentration goes on the fact that I am crying, I get distracted. So if you become sad during meditation, try to concentrate on the breathing and get over that sad emotion. However, when you start to see the colour purple, I naturally become happy and a smile comes on the face. I start to play with the energy. If at this point you become involved with the colour purples beauty only and forget the breath and the god, the meditation session will end. Its rewarding either way. The first time you see the colour, you would be too happy with that experience itself. Next time try to see beyond the purple, the black space spinning with the purple. Try to spin forward into this space to go astral travelling. I haven't been able to do this yet. I have been too involved wondering if it is spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise. Now I know, mine spins clockwise. It spins in different direct for men and women, I have heard.

Guru Nanak tried to focus on this fact when he knocked yogis for practising hatta yoga. He was right in saying that without the feeling, the breathing exercises will not make you realise god. I have at times tried to get the same results in meditation by forcing myself to concentrate on the third eye. It only makes you have a severe headache, if you are concentrating on the physical level and do not have the feeling of actually meeting god as you are too worried about other things happening in life and want to fix them. The point is you haven't let go. Its not easy to let go every time. I thought that having seen what I have seen in meditation, it would make it easier to re-create that urge to meet god. Its doesn't happen that way. You need gods grace each time to have that feeling.

Greg has written that 2nd experiment suggests four things
1. A previously unrecognized form of energy [god] exists between living tissues.
2. Cells and DNA communicate through this field of energy.
3. Human emotion has a direct influence on living DNA.
4. Distance appears to be of no consequence with regard to the effect.

The 4th conclusion has deeper influence than what you can imagine. So I better explain what the experiment was. A swab of tissue and DNA was taken from a person's mouth and taken to another place. The DNA was measured electrically and it responded to the genuine state of emotions felt by this person's body while watching documentaries. The DNA acted as if it was still physically connected to his body. Why? Greg further asks, "Does this mean that when a living organ is successfully transplanted into another human being, the two individuals somehow remain connected to each other?"

My question is, "Does this means that the mother and the baby are still connected even after birth?" I would like to extend this to the siblings as they are connected to the mother. Is this the explanation to my feeling of loss when my dad died in India, my sister feeling the loss at the moment he died and hear her deeply sad voice saying my name and asking me what I was doing here in Australia, I should have been in India a moment ago. I woke up from my deep sleep very sad, confused and with a shock, my husband woke up and asked. As I was saying, I should have been in India a few minutes ago, I knew it was a few minutes too late. I couldn't understand what it meant and yet felt the deepest feeling of sadness and loss the moment my dad died, as the feeling experienced by my sister and yet when a year later I visited her and asked if she remembered me at that moment, she said "No!".

Greg wrote on p. 50 - HeartMath foundation documented finding a doughnut-shaped field of energy that surrounds the heart and extends beyond the body. This electromagnetic energy in torus form is five and eight feet in diameter. Greg says that although this heart field is not the aura or the prana, it may be an expression of the energy that begins in this area. I don't need to repeat that Guru Nanak has emphasised on the heart and the feeling in finding god more than knowing the breathing and yogic exercises. Nanak says, "Mun (Heart) Jeete (Winning) Jag (World) Jeet (victory) - You have won the world, the moment you have won the heart."

3rd experiment - "using specially designed mental and emotional self-management techniques which involved intentionally quieting the mind, shifting one's awareness to the heart area and focusing on positive emotions. Again, "using special techniques that analyze the DNA both chemically and visually", the results showed that the Human emotions changed the shape of the DNA! without physically touching it or doing anything other than creating precise feelings in the their bodies, the participants were able to influence the DNA molecules in the beaker. The experiments revealed that different intentions produced different effects on the DNA molecule causing it to either wind or unwind.
The above experiment proves that we are responsible for our own health. Something that I have always believed. We cause the diseases in ourself due to our negative feelings. When we desire bad results for others we are the one feeling that bad feeling and cause our DNA to respond to it. Then we blame god for giving us the disease. Saint Farid said, "Farida Bure Da Bhala Kar - desire goodness for the one that did something wrong to you." This DNA theory proves how God does justice. You get what you desire for yourself or for others. What you desire is what you deserve. As they say world is a mirror.

Gregg suggests two similar conclusions from the three experiments
1. There is matix of an energy that connects any one thing with everything else in the universe, which accounts for the unexpected results of the experiments.
2. The DNA in our bodies gives us access to the energy that connects our universe and
emotion is the key to tapping in to the field.

I believe these conclusions are in line with what Guru Nanak preaches. "Bhagtan tera tan; tun bhagatan ke vas". Guru Nanak says that the You (God) are in control of your believers. Dhan Guru Nanak.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My heart desires you

Sawal Sundar Ramiya, Mera man Laga Tohe
Prab mohe Kab Gal Lavehnge
Ik khin daras dikhaye ji
Darshan mangon deh pyare
Kaise kahon mohe jiya bednai
Mera man loche gur darshan tain
Mil mere pritama,
Darshan dekne ka chao
Milo pyare jiya

Saas saas japiye gobind
Vaje anhad vaja
Nam japo mere sajan saina, nam bina mai avar na laina

Meditation 2 Nanak

Ek Om Kar
Drink some water before starting meditation
Vahe guru

Inhale Exhale
Expand Contract
Become aware of the third eye
Expand to the corners of the forehead, contract, a few times
Feel the energy coming in from five inches above your head
Pull it in with each breath in, a few times
(Expand so your body can fill the whole room, contract to the point of a dot)

Expand heart to touch the ribcage, contract to a dot
Expand heart up-to the shoulder blades, contract to a dot

Feel the spine, while breathing
Breathe into the spine
Feel the breath touching the tailbone
Feel the tailbone expand with each breath in, and contract with breath out

Feel the breath expand the 5-6 vertebrae, from the tailbone
Push the excess air out like a spear going out either from the spine side
or the front side of the body with force
This is awakening the sleeping energy and activating it
to make it move around and rejuvenate the area
by giving oxygen to the deprived cells.

Become aware of the area below the ribcage
inhale and exhale out of this area a few times
Do the same with the heart area and then the throat area.

Note the sequence of awareness of the energy: 3rd eye, 7th chakra (above head), heart, Base chakra (tailbone), 2nd (, 3rd, 4th (heart), 5th (Throat), 6th (3rd eye). Its called chakra as the energy moves in a spiral within an energy centre.

As you meditate, you will start to feel the clockwise and anti-clockwise spiral movement of different chakras. You do not need prior knowledge of this to feel it. You will know from your experience.

The above breathing will stop the thoughts from overpowering you. Now that your mind is quiet, you can listen to your chanting that you did while breathing.
Hear within and observe. Do you feel anything?
Observe yourself from outside your body.
Watch yourself meditating.
Observe your pose from front, right side, left side, back and above.
How does it feel?
Enjoy the calmness and stillness for as long as you like.
Do you see your astral body floating and still connected to your physical body
with a string of light?
Do you see the yellow sun in the head of the astral body?
Is it going to fill your physical body with a yellow light?
Enjoy the connection.

Did you hear the bells ringing far-away or close-by?
Don't be surprised if it is close, Its OK, just enjoy the sound.
Enjoy the feeling, the calmness, the stillness

Thank the creator for revealing the inside you
Thank for showing the physical self meditating
When you are ready, become one with the physical self
by bringing the astral body back into the physical

Remember what you enjoyed, Smile
Feel the ground on which you are sitting
Feel yourself sinking into the ground
When ready and stable open your eyes.
Wait until you are ready to stand up.

Without vibration there is no place

Jeta Kita Teta Naw
Vin Nave Nahin Ko Thao

Whatever has been created, is all Nam = Sound = Vibration = Colour
(see previous blog for clarification or see the science articles on how sound is vibration)

Different pitched sounds have different vibrations, hence, different colours of this world. There is a world outside and a world within. Its easier to contemplate on the world within to understand the outside world as one is connected to the other.

In meditation, make a sound, choose any, for example Om, Vaheguru, Har.

Once you start feeling the vibration which is a higher manifestation of sound,
you don't need to make the sound anymore, however, if you start getting distrated by thoughts, start making the sound again, hear the sound and think nothing, to quieten the brain.

The objective is to make the brain sleep while the body is awake, so the subconcious can give us the messages of the core truth that we are part of. The creator is in itself in its creation. Therefore, we already know the eternal truth, how the world was created, what its doing and what will happen, we have part of the creator within us that we need to awaken. But the mind doesn't let us get to the core intelligence within us by overpowering the body and keeps it in his own control.

In meditation, we are trying to gently get out of the control of our dictator mind. If the mind is keeping you busy in thoughts or telling you what you should experience, then your true self is not in control yet. So chant a sound to quieten the mind until, your true self is in control of the session, not your mind.

Once you start feeling the vibration of the sound, you will be enjoying listening to that vary sound that you were making earlier. By engrossing in the vibration, you will get to the stage of seeing the colour. Its like body building, you won't build all the muscles in one day. Its a slow process, so keep meditating regularly. When you think, you are not seeing any results, be patient as you actually are. You will see that very soon, just when you are ready to give up. Request the energy to reveal itself to you. Feel the need for it as a lover feels the thirst to see, feel and touch the lover. When you see the colour, play with it like you would, with a friend. Talk to it in feelings. Feeling is the key to the secret.

Meditation 1 Nanak

Ek Om kar
(One Om - the creator )

Sat Nam
(Truth - the sound)

Sat Kartar
(Truth- the creator)

Sat Shri Akal
( Truth - respectable one - beyond death/time)

Vaje Nad
(Sound vibrates)
Colour is a manifestation of Sound
Rang = Colour
Gurbani says
Rang Ratta Mera Sahib
Rang Maan Lai Pyarya
Laal Rangile Pritam Manmohan Tere Darshan Ko Ham Bare

Method to see the colour

Create sound with each breath
Listen to the sound
Feel the vibration in the third eye and the throat area simultaneously
Drop sound after 10 minutes

Keep listening to the sound
Feel the vibration
See the colour in the third eye
Feel the happy feeling of the colour
Play with the colour
Enjoy the feeling
See beyond the colour
Feel the message
Feel the love
Ask for revelation
The one will reveal itself to you
various manifestations beyond doubt.

I wrote this on the 8th June 2009 in the notebook

What's in the space in between?

I started reading the book "The divine matrix" a few days ago. This book was recommended by a library client who happens to be part of a sect called "White eagle brotherhood". This sect (of christainty?) also believes in meditation.

Sadly, there was a technical glitch and the blog I wrote was lost in the cyberspace. I will try to quote the lines from the books again and hopefully make the same connections between my understanding and the quotes.