Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Emotion is the switch to God and DNA healing

Sick people generally wonder why they are one to get a chronic illness. I have always believed that we choose our own diseases by virtue of the emotions we hold in our body. Happy and loving emotions bring good health and long life and negative mentions bring illness.

Gregg Braden has explained how this happens in his audio book 'Beyond point zero'. He says that emotions we hold in our body create pressure in the body that determines which DNA cells are activated. Since positive emotions have higher vibrational frequency, positive emotions unlock more complex DNA. To turn on all DNA codes we need to have pressure on maximum number of pressure points. Compassion, he believes, touches most vibrational push points.

Greg further explains the difference between Emotion, Feeling and Thought. He says that Thought is the guidance system, Emotion is the the power system that moves the patterns of energy within the body and together Thought and Emotion create Feeling. He says that there is unique chemistry to carry each emotion. So what emotions you carry? How it might be affecting your body and mind?

Following website claims, "The one mystical key to unlocking your full potential is your vibrational energy. Every thought, every emotion, every belief transmits a measurable vibrational frequency. Clarity vibrates at the highest frequency."

Greg says that heart is the transformer made of seven layers of liquid crystal that perceives and sends the signal to brain. This is a great explanation. Most people believe that its the brain that sends the message to the heart and then the heart feels. Greg is right in saying that its the heart that perceives before the brain takes charge of the situation. You might have seen in drastic situations that you feel the emotion first and then ask yourself to pull your head together to handle the situation. Greg says, "Logic must be tempered with wisdom from the heart."

Gregg fosters compassion and suggests 3 codes of blessing, the positive, the negative and the witness (yourself). He asks us to bless three types of people - one's that are suffering, for they created the feeling of compassion in you. Secondly, those who perpetrated the crimes of making others suffer, for they were a part of that act which created compassion in you. Even though you don't condone what they did as right, you must acknowledge that they played a part in that event that created the feeling of compassion. Greg says, "Don't respond in polarity. Bless that which hurt you deeply. Acknowledge them even though you don't understand at this point why this happened. This is a blessing as it helps us change how we feel about it, to allow us to move forward and become available to love." Thirdly, you must thank yourself, the witness, for witnessing this event. He says, "witness without judgement, feeling without distortion and emotion without charge ..."

See the full details of Gregg Braden's audiobook 'Beyond point zero' on

Guru Nanak says 'Gobind Bhao Bhagat Ka Bhukha' God is hungry for Loving devotion. All his life Guru Nanak spread the message to not worry about the nitty gritty of Yoga practices etc, rather focus on loving God and his creation by meditating on his name, singing his praises and on sharing your honest earnings with the needy and by doing good work for the community as God resides within his creation as well as outside it.

Guru Nanak also asks us to not judge others as 'Na ko Moorakh, Na ko Syana' - nobody is clever and nobody is a fool. 'Jit Ko Laya Tit Hi Laga' each person is only engaged in whatever he/ she has been made to engage in.
Guru Nanak is considered the prophet of the heart for he believes that the heart is the central point that helps you meet God.

As they say, "Ask and it must be revealed". In one meditation session, I was desperate (Emotion) to meet God and see what Guru Nanak saw that made him utter the word 'WAHEGURU' - Indescribable teacher / master. In this session, Guru Nanak revealed himself and then showed me God himself in my third eye. Straight from the God's eye two rays reflected to my heart centre where a lotus blossomed. The feeling of emmence love that I felt during this experience lasted months. During this time, I couldn't see anyone as a bad person. I loved everyone trully from the heart, no matter if it was a stranger, a person I previously hated or the loved ones. I trully loved them all without judgement. That was all not by virtue of my goodness, but a result of a powerful meditation experience that generated this feeling. I use to the first person to judge others and was quite proud of this skill. I no longer judge people as good or bad. I accept that they are here to fulfil a purpose and if they have hurt me, then I have a lesson to learn. They have their own lessons to learn that I don't need to worry about. For a person like me who had extreme difficulty forgiving people, its so easy now because of the understanding of how it works and the positive consequesces of forgiving others for my own health and spiritual growth. I do get upset with people but soon as I realise what I am doing to myself, I consciously forgive people for their actions saying "only if they knew a better way to deal with the situation, they would." I also bless them and myself that may God give us understanding.

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