Monday, August 30, 2010

The desire body, thoughtforms and their impact

This morning I was very upset upon realizing that the energy tubes thrown by other people to suck up our energy mean different things depending upon the part of the body they are attached to. I woke up a 1.30am this morning and after doing some meditation decided to read 'The inner temple of witchcraft, meditation and psychic development by Cristopher Penczak'.

Chapter 6, I think, covers info on protecting your aura and describes what the intention of the energy thief is depending on where that tube attaches itself on your body. I have known this energy tube being attached to my body from weeks but I didn't care initially as one psychic lady had told me to not worry about small things like this as we are always pulling energy from each other depending on our needs. Since I knew that these cords can be cut by visualization, when I tried to cut it twice, on two different occasions, it tried to attach itself more firmly and became a scar. So both times I left it alone thinking, may be I am not strong enough to cut it yet.

Eight days ago, when I was in deep meditation at the temple, this scar along with the energy tube started to separate itself from me. Since I wanted to keep a connection with this person, I requested for it to not be removed completely. So it stayed at a one hand distance from my body. But this morning I was shocked and horrified when I realized the intention of the cord. I did more meditation and requested its removal and did the Aura cleansing by visualizing a crystal egg around me. I scrubbed it well, removed all the slime on the outside and smoothed the sharp edges with purple colour shower and made it crystal clear again. I later called the person and adjusted the feeling to scale them to a comfortable and acceptable relationship.

On doing a google search on thought-forms, I found the following google book 'Thought-Forms By Annie Besant' which mentions desire-body and its entities on p.19 onwards.

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