Tuesday, December 21, 2010

KARMA - not just past actions: a profound experience

Gurbani Says, "Karmi Avai Kapra". The birth happens according to one's Karma's. The birth itself here means the monetary as well as other social conditions in which a person is born, the parents and other relationships that he comes into contact with, during his lifetime and the life events are all chosen carefully.
 They are chosen according to KARMA - past life THOUGHTS (including DESIRES and MEMORIES) as well as ACTIONS. 

The past life EMOTIONS (MEMORIES), DESIRES AND ACTIONS collectively indicate the path the soul wishes to take for its own spiritual development. Until we realise what  LESSON we were meant to learn from a certain situation, for our soul's development; we are faced with similar situations again and again. So if you think why it always happens to me, don't see yourself as a victim. Try to ask the question - What is it that I am meant to learn from this? The moment you realise that, you will no longer be handling that problem again in life. The soul will move on to the next lesson. Life is not about collecting wealth or status but about your soul's development. This development process doesn't end when one physical life ends. This process continues until the soul has no more DESIRES AND MEMORIES. This the point of Soul's development that Buddhist call Nirvana, Hindu's call Moksha, Sikh's call Mukti and Christians call it Salvation I think.

There are two paths we can choose from, to reach the final stage of our Soul's development. One through KARMA Yoga - by trying to do the right action. The reason we need to do this is that the moment we do something wrong by someone, we are trapped in their MEMORY. Therefore, we are bound in a relationship with them by KARMA, ready to build the framework for the next encounter in this life. If the emotional issue is not resolved in this lifetime, you are set by KARMA to have a relationship with this person in the next lifetime and the next, until both soul's have learnt their lesson and have built enough COMPASSION to forgive every past action and no longer have the desire to either LOVE or HATE this particular soul. LOVE and HATE are both bondages that create KARMA. The second method is by NAAM JAP - Meditation.

How did I realise this? Theoratically I have known this all along. But I had a very strage meditation experience that made me realise this in a profound way.

MEDITATION EXPERIENCE when I tried to get rid of the Karma

In meditation, I prayed to relieve me of any karmic relationship with a specific person. I prayed to settle the account right now.

I do not want any desires or emotions, +ve or -ve, attached to this person. So far I had tried to not keep any hard feeling. Every effort to help this person by sending the healing energy, guiding to meditate etc obviously had failed miserably as the psychic dreamwalking revealed. I didn't want to do shielding for this reason anymore. I wanted a lasting solution.

So here I am in deep meditation and suddenly the energy started rushing straight out from my heart centre straight towards this person with a feeling of compassion. I was puzzled and tried to interrupt saying I do not want any kind of relationship. And why is the energy going out from within. This has never happened before. Every other time, the energy has come inwards from outside. I was worried that my collected energy is being used. Then I thought of many other people that I have grudge towards and thought while a flood of compassionate energy is being released with such force, I may as well give it to other people that I don't want any -ve emotions towards. So I visualized a few other people but the energy just kept going to this person ignoring the people in between, within that straight line. I can't tell what was the colour of that energy. Was it green. or purple or a mix? I don't think it was 100% clear like water, like the colour of the pranic energy that comes from above.

Later I realised that I had asked to settle the score and give this person whatever I owe him. So the energy released in his direction was what I owed, which I would have to give over the years or lives. When no more  energy could be released, it stopped as if there was no more of it left. Then I saw a very grand building that was being built. Next the building was gone and even the foundation of the building had been ripped and all that  was left there was the dug up soil. So I understand that all KARMA has been released and I am back to square one in this particular case. Yes, I feel the equilibrium from deep within.

LESSON 1: Do not take your emotions lightly. Any thought, no matter how small, is shaping your future and affecting others involved in your thought. The worst part is that if you have a -ve thought about the other person, it first affects you before it affects the other person. 

LESSON 2: The soul doesn't see a difference between you and the other person. At soul level we are one. So to heal yourself, you have to heal the other person at the same time

LESSON 3: when you say, "I don't care what the other person thinks of me. I know I am ethically right." It is not enough. The other person's desires are also shaping your future.

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