Sunday, December 6, 2009

Maskeen explains the degree of spirituality required

Having the right goal is not sufficient. Maskeen explains that the water naturally flows downstream. To make water become steam and rise upwards, it must be not only heated but heated to a certain degree. In the same way, its not sufficient to have good intentions and do a little bit of meditation. To achieve spiritual powers one must meditate and make efforts of a certain kind and to a certain degree.

Attaining spiritual powers is not the goal of a true Sikh. Maskeen is only trying to explain that the effort must match the level of the goal. Also we must realise that a certain process brings a certain result. In my view, if the goal is to make the body fit, one can surely do yoga but if the goal is to find God then there must be love and there has to be a yearning to see, feel and understand God. Without this yearning breathing in a certain way and sitting in a particular yoga pose is merely a physical exercise.

To listen to Maskeen's talks see the website

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