Monday, December 28, 2009

Meditate on neutral space

Nityanada explained Energy, love, bliss and intelligence are one and the same thing.

When Consciousness is expressed through
your Head, its Intelligence
Your Heart, its Love
Your Being, its Energy
When it is there without moving, it is Bliss.
If you have intelligence without energy, its curse and dangerous.

I must be searching for bliss and in desperation I cry.

"Sit straight and inhale slowly and deeply
for 10 minutes, consciously drop your identity. You can't neutralise because you are afraid of loosing our identity. So take a break from your identity.
For 5 minutes Witness only the incoming breath flooding energy and bringing life throughout your body, to every cell.
Now forget the incoming breath, for a few minutes only witness the outgoing breath.
Now be aware of the gap, the neutral space, when incoming breath turns into outgoing breath.
Now be aware of both gaps- breath turning from down to up (Incoming to outgoing) and up to down (outgoing to incoming breath).
Witness as breath turns,
be aware of both neutral spaces and completely relaxed,
feel clearly you are flooding with energy, understanding and intelligence, you are in eternal bliss."

I have been practicing this without knowing and couldn't explain to my siblings how to feel nothingness.

Comments on this video are another asset. The latest comment is as follows
"One of my Gurus told me that this is the same technique Buddha use to gain enlightenment.
When I concentrate on inhalation, I feel the energy from my breath collect in my forehead.
As I exhale, I feel the energy cascade down my spine to the root center. When concentrating on exhale, I feel the energy in the root center pulled up as my breath comes in to the heart center. As I exhale, I feel the intelligence express through my crown center. This is truly an amazing technique."

Meditate on 3rd eye

Close eyes, relax
Be aware of the 3rd eye. Gaze at your 3rd eyes, be aware not focused. Inhale and exhale through the 3rd eye.
open eyes, look at the lamp and See as if you are looking through the 3rd eye

Visualise energy showing all over your body, from your 3rd eye.
Energy in the form of light showing from the top of the head, all over your body. You are being showered with bliss.

I like Nityabands way of helping one practice. Accompanying music is very peaceful.

I learn't the 1st three steps from Samuel Sagan's book and the last bit from a Kundalini yoga book. I look thro 3rd eye while eyes closed but I will now try with open eyes.

Lying to ourself, lost the truth

5 minutes - Think of how many times you have spoken a word knowing that you are not going to fulfill the promise.
5 min - visualise the spelling of this word
5 min - Feel the word
5 min - Let go of the feeling, just BE.

Transform yourself
Let life become free, liberated and a celebration.
Live with truth. Try to live the truth. Achieve and radiate.


Nityananda meaning Eternal Bliss. I like this meditation, yet would clarify that the path of yogi who goes to himalyas to meditate is not the approved Sikh way.

May you have intense experience with the God. You are pure consciousness and your life pure bliss.

Guru Gobind Singh's meditation technique taught to his wife

Looking at the tip of the nose
Breath in from the Navel
Bring the breath up to the Heart
Breath out of the 3rd eye

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Maskeen explains the degree of spirituality required

Having the right goal is not sufficient. Maskeen explains that the water naturally flows downstream. To make water become steam and rise upwards, it must be not only heated but heated to a certain degree. In the same way, its not sufficient to have good intentions and do a little bit of meditation. To achieve spiritual powers one must meditate and make efforts of a certain kind and to a certain degree.

Attaining spiritual powers is not the goal of a true Sikh. Maskeen is only trying to explain that the effort must match the level of the goal. Also we must realise that a certain process brings a certain result. In my view, if the goal is to make the body fit, one can surely do yoga but if the goal is to find God then there must be love and there has to be a yearning to see, feel and understand God. Without this yearning breathing in a certain way and sitting in a particular yoga pose is merely a physical exercise.

To listen to Maskeen's talks see the website

Four ages explained by Maskeen ji

According to Maskeen, a famous spiritual speaker, the four ages considered under Eastern philosophy can be explained not only in terms of Time but also in terms of a person's goal and ambition in a particular point in life.

Guru Nanak explains in 'Asa Di War'
Sat yuga rath santokh ka
Satyug is the truthful stage when contentment is prominent in life.

Maskeen explains that within one age, different people are in different stages. When the majority of population is in a particular stage, then that time can be classified as of that Age.

If the mission is to attain more wealth and the person is not satisfied with what material wealth he has, then he is living in the Kal yuga, the dark age. The Age that is run by falsehood and deceit. If the majority of people are living in this state of mind then its the age of Kalyuga. But while living in this age there are people who have a goal and motivation that coinsides with one of the other ages. Therefore they are living in a different age.

Maskeen also classifies a persons age into four stages. First stage is the unborn child in a womb, 2nd stage is childhood, then middle age and then old age.

Sikiwiki explains the following at

O Nanak, the soul of the body has one chariot and one charioteer.
In age after age they change; the spiritually wise understand this.
In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, contentment was the chariot and righteousness the charioteer.
In the Silver Age of Traytaa Yuga, celibacy was the chariot and power the charioteer.
In the Brass Age of Dwaapar Yuga, penance was the chariot and truth the charioteer.
In the Iron Age of Kali Yuga, fire[unfulfilled desire] is the chariot and falsehood the charioteer. ||1||