Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Searching for info on the strange triangle revealed in meditation

 I had a weird meditation last night. I was inspired to focus on a point on the crease between the right thigh and the trunk of my body. 2nd point i was shown was on the left shoulder making a diagonal line and the third point was on the crease on the left side of my body, between the trunk and the thigh, making a 90 degree triangle. When i meditated by saying Moolmantra - one word on one point, I felt the diagonal line from 1st point to the shoulder very strongly but couldn't perceive the 3rd point as strongly.

As I kept going, I felt energy moving  and probably healing different points within the triangle. I somehow understood that may be the 1st point is the Earth point where all Memories are stored, 2nd point is where the reflecting mirror is and the 3rd point where the 2nd line is projected, according to the hologram. The stored Memories create the Karmic conditions and are projected by the mirror on the shoulder, resulting heath issues in the triangle. This triangle is then projected on the remaining portion of the trunk.

So I am desperately looking for information on how the Hologram theory and the sacred geometry apply to the human body. I found interesting Aboriginal philosophy on healing on the site below. I will keep looking.
Source: http://www.holographickinetics.net/octave%20of%20spirit.html

Density 1** [octave 1] Man starts off gullible, totally unaware and an easy prey for many other dimensions to manipulate as he now starts to move through levels of growth, the lowest level is cannibalism and living off survival and animal instincts.

Density 1** [octave 2] The next level man moves to is he has no emotions or feeling, he lives off instincts as other dimensions experience this dimension through his body he is still not aware.

Density 2** [Octave 3] Minimally aware, develops feeling of flight or fight, though he has no control over them, he is still an easy vessel for other dimensions to enter and experience this molecular dimension at their will, now these other forces can experience feelings through his body.

Density 2 ** [Octave 4] Starts to become aware, yet not fully aware of the manipulation of others or other dimensions, aware that there is something more than what has been going on in the last density level, aware of his consciousness, emotions and feelings and what he thinks is free will.

Density 3 **[Octave 5] Aware of being aware, and the desire to be in control of his emotions, feelings and thoughts aware of his free will to make his choices although he acts on response creating reaction. His own internal life forms, this is when the cunning games of entrapment start.

Density 3 **[Octave 6] Aware at times that there are other forces within you and manipulating your thoughts into doing and saying things that are not you. Aware that you want to be in control of you and stop the struggle and manipulation from within you. Now you have the invading forces worried your starting to take control and think for yourself.

Density 4 **[Octave 7] Aware of free will and start questioning the reason for ones existence, seeks answers through spiritual integration and growth, This is the level that other dimensions can't stand you being on, as they start to loose control of you, so they then bring out the big guns, and you come under attack. The attacks will come as they take over a body of someone who is still in a lower density level, easy to control, that person will be the closest person to you, your mother, your father, your son or your daughter, you closest friend, your neighbour, you boss, your teacher, it will be somebody close. While in the body of that person they will intimidate you, if that doesn't work they will manipulate you into a situation that they will set up, if that doesn't work, they will use aggression and if that doesn't work, they will use conditional love, such as, "If you love me you will, you don't love me or you would." etc. This is a final desperate act to having you drop your guard, so that they can gain access to you.
In relationships you will find sometimes one partner will stay in a lower density level, and the other will move into a higher density level, when this occurs it will be represented by a constant barrage of attacks by the lower density level being, towards the higher density level being by other forces.

Assist your partner by attempting to make them aware of the attacks, when one is being manipulated by other forces, they become aware that they are doing things that they have no choice of doing, or they may say things that they know was not them, it came out of their mouth, but they had no intention of saying what came out of their mouth.

Density 4 **[Octave 8] This Octave level is where one becomes stuck in the repeat cycles of time, it represents infinity cycling over and over again unaware why, man now becomes more aware of his independent, individual free will and choices and seeks more understanding of his internal world and integration with his spirit in an attempt to escape the repeat cycles of time.

Density 5 **[Octave 9] This octave level is about integration with his spirit and soul he becomes aware of Lore of ethics and integrity and dealing with the cause and effect of his created patterns, he becomes aware that there is no wrong or right but a point zero, where there is no swing and he is able to observe all games with non judgment, the true meaning of unconditional love. He becomes aware that everything happening now, has happened before and every thing happening now, will happen again unless he makes changes to the past, to change his future, his spirit starts to awaken from its amnesia, he starts to change by taking responsibility for all his internal created realities. so he enfolds space/time and changes the created patterns of the past which in turn change the future.
Density 5 **[Octave10] The last octave level is the awareness of all of the above and aware that they no longer need a physical body, and that if in balance with the supreme creator, the spirit and soul will be free to choose its next dimensional universe of creation. This world and us as humans, being a part of this dimension of time and space, is heading for the end and therefore the beginning of a major cycle that must end as we know it, allowing all humans and others that have reached the ninth Octave and are ready for a higher density level, to merge into the tenth octave which is the beginning of that next dimension of reality

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