Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hilarious Meditation Experience

On last Saturday I had a funny meditation session. I usually pray to receive the gift of singing so I can sing Gods praises.

After the chanting, in the quiet moment I saw an African black man. Then I saw  3 or 4 different african faces. I was puzzled as I have never met an African in meditation. Then I realised that Africans are known for their marvelous singing. So I asked this African man who had something white on, what was his name. He said Michael. I felt like laughing and asked you mean Michael Jackson? He didn't bother to respond to that but said that he would help me sing and dance. I felt amused but didn't want to offend him just in case it was a serious offer. I asked him to come everyday without waiting for me to call him as I want to sing God's praises in the most beautiful way. I am still laughing at that. Was it really Michael Jackson?

Whatever it was, my throat chakra had the intense burning sensation prior to the vision and also I feel that my heart chakra is overactive. There is intense heat in my throat and deep inside my ears as well.  Throat is lumpy and ears uncomfortable. This got be part of the Throat chakra awakening. I am hoping for the energy to balance out soon.  I did feel this intense heat in the throat in early 2009. Hoping all my higher chakras are once again awakening.

Last night I wrote a few very emotional poems in Panjabi. Throat is also the chakra of communication, so its got to be the result of the combined force of Throat and Heart Chakras.
A Panjabi Poem Ik Vaar Mere Lai Avenga? I wrote last night pleading Guru Nanak to visit my troubled life, for I can't keep Work Life Balance and can't find enough time to meditate or to spend time with my children to teach them important lessons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The poem was very moving...Through simran and with love repeat His Name & He will come..just like He did for Bibi Nanki..