Friday, July 9, 2010

Experiences and visions before death

I have been in New Zealand since 27th June, 2010 to attend a funeral of a beloved relative. During my stay I asked close relatives how she felt a few days before she passed away. I was amazed to hear some of the things relatives told me.

This relative was prepared for death as she had breast cancer for nearly five years before the cancer spread to the liver. Three months before she died, the doctors had told her to tidy up her affairs as she might go. She use to console her relatives by saying, "My job here has finished and God has other work for me somewhere else." She also use to say "I have come to this place to grow and learn lessons. Some people take a lifetime to learn those lessons and still don't learn them. Others come for a short time and learn many things." She also said, "Everybody's journey is different. In my journey, with my health problem, I have come to learn a lesson and people might see me as suffering but even in that there is a blessing. When I look around me I see people who are going through much more than myself. Life is for the living so enjoy it."

She had asked her mother, "Who are you?" The mother thought my daughter is under the influence of morphine and doesn't know what she is saying. Then the daughter said, "Mum you are a light, part of a bigger light. We are like candle lights, you can make many out of one but in the end they all one again."

On the 20th June, the mother and daughter were sitting in the room. They saw a fantail bird was flying around near the front door of the house. Fantails don't usually come that close to the house but Maori people believe that if a fantail comes inside the house, someone is going to die.

On the afternoon of 22nd of June, She saw someone standing outside the room that no one else saw. Looking outside towards the front door, she said at 6 pm approx., "They are standing outstanding." They have come to get me but I am not ready to go. She was waiting for her partner to come back from India and didn't want to go while he was away. "Where", asked mum. Mum, you won't see them. Mum asked, "What do they look like?" She replied, "They have white clothes on." She said, "I am not going. I am not ready to go."

On the 23rd June, she was sitting on the sofa and looked out the window at around 7pm and she said, "Mum they are out there. They are still waiting for me. They are not going away and I don't want to go."

A couple of hours after she took out her two rings that were of sentimental value to her and gave them to her daughter and said, "I don't need them anymore." They were the only pieces of jewellery on her body.

On the 24th June, she was not herself. She stayed very quite and kept doing things that they normally do. She wasn't asking for food etc. She was in a lot of pain, had morphine pump. She died on the 25th June at 7am.

The first night I slept in the house of the relative who died, I felt very uncomfortable and cold feeling in this particular room. Then I saw a vision of a man with a turban but I couldn't see the features of his face as it was so dark black. I felt the black was representing the dark feelings and actions of this personality, who was watching me from approx five meter distance, as if to judge me or hurt me but he couldn't. I told my relatives what I felt and suggested that they organise reciting of the Guru Granth Sahib ji at there house, in that room to dispell the bad energy of the being that I saw. They agreed and the very next day we started Akhand Path of Guru Granth Sahib.

My relative that died also use to say the similar things, so they didn't find it hard to believe me. After starting the Path, I mentioned this particular dark energy to another family friend that I met at their house, who they said is someone who knows healing and understands spiritual concepts. He told me that such energies also want light but don't know how and we can help them by inviting them to listen to the Path and help heal themselves.

When it was this guys turn from 2am - 4am, he invited this energy and asked him to bring along his friends that are with him, so they can also benefit from listening to the Guru Granth Sahibs reciting of the Path. I woke up at 2.45 am, had my shower and went to this room, did my Nitnem and then started listening to the Path and continued doing so till 4.45 am before I started reading it myself as it was my turn from 5am - 6am. Sometime while listening, I felt like meditating. Since I couldn't speak as the Path was happening, I started breathing loud and listening to that breath, hoping soon I will have Surat / Dhyana inwards and will be able to do silent meditation. I had only started doing this for less than 2 minutes that I had this vision that some fat fair skinned, flatish nose New Zealand Native guy was sitting right next to the Guru Granth Sahib. He turned around and gave me a look as if my loud breathing was disturbing him from listening to the Path and he was offended with me. I immediately stopped the meditation and started listening to the Path. Later on I shared my experience with this Pal guy I mentioned above, I was so surprised when he added that there was someone between you and me, while I was doing the path. He further said that there was a whole tribe of them listening to the Path.

On the third day of the Akhand Path Pal came up to me to say that the particular energy we were talking about first finally disolved at the very last minute of the Path. The first day he invited him, he said that it was reducing in size every minute it was listening to the Path. I never knew Akhand Path has so much energy to relieve so many energies in one go. I liked Pal's explaination that this is the reason that we should always do Path out loud, so we can bring that energy into the physical world. We never know who might listen and benefit from it. I wish people at my gurdwara understand this concept. I like listening to Path or Kirtan while close my eyes and meditate. It helps get into deep meditation quicker and also generates Birha / yearning. Since I live so close to the Gurdwara, I like going there in the early hours of the morning to listen to the Akhand Path or late at night but everytime I come home disappointed as the pathis don't recite loud enough and don't turn on the mic either. They are worried about finishing the Path on time and doing the right amount of pages in an hour to catch up, instead of worrying about listening to what is being read and who is there so eager to listen. On the other hand, the sewadars in my Gurdwara, who do the duty of being in the Gurdwara during the Path are a nusense as they keep talking about the people in the community and disturb me with the noise of their chitter-chatter. They also look at me and wonder why I am in the temple as if I should only listen to the path when the regular sangat comes from 5 -7 pm for dinner. I am not interested in the dinner or the social gathering, I want to hear my Guru's word and be one with the feeling of meeting Waheguru. Why do they stare at me for being with my Guru? Tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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