Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How to Ground Yourself of Negative Energy - wikiHow

How to Ground Yourself of Negative Energy - wikiHow

Taboos for Sikh women

Do you think its easy to pursue spiritual life as a Sikh woman? I feel its extremely difficult. Firstly there are no Sikh female saints like Mirabai in Hinduism who are absolutely crazy about finding God. If Mirabai is to be seen as an example, her life as a saint was also very difficult as people including her own family did not accept her behaviour as acceptable.

What hope do we have to be free like Guru Nanak to declare our pursuit of God? Especially when you are an attractive woman. No matter what you declare about your intentions, you will be looked upon as an object of lust.

Why don't we have any Sikh female Kathakars? Why don't we have female Raagi Jatha in Darbar Sahib, Amritsar? Is there no talent available to occupy those places or we don't accept women to be spiritual to that extent? Its not a question of power or authority, it's a question of the right to freely express our spirituality.

By not allowing women to express and share their spiritual knowledge, are Sikhs approving Muslim way of keeping women behind closed door, in burkas and depriving them from gaining and expressing spiritual knowledge much like how hindus and muslims use to stop them from getting educated in Guru Nanak's days?

"Ae Ree Main To Prem Diwani, Mera Dard Na Janei Koi"
No one understands the extent of my love for God -- Merabai.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The desire body, thoughtforms and their impact

This morning I was very upset upon realizing that the energy tubes thrown by other people to suck up our energy mean different things depending upon the part of the body they are attached to. I woke up a 1.30am this morning and after doing some meditation decided to read 'The inner temple of witchcraft, meditation and psychic development by Cristopher Penczak'.

Chapter 6, I think, covers info on protecting your aura and describes what the intention of the energy thief is depending on where that tube attaches itself on your body. I have known this energy tube being attached to my body from weeks but I didn't care initially as one psychic lady had told me to not worry about small things like this as we are always pulling energy from each other depending on our needs. Since I knew that these cords can be cut by visualization, when I tried to cut it twice, on two different occasions, it tried to attach itself more firmly and became a scar. So both times I left it alone thinking, may be I am not strong enough to cut it yet.

Eight days ago, when I was in deep meditation at the temple, this scar along with the energy tube started to separate itself from me. Since I wanted to keep a connection with this person, I requested for it to not be removed completely. So it stayed at a one hand distance from my body. But this morning I was shocked and horrified when I realized the intention of the cord. I did more meditation and requested its removal and did the Aura cleansing by visualizing a crystal egg around me. I scrubbed it well, removed all the slime on the outside and smoothed the sharp edges with purple colour shower and made it crystal clear again. I later called the person and adjusted the feeling to scale them to a comfortable and acceptable relationship.

On doing a google search on thought-forms, I found the following google book 'Thought-Forms By Annie Besant' which mentions desire-body and its entities on p.19 onwards.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Guru Darshan in meditation

Its interesting to note the connection between the Sikh Gurus and their preferences. From personal experience I can say that when you are focused on the Nirankar - the formless God and his Darshan, Guru Nanak comes to help.

The days when I was in love with Guru Arjan Dev Ji's devotion to God by reading his shabads showing how he yearns for God's presence and wanted to see him and wanted to know what he really experienced when such a loving soul was made to sit on a hot plate and yet he didn't ask his followers to revolt but to stay calm and accept God's Will. I am impressed with his true devotion. One of these days, it was Guru Ram Das ji came and I was surprised and actually said that I was expecting Guru Arjan Dev ji. Guru Ram Das ji was extremely handsome and I couldn't resist thinning about his beauty even in meditation. He gave me a checked cotton sarape neatly folded and sat it on my right knee as I was in meditation pose. I realised later that it was Guru Ram Das ji's birthday that day.

When I was in Darbar Sahib Harmandir Sahib and prayed to Guru Ram Das ji to lookafter my son whom I was going to leave in India to study at Miri Piri Academy so he could be near Harmandir Sahib, learn about Amritvela and Sikh life and yet be proud of himself; Guru Hargobind ji gave Darshan.

Day before yesterday when during meditation I thought how Guru Nanak and his Bani will be automatically promoted when and if my husband becomes the first Sikh Member of Parliament (MP) in Australia, because of his Sikh appearance; and Guru Gobind Singh ji gave Darshan. He was very Gambhir / serious but he waited for me to wish for something. At that moment I first wished for Raagi Surinder SIngh's settlement in Grahast Jeevan with such a girl that he never abandon Sikh life to promote himself as a great singer and make money.

I believe we have not done justice to Guru Nanak and his Bani, overtime I see the name of Jesus and Buddha mentioned in the prominent religious figures and no mention of the Great Guru Nanak, the only person achieve enlightenment and yet not ask people to worship himself but the formless God and at the same time didn't ask people to convert but rather practice their own religion with truth.

Interesting how the Guru that you pray to is not the one to respond but the one that cares more about either the issue in your mind or the Guru that you are remembering. Why would Guru Arjan Dev ji not give me Darshan? Is it because I still don't accept the death of a person whom people made into Suhaga and took him around their fields so they could get rain in those field. I hold Guru Arjan Dev ji responsible for that persons death.

In saying all what I did, I would one day write about how there is difference between Dharshan as an image and Dharshan as a live person talking to you. I am sure anyone would understand that live Dharshan is so much more powerful.

What I worry about most is that my elder brother once said that my Dad (passed away) once told him that there is a difference of Bhagati of four lifetimes between doing Guru's Darshan and finding a place in Guru's feet. How is one suppose to cover that distance in one lifetime if one wishes? I can't wait four lifetimes. I want to be with Guru Nanak everyday, each day.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Raagi Surinder Singh's Kirtan is magical

For over two months I listened to live Asa Di Var of Surinder Singh ji, each morning and one hour kirtan in the evening divan. Everytime I heard his kirtan with my eyes closed, I felt the energy move inside me. These days I feel my kundalini active in the solar plexus area and it became ever more active overtime I heard his kirtan. He sings with so much emotion and when that is combined with the power of Raaga, I feel connected to the higher self straightaway. Now I understand why Guru Nanak said that Kirtan /Devotional Music is the quickest way to God. Kirtan connects me to my higher self within seconds whereas regular meditation without kirtan takes me half an hour preparation before I reach the same stage. May God bless this Raagi with understanding of Gurbani so he can truly display the feelings Gurus have tried to capture in those shabads.