Saturday, July 17, 2010

Life is a holiday, you must go home afterwards

Life is a holiday. You can choose any holiday destination but you have limited days off and limited funds.

There is nothing right and wrong about any particular holiday destination or how you choose to enjoy your stay, as long as you remember that you have a job to go back to and responsibilities. There is nothing wrong with choosing the serene beaches around Woolgoolga, the theme parks of Gold Coast or Melbourne city as long as you are happy with that particular adventure.

Similarly, this life is for you to enjoy while it is there as long as you remember that eventually it must end and you must go back and report to your employer / creator / the God. There is no point in panicking about the holiday finishing soon and loosing your chance to be creative. Relax, its your time. You can do whatever you like or choose to try. Thats why in the "Notes from the universe" the author says "I am with you, but you must decide." Its you who is making the choices whenever there is a decision to make, to give shape to your dreams. God is with you helping you along. If you chose to stay and enjoy a beach setting or go Ice Skating thats Ok with God. Neither is better or worse, as long as you are happy and don't hurt others while enjoying yourself. So don't be afraid of making bold choices and never be guilty of enjoying it too much. That is what a holiday is about.

You have a responsibility though to make sure that while you are on holiday, your bills are being paid for the holiday and back at home. If you are a helpful kind of personality, even during your holiday, you will find someone to help. If you are a businessman, you will naturally be keeping an eye on making contacts to expand your business. We simply don't give up our work altogether or or personality traits while on holidays. We look for like minded people and enjoy their company. On the other hand we also look for people who do something totally different and do it well. We like to find more about how they do it and want to follow such people.

Same goes in religion. No matter what religion we belong to, we don't give-up our natural traits - anger, greed, lust, attachment and ego. We all look for people who are better at managing these problems and want to follow them. We aren't impressed by the preachers, we like to see 'how to' do something in action, that's the way we learn. So if you are thinking of preaching your religion to your kids, forget it. They will only do what you do. They have been watching you since birth. So don't be a hypocrite, it won't work in your favour.

The only way I have found to manage my natural traits is by knowing myself. I think Jesus said, "Know Thyself". To know myself, I need time with myself. Meditation is the best time to know myself - my feeling and my body. Knowing your body helps understand your feelings.

So sit in a comfortable posture and close your eyes.
Watch your breath. Observe how you are breathing. Is it rapid or slow, shallow or deep, light or heavy?
Did you note that you have a big white vertical tunnel going right through the middle of the body?
Try travelling up and down in this tunnel with each breath. Its a great game.
Nobody told you that inside your body is a big playground with unlimited space, did they?
Now you know, and now the adventure begins.

Want to know more? Read Saint Kabir's Bani in the Guru Granth Sahib to understand the mystery of your own body.

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